If dustin all of a sudden doesn't want to fight alvarez because he is "fed up" then give eddie the shot at khabib over dustin. eddie was tryna negotiate a new deal thus why it took so long for the rematch with dustin to materialize. I don't think he was ducking him in anyway.
If poirier was fighting with one fight contractually left I'm sure his situation wouldn't be so much different. give poirier a fight lower down the ladder if his moral compass now tells him to pull out of fighting eddie. give him kevin lee or tony when he returns later this year
well, here's his version (
“For me, the fight’s not happening – unless something changes huge, (or) unless they offer me money. I’ll fight him on another date.”
“I gave him a week deadline for the first time I accepted the fight last week,” Poirier said. “I gave him the whole week, and he still didn’t accept. Then we talked to the UFC and extended it to Monday for him to say yes.
“He still didn’t say yes, so pretty much everything they’re saying now, I don’t know. I’m not even talking with (the UFC).”
“I had a trip to Asia planned,” he said. “I’d have to really cancel a bunch of stuff, and I would have if they’d let me know in the week and a half I gave them to say yes, for him to get his contract figured out.
“I’ll fight him at another date. But it’s looking like Calgary is not going to happen.”
giving a deadline, working with the middle man (UFC), extending the deadline, not hearing anything past the extended deadline, so he makes other plans for the summer.
then finding out through media - not through the middle man (UFC) that oh no wait maybe it's on....STILL haven't talked to the UFC yet when the media calls you in the morning to wake you up asking what you think about the fight being back on....
my guess is it gets worked out. but it's certainly not as clear cut as "he's just fed up".