Things you do when you eat chips

I'm mexican so I soak those bastards in Valentina.

What kinds of things you do when you eat chips?

I look for the folded ones first, they are the best double the crunch! sooo good

For example with like Spicy Naucho Doritos I look for the most seasoned chips first and rummage through the bag - which I always regret cause at the end it's all plan

Sometimes I take my bag and smash it against the wall cause I can eat the crumbs and it provides a more potent flavour punch and crunch factor per capita

Also when I get deep into the bag I pull out my couch scissors and cut the bag in half to not lose time in the dig - quicker chip access for the win!!

Who does dips

Sometimes i yank it whilst eating chips.
The thing I do when I eat chips is to eat more chip with each bite.

I start eating each chip individually

and eventually descent into shameless full on chip mumching.

I think about all the better foods I could be eating.

I don't eat a lot of chips...
jack off with the other hand
Plain potato chips go well with a sour cream and dill dipping sauce.

Drink beer and watch TV, then get annoyed with myself for eating such crap.