Things to Hit with a Sledgehammer


Gavin LeFever

A tractor tire, while ideal, is not something I can throw in the back of my car and take from home to the gym with me.

I need something that can do just that. I'm thinking maybe a block of solid rubber, at a decent size, might work. I just don't want it jumping all around between each hit.

Maybe I could roll up and tie a bunch of old carpet together.

Thoughts, people?
Yeah I need something like this too. The neighbours really aren't liking the Mordor drums that issue from the garden every couple of nights. The carpet thing sounds practical, rolled up maybe around some kind of tough but flexible core.

How about wrapping some padding around the head of the hammer? Dunk it in a bucket of water and you'd add a few pounds to it as well.
Yeah I need something like this too. The neighbours really aren't liking the Mordor drums that issue from the garden every couple of nights. The carpet thing sounds practical, rolled up maybe around some kind of tough but flexible core.

How about wrapping some padding around the head of the hammer? Dunk it in a bucket of water and you'd add a few pounds to it as well.

and sling water everywhere.

but you're thinking.

as for the rest of you people, slam your fucking brains against your desks until something useful comes out!


i got the carpet idea from one of ross's YT videos. Maybe if I hunt around his site, I'll find what he used.
an old 50 lbs heavy bag might work. lay it on it's side and drap a towel or a piece of matting over it and hit.
What does hitting something with a sledgehammer do to improve you?
The neighbours really aren't liking the Mordor drums that issue from the garden every couple of nights. The carpet thing sounds practical, rolled up maybe around some kind of tough but flexible core.

LOL@Mordor Drums. You big fuckin' Orc you.

Get a couple of those anti-fatigue mats from Home Depot or similar establishment, and roll them up. Same idea as the carpet, but probably a lot more shock-absorption.
LOL@Mordor Drums. You big fuckin' Orc you.

Get a couple of those anti-fatigue mats from Home Depot or similar establishment, and roll them up. Same idea as the carpet, but probably a lot more shock-absorption.

fuck. i was at HD today. i'll have to make another go sometime.
I still wonder if a Deadblow hammer would work as a good substitute, you can get them in similar sizes to sledges and they look badass
I use an old conveyor belt that I found in a junk yard as my sledge pad, so yeah, any slab o' rubber should work.
The conveyor belt piece that I have is about 1/4 inch thick rubber with wire reenforcement built in.
I still wonder if a Deadblow hammer would work as a good substitute, you can get them in similar sizes to sledges and they look badass

From where? I just did a quick search online and the biggest one I found was only 12# and cost $106 before shipping.
I still wonder if a Deadblow hammer would work as a good substitute, you can get them in similar sizes to sledges and they look badass

A what......

On a side note, I need to get going with my sledgehammer work again.

In the boot of my car I have, for the last year or so had the following items;
A sledge hammer
A pair of pants
A pair of socks
2 bottles of whiskey
A box of condoms
A headguard
Some tupperware
Some wire cords (I don't know why these are in there to be honest)

If I ever get stopped by the police I'm going to have some explaining to do
From where? I just did a quick search online and the biggest one I found was only 12# and cost $106 before shipping.

I've seen them alot cheaper in stores, i think 10lb for $20 - $30 if i remember right
In the boot of my car I have, for the last year or so had the following items;
A sledge hammer
A pair of pants
A pair of socks
2 bottles of whiskey
A box of condoms
A headguard
Some tupperware
Some wire cords (I don't know why these are in there to be honest)

If I ever get stopped by the police I'm going to have some explaining to do

I never knew cars had boots...

of everything you listed i think the tupperware worries me the most