The Year of Living Dangerously

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This log is similar to Schatzy's in that it could always use more lolcats.

Deadlift program week 3/16. Successful. Worked on keeping my pace up. Used a timer app to keep on pace with 3 minute or less rest breaks.

Yesterday was DB Bench program week 5/16. Also successful.

Weighted pull ups were hard today. I was ready to leave by the time it was time to do them. Got 25 reps on the pull up bar, excluding warmup.
Deadlift program week 3/16. Successful. Worked on keeping my pace up. Used a timer app to keep on pace with 3 minute or less rest breaks.

Yesterday was DB Bench program week 5/16. Also successful.

Weighted pull ups were hard today. I was ready to leave by the time it was time to do them. Got 25 reps on the pull up bar, excluding warmup.

The devil is in the details....
グーグルのマシンを私にています語っ。 ;)
hahahahah that one above is so bad lol.

分かり難いけど、分かったよ。その文、俺に笑わされた。(笑) どういたしまして。

I said 'it was hard to understand, but I understood. That sentence made me laugh. You're welcome'

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