The Top Twenty World's Most Aggressive Animals (NEW!)


"That's fucking illegal"
Pink Belt
Sep 17, 2005
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I’m back ;)

Here’s a look at the world’s top 20 most aggressive on animals. This isn’t a deadliest list, have a look at my top 10 deadliest animals for that. Also, have a look at all of my other animal threads if you wish.

Humans are excluded from this list.

Ranking animal aggression is highly subjective, this list is in no particular order.

These are just the most aggressive animals on earth, but you can make a case for say number 13 (snake) being at number 5 because of it being so subjective and lots of different species of snakes.

20. Killer Bee

The most aggressive species, killer bees are characterized by greater defenses in established hives than European bees. They are more likely to attack if provoked and/or considered a perceived threat than anything else and attack relentlessly in larger numbers.

19. Pit Bull

Pit bulls are very friendly breeds but compared to other breeds, naturally, they are quite aggressive towards other animals. The young pit bull should be socialized early to as many types of different animals as possible.

18. Cassowary

They are vicious and have attacked, even killed humans with their sharp, spike-like toenails. Very aggressive animals, especially when chicks are present. Right before an attack, they arch their body upwards, fluffing the rump feathers, bending the neck with the bill pointing downwards while uttering a deep booming sound with shaking the body.

17. Tasmanian Devil

They are not aggressive until it comes to food. They are protective over their meals. They may fight and kill another devil that comes in-between him/her and its food. The males fight for the females resulting in many coming off looking like they’ve been hit by a car.

16. Wolverine

These are ferocious animals considering their size. Dominating larger animals during an aggressive encounter at a food source, seen driving away a bear or a wolf from an animal carcass. With combative nature, they are very aggressive when hunting or trying to face down another animal for food.

15. Honey Badger

They are fearless and tough animals. They’re known to savagely attack their enemies when escaping is virtually impossible. They’re tireless in combat, can wear out larger animals in physical confrontations. With few natural predators and ferocious defensive abilities, they’re declared as one of the most, if not the most fearless animals.
14. Cape Buffalo

They can ward off a lion attack; it’s not uncommon for lions to be killed. It typically takes multiple lions to bring down a single adult buffalo. When surprised by a human, they’ll charge first, trampling on, using their horns to gore anything that happens to be in front of them. They’re feared by hunters, killing people in Tanzania frequently.

13. Snake

Black Mambas and Eastern Brown snakes are among only a couple of the world’s most aggressive snakes. It’s hard to put them into separate categories on a top most aggressive list so I put snake in just one title. The mamba is a highly venomous snake and extremely aggressive, actually labeled the most aggressive snake on earth. It’s also the world’s quickest snake. The eastern brown is considered an extremely aggressive snake. It’s the second most venomous land snake (behind the shy inland taipan).

12. Gorilla

They are shy, quiet, and never violent with their own family or other species. They may get aggressive when there is competition between two families and the two dominant males of each family will fight to the death. To show its aggressiveness, a gorilla will scream, beat his chest, break branches, bare his teeth then charge forward.

11. Grey Wolf

They are highly territorial animals, they often fight each other to defend their territorial sites. 65% of wolf deaths were caused by deadly territorial fights. They also often prevail against other wolves or other animals such as tigers, bears, hyenas and cougars in disputes over carcasses.

10. Hyena

Long reputed to be cowardly scavengers. Hyenas, especially spotted hyenas do occasionally hunt defenseless prey for themselves. When it comes to food or carcasses, they can be very aggressive. Hyenas are feared in certain countries in Africa, where they often attack people at night, particularly during the hot season when people sleep outside. They may also drive off leopards or lions from their kills.
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9. Baboon

Considered as the most aggressive primate. When attacked by predators, baboons will often confront them by flashing their eyelids, showing their teeth by yawning, grimacing, making gestures, staring at the enemy and chasing after them. Aggression plays a role in the formation of different levels of dominance. They can fight each other to reach a higher rank among them. The males often jealously guard their females, grabbing and biting the females when they wander too far away.

8. Lion

They display their aggression by showing their impressive canine teeth, retracting their ears and displaying the dark patch behind the ears with their tails twitching in irritation. Lions tend to dominate smaller felines such as leopards and cheetahs. They like hunting for themselves, but they often steal kills from leopards, cheetahs or hyenas and will kill their cubs and even adults when given the chance.

7. Bear

They are shy, easily frightened and will avoid humans for the most part. It’s only their starvation or protecting their cubs which makes them extremely aggressive. Aggression is most often the result of intentionally or unintentionally threatening a bear, its cubs or a nearby food source. The Malayan Sun Bear is often considered the most aggressive of the bear species.

6. Tiger

It appears that there is no set ‘rule’ that tigers follow with regards to territorial rights and infringing territories. Both male and female tigers have been documented sharing kills. Aggression increases when there are high tiger densities for a given area, more competition for food and mating. Tigers yield defeat by rolling onto their back, showing their belly in a submission posture or roaring. Bengal tigers are often considered the most aggressive tiger species.
5. Shark

Generally great whites are not aggressive to humans but aggressive to their prey. Many attacks occur in water with low visibility, impairing their senses. The great white shark particularly ambushes a bather or surfer from below, believing the silhouette is from a seal or a dolphin. They often realize you aren’t food after a bite and swim away, but in most cases, that one bite proves to be fatal. Tiger sharks are different though and are known to stalk and attack until you’re dead. Sharks infrequently attack and sometimes sink boats, underwater observations suggest that sharks are attracted to boats due to the electrical fields they generate and also test (bite) buoys, flotsam and other unfamiliar objects. Bull sharks are considered the most aggressive shark species.

4. Crocodile

The main danger that crocodiles pose is not their ability to chase after a person but its ability to strike before the person can react. They attack when they’re hungry or are defending their territory. They lay still in the water and wait for their prey, then they overpower, drown and dismember their victim, before they devour their feast. Saltwater crocodiles are often considered the most aggressive.

3. Elephant

They are perceived to be peaceful and kind but they’ll be extremely aggressive once they feel threatened especially because of humans. Like humans, they might also easily suffer from psychological trauma. In India, male elephants attack villages at night, destroying homes and killing people regularly. It usually uses its size to trample an opponent, its tusks to rely on to gore an opponent and trunk to batter an opponent into submission.

2. Rhinoceros

They are extremely aggressive animals. They attack out of fear, confusion and panic. They will charge if they sense a threat, which occurs frequently due to their poor eyesight. They have even been observed to charge tree trunks and termite mounds. They’ll easily fight each other and they have the highest rates of mortal combat recorded for any other mammals. 50% of males and 30% of females die from combat-related injuries. The black rhinoceros is considered the most aggressive.

1. Hippopotamus

These are labeled the most aggressive animals on earth. Their aggression peaks when their young calves are present. Frequent targets of their aggression include crocodiles which often inhabit the same river habitat as hippos. But hippos rarely kill each other even in territorial challenges. They’re extremely territorial and will attack anything often unprovoked. Hippos are very aggressive towards humans, they often attack and kill humans whether in boats or on land without provocation. At 30 mph, hippos can outrun a lot of animals in the animal kingdom as well.
I don't know if the Gorilla should belong on the list, I've thought them to be very peaceful creatures in most cases.
I don't know if the Gorilla should belong on the list, I've thought them to be very peaceful creatures in most cases.

They made the list mainly due to their extreme aggressiveness when it comes to fight another dominant male from another family, they fight to the death.
Shouldn't chimps be on there? Or humans.
Shouldn't chimps be on there? Or humans.

I excluded humans from the list as stated in the first post.

You can definitely make a case for chimpanzees being on the list considering they're also highly territorial and sometimes kill other chimps.
Wrong list

Some are here just because look cool/dangerous

Gorilla should not be there, chimp should
Wolves will prefer EVER run away if there is an alternative, are good fighters but only if forced to
Hyenas are not that aggressive, usually they got balls only if they outnumber the opponent and even so are unsure

Pitbull/dog should be higher, we removed from him the self safety instinct basically

A candidate should be the spanish bull, the ones used for corrida

Boar is another animal that once realize you're there think that's seem a good idea try to open your belly
The OP clearly says NO HUMANS.

Elephants are too high on the list imo.

I think elephants are fine where they are. When they get aggressive, they enter a state of increased testosterone known as musth, which helps them gain dominance. They can be extremely aggressive which makes them so high on the list. But the list really isn't any particular order either as stated in the first post due to it being so subjective.
Chimps and killer whales have been shown torturing or playing with the carcasses of other animals so you think they'd get on there. Not a bad idea for a thread though.
I think elephants are fine where they are. When they get aggressive, they enter a state of increased testosterone known as musth, which helps them gain dominance. They can be extremely aggressive which makes them so high on the list. But the list really isn't any particular order either as stated in the first post due to it being so subjective.

Lol, tight ass got owned.
Wrong list

Some are here just because look cool/dangerous

Gorilla should not be there, chimp should
Wolves will prefer EVER run away if there is an alternative, are good fighters but only if forced to
Hyenas are not that aggressive, usually they got balls only if they outnumber the opponent and even so are unsure

Pitbull/dog should be higher, we removed from him the self safety instinct basically

A candidate should be the spanish bull, the ones used for corrida

Boar is another animal that once realize you're there think that's seem a good idea try to open your belly

It's all subjective as stated in the OP. Chimps could easily make the list but so can gorillas. They both show their aggression through fights to the death between members of another family. Grey wolves are definitely aggressive when it comes to protecting their territory, this is why they made the list. And they are known to prevail against tigers, bears etc.
I think elephants are fine where they are. When they get aggressive, they enter a state of increased testosterone known as musth, which helps them gain dominance. They can be extremely aggressive which makes them so high on the list. But the list really isn't any particular order either as stated in the first post due to it being so subjective.

Ranking animal aggression is highly subjective, this list is in no particular order.

These are just the most aggressive animals on earth, but you can make a case for say number 13 (snake) being at number 5 because of it being so subjective and lots of different species of snakes.

ok thanks
baboons seem like some real shitheads.

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