The Shield & Breaking Bad


Prem Fred BMF Belt Holder
Jun 10, 2007
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Never watched either, how much have i missed out?

Series i consider must see ...

Hell On Wheels
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i havent seen the shield, but i bought my wife breaking bad seasons 1 and 2 for christmas, and so far it is awesome.

we have burnt through 8 episodes since the 25th of december, and have been impressed throughout.

and cranston is terrific. i thought he was a pretty good actor, but his previous prolific roles (e.g. Malcolm in the middle) didnt give him a chance to really shine and show his range and dark side. breaking bad has given cranston teh chance to showcase his abilities and talents and he has taken full advantage of the opportunity.
Never watched either, how much have i missed out?

Series i consider must see ...

Hell On Wheels

Highly recommend "Breaking Bad". "The Shield" is a good show but not on the level of "The Sopranos".
BB is awesome. Never seen the Shield. BB is worth the buy or rent.
i havent seen the shield, but i bought my wife breaking bad seasons 1 and 2 for christmas, and so far it is awesome.

we have burnt through 8 episodes since the 25th of december, and have been impressed throughout.

and cranston is terrific. i thought he was a pretty good actor, but his previous prolific roles (e.g. Malcolm in the middle) didnt give him a chance to really shine and show his range and dark side. breaking bad has given cranston teh chance to showcase his abilities and talents and he has taken full advantage of the opportunity.

He also directs some of the episodes so maybe he has a future in that direction.
Breaking bad is excellent.
The Shield is really good but I stopped watching after 3 seasons or something.
breaking bad is amazing, probably my favorite series ever. I was hooked after watching the first episode and bought seasons 1-4 on blu ray the next day.
Breaking Bad is fantastic. I'd recommend it to anybody. I'm not sure I know anybody who didn't really enjoy it.
I've been looking for a series to watch lately. I've seen pretty much all the greats and it's depressing knowing that there isn't too much else out there for me to watch.
Eh. I've been watching Breaking Bad on Netflix and like your opinion of The Wire, I think the show is fairly overrated. I mean, Bryan Cranston is an amazing actor, but let's face it; Breaking Bad's writing leaves a lot to be desired.

I'd honestly recommend both The Shield as well as The Sopranos to someone to watch before I would Breaking Bad.

Of the three shows you mentioned I'd pick The Sopranos, Breaking Bad and The Shield in that order. Just my preference.
Eh. I've been watching Breaking Bad on Netflix and like your opinion of The Wire, I think the show is fairly overrated. I mean, Bryan Cranston is an amazing actor, but let's face it; Breaking Bad's writing leaves a lot to be desired.

I'd honestly recommend both The Shield as well as The Sopranos to someone to watch before I would Breaking Bad.

You must elaborate on how the writing of breaking bad leaves a lot to be desired.
Breaking Bad is awesome. As of right now I have it as my #2 favorite show, just below The Sopranos.

The Shield is also a really great show, albeit a bit hokey sometimes. That said, it's by far one of the most entertaining shows I've ever watched - just non-stop action and a compelling series arc with tons of "Holy shit!" moments.
cant go wrong with watching either.

BB is the best series running atm,the shield is very unique in terms of direction
Mebbe try reading the list before suggesting add-ons, yeah.
The Shield is my favorite TV show of all time. Chiklis, Goggins and company have so many great scenes together.