The Rubber Guard and High Guard have endless possibilites...

Matt Thornton

Amateur Fighter
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
Seriously. If you guys haven't started learning rubber guard and high guard, learn this shit immediately. I hear some people complain that they're not flexible enough. Then GET FLEXIBLE! Is "I'm not fast enough to do an armbar" a good excuse? No. So then why should flexibility be an okay reason to completely miss out on such a great control point?

If I've learned one thing about playing from the top in guard, it's that posture is everything. Once you have your hands in a safe spot, keeping posture eliminates any possibilities of the bottom man getting a submission. RUBBER GUARD AND HIGH GUARD ATTACK THIS.

The other thing rubber and high guard work well against is when guys "hide" in your guard; they hide their face in your abs and bring their hands to their neck, so that you have nothing. High guard and rubber guard make this a bad position for them.

Break the guy's posture, and you have so much available. Typically I go for a New York to triangle, because it's almost inescapable. But the high guard (which is different from rubber guard) is a great set up for arm bars, into sweeps.

Just sitting here thinking about it, I bet if I went into a rubber guard, because his hand is forced on the mat, I could easily go for a kimura. I'll try it tonight.

Stretch more often, and seriously get good with rubber guard. It has only helped me since I've started using it. I've turned my guard from a defensive position to an offensive one. I'm easily able to break my partner's posture and tie up his arms, leaving him pretty much trapped. I won't even go into how good this is for MMA, when you can start hitting him. Using rubber guard, I actually came ridiculously close to hitting an omoplata last night. If I had trained that move, as opposed to just glancing at it in a book, I'm confident I would have finished it.

Just thought I'd share that with you. Pick up Eddie Bravo's book, and learn rubber guard. Seriously. The more people we have doing it, the further we can advance rubber and high guard. I'm working on inventing my own setups and moves with it.

The only thing you need to be careful of is not to get too lazy with the rubber guard. Some guys who I roll with, who are beginners, like to roll full force (which I have no problem doing, but they really wind themselves), like it's a fight. I'll get lazy with a rubber guard, and they'll pull themselves out of it. So just be careful of that; it's a strong position, but you need to hold on to it firmly.

Need a quick explanation on how to do rubber guard? Alright.

Step 1: He's posturing up in your guard, with his head high and his hands on your hips. Open your guard.

Step 2: QUICKLY from your opened guard, reach up, and bear hug him around his arms, and lean back, bringing him down on top of you, thus breaking his posture.

Step 3: With him down on the mat, keep him there by bringing your more flexible leg (usually this is your non-dominant side; I'm a righty so my left leg is more flexible) up to the back of his neck with the aid of your hands. Grip around your ankle, so that now you have an opened guard, while grabbing onto your ankle that is on his neck.

Step 4: He shouldn't be able to posture up now, but you want to prevent him from escaping the back door. If you don't have it already, you need to work an OVERHOOK on the same side of the leg that is over his neck, holding him down. If you have an underhook, just try to punch your arm through for an overhook.

Step 5: You now have what's called "Mission Control." He's totally unable to move in any direction, and he's at your mercy. From here you can work mainly triangles and omoplatas, but there's still more to be discovered with rubber guard.


This is a more simple technique. Just climb your guard up. Your legs are crossed at his hips, so work on climbing them up until your legs are around his body, under his arms, but your ankles are crossed at the base of his neck/spine (just around the shoulderline). This stops him from posturing up, and it also prevents him from pulling his arms out, if you wanted to go for an armbar.

Have fun, and good luck! And let me know if you came up with any new moves.


Eddie Bravo doing the rubber guard (this is before working for the underhook)


This is a variation of the rubber guard called "New York." I like to go for this every time I have rubber guard. It's great for setting up triangles.
ah nvm, they didnt show up on my comp yet ~~
hear so much bout this stuff lately...
might give it a try.
Yeah, sorry, I edited it and added some pics. Definitely give it a try. It's improved my guard game so much. It adds so much to your arsenal. I mean obviously I'm not saying to get rid of all the other guard techniques. But adding this stuff to it is great. And I've never rolled with someone who's just "too strong" for rubber guard. I'm a 155er and I hold down 185 pounders (this is their fighting weight, by the way) with this without any problem.
So your rubberman now ehh? I need help with breaking my opponent down when he has his back straight and posture up. What is the flexible thing to do?
very nice bro.... ive been working the rubber guard for some time as well. I need eddie's new book *sighs*
Dominic Kihlstrand said:
So your rubberman now ehh? I need help with breaking my opponent down when he has his back straight and posture up. What is the flexible thing to do?

Like I said in my long ass post which I don't blame you if you didn't read it entirely through.

If he's postured up with his hands on your hips, open your guard, and sit up, and bear hug him, trapping his arms to his body. Now just fall backwards. Works every time for me.
pitviper259 said:
very nice bro.... ive been working the rubber guard for some time as well. I need eddie's new book *sighs*

Definitely invest the 11 dollars. I am such an instructional junkie. Barely any of the moves I used weren't learned from instructionals. I like to take stuff from anywhere I can get it and just progressively add it into my arsenal, then spend the majority of my time at the gym sparring and rolling. It's made me progress REALLY fast.
Iceman5592 said:
Like I said in my long ass post which I don't blame you if you didn't read it entirely through.

If he's postured up with his hands on your hips, open your guard, and sit up, and bear hug him, trapping his arms to his body. Now just fall backwards. Works every time for me.

AH Damnit. Crap Crap bad. And whats worse is you didnt even flame me for it.

Well kudos and thank you for the move, it will be quite usefull now that i think about it, AND for the total pwnage.

Dominic Kihlstrand : 0
Iceman5592 : 344583468397 (give or take 500 for the pwnage.)
Dominic Kihlstrand said:
AH Damnit. Crap Crap bad. And whats worse is you didnt even flame me for it.

Well kudos and thank you for the move, it will be quite usefull now that i think about it, AND for the total pwnage.

Dominic Kihlstrand : 0
Iceman5592 : 344583468397 (give or take 500 for the pwnage.)

Lol. No problem. It's fine. I got excited and really went off about the rubber guard. It's easy to miss stuff here and there.
It seems very easy to get a omaplata from this position. I have worked rubber guard just to hold my opponent at bay, and it works great for getting position to take the back.
Iceman5592 said:
Like I said in my long ass post which I don't blame you if you didn't read it entirely through.

If he's postured up with his hands on your hips, open your guard, and sit up, and bear hug him, trapping his arms to his body. Now just fall backwards. Works every time for me.

I've been meaning to try it out for the last two weeks but I haven't been able to get any of the blue belts in my full guard. I usually end up getting side control or half guard.

Last night I did it on a guy (it was his first class, but I doubt this because he knew all the names of these techniques and was trying to chicken wing and neck crank shit) and when I had him in mission control he was like "finish the triangle already" so I was like wtf? I overhooked his arm and grabbed his other wrist pushing it back but I lost the triangle because he stacked me, so I need to work on that a bit =\.

It was fun though because I am 6'3 220lb doing some crazy flexible shit I Love it. Also the half-guard shit is sweet!!!!!!!! I actually tapped out somebody just from the lockdown. Sadly this one blue belt has caught on so old school won't work on him anymore, now I am trying to develop the twist back but it's so damn hard to pull off for some reason. I can do it easily on my sister when we roll but when I tried it last night it would not work.

Now I am going to start practicing THE TWISTER!!!!!!!!

Sorry, Eddie Bravo makes me excited
It is in "Jiu Jitsu Unleashed" rite?
Iceman5592 said:
Seriously. If you guys haven't started learning rubber guard and high guard, learn this shit immediately. I hear some people complain that they're not flexible enough. Then GET FLEXIBLE! Is "I'm not fast enough to do an armbar" a good excuse? No. So then why should flexibility be an okay reason to completely miss out on such a great control point?
Do you know what you are talking about? "I'm not fast enough to do an armbar"? Who told you armbar or anything in BJJ is about being fast? Do you know what you are implying when writing: "GET FLEXIBLE"? Do you know how flexible you have to be to work good (not at it's best) the rubber guard, not even talking about pulling "gogoplata" (Eddie's version) or the "invisible collar"? Are you a master of open guard already? Get there with a good blue belt and see if you can get him in your guard! Learn the basics and then (if you don't think that the "traditional" no gi game of the champions Roger, Marcelo, Leo, Jacare etc. works) try stuff like rubber guard.
Daymn, I hate the day when Royler had the worst day of his life!
Hmm.. I don't know. I kinda disagree that it should be learnt ASAP. Most of the guys where I train try to master the basics before working with rubber guards and shit.
I agree,

High Guard, lock out one of the shoulders, armbar/ flower sweeps combos!!!

Rubber Guard traingle choke set-ups!!!!!!!

Eddie Bravo's Book is a must buy!!! Half Guard sweeps!!!
I'm only adding it to my arsenal not overriding the basic traditional fundamentals. And BJJ isn't about speed and strength. It's about timing and technique.
Without the rubber guard my submissions from the guard would go down by at least 70%.

I play rubber guard everyday and I'm constantly tweaking it and revamping it.

Wait til my next book comes out with the new variations, the rubber guard is getting crazier.
eddie...can u recomend ne stretching techniques??