Opinion The Return of the two party systems, Democrat Party versus Progressive Party


Blue Belt
Jul 2, 2024
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When the Trump Magat party fails again, i predict the movement will fracture and make any semblance of a Conservative Party emerging to any success, near impossible for a decade or more. The Magats will not support any attempt to gain their votes without another Trump like leader doubling down on hate and division, and the rest of the Conservatives will not support the repeat of groundhog day, pushing clear predictable loss after clear predictable loss.

Meanwhile on the Center and to the Left, drunk on the power they are being given by a fractured right, the Progressive movement, emboldened by an increasing voting demographic shift, and the Center, Corporate Democrats increasingly becoming the home for many prior small C conservatives, will increasingly divide as the Progressives demand an ever left leaning platform, that would alienate those newly drawn in Dem voters.

So my prediction (being captured here for the ages) is that within 2 or 3 election cycles we will see the 2 Party system reestablished with Dem party moving Right/Center/Right, representing more corporate democrats and those who would consider themselves Small C conservatives, and an increasing strength Progressive Party, lead by someone like AOC, or a new emerging star, who cannot accept the more centralist/corporatist Dem position, and feels more emboldened by the demographics to split.

I think your scenario is unlikely.

If the Republican party dies, I think it will be more likely that a new conservative party gets created than the Democratic party taking a sudden hard shift right.

It's not unheard of though for parties to change alignment. The Democratic party took a hard left turn during the Great Depression/New Deal.
Can't post image so I will leave this quote from Paulie Walnuts

"It's like an add for a weight loss center.

Before and WAY before."

If you look at trends and then look at Europe and their elections and general placement of the left/right political spectrum, then couple in the effects of mass migration and extreme amounts of elite campaign funding and intentional relocation of migrants to swing states it all points to a future of the following choices

[ ] Left (possibly masquerading under a different name but functioning politically as what would have originally been classed as either Democrat or somewhere between Democrat and Socialist)

[ ] Even farther left

Never underesrimate the use of the "illusion of choice" political tactic. That is a go to tool for those seeking power and control, and has been for a long long time.
I think your scenario is unlikely.

If the Republican party dies, I think it will be more likely that a new conservative party gets created than the Democratic party taking a sudden hard shift right.

It's not unheard of though for parties to change alignment. The Democratic party took a hard left turn during the Great Depression/New Deal.
I just do not think it will be possible for a long time for a true Right party to consolidate because i think the Magats will take their ball and stay home, if whatever forms on the right, is not as extreme or more extreme than Trump is. The Magat's will need a lot of time to soak in the loss and accept it and any attempts to draw them back in to supporting a more Right/Center/Right, party will be rejected.

That leaves the Corporate Dems to shift slightly more right (not a lot) to try and pick up the remaining small C conservatives, who would prefer that to seeing a truly Progressive agenda coming in.
I just do not think it will be possible for a long time for a true Right party to consolidate because i think the Magats will take their ball and stay home, if whatever forms on the right, is not as extreme or more extreme than Trump is. The Magat's will need a lot of time to soak in the loss and accept it and any attempts to draw them back in to supporting a more Right/Center/Right, party will be rejected.

That leaves the Corporate Dems to shift slightly more right (not a lot) to try and pick up the remaining small C conservatives, who would prefer that to seeing a truly Progressive agenda coming in.

I don't really see that happening.

Now I'm not saying MAGA won't decide the GOP isn't good enough for them and screech "THAT'S IT! WE'RE STARTING OUR OWN PARTY WITH BLACKJACK AND HOOKERS!"

But if that went down, we'd end up in a 3 party situation where depending on the split of congress at any given time, Republicans would have to form a coalition with MAGA or Democrats to get any legislation passed.

That's kind of already happening right now if you've been following the House of Reps.
This reads like some of the unhinged fanfiction I've seen on Reddit. None of that is happening. Maybe if California was the entire United States. Both parties are here to stay.
What a bloviating mess you have here TS. Whining like a female about hate and division while also being hateful and divisive. Look, I think Trump is gay too, but not as gay as you.
Trump is clearly not gay. He only sexually assaults women
The "party of the past" slogan is making a come back.
I think it is more likely to just be rebooted.
I think it is more likely to just be rebooted.
Which? The 'Republican Party' or a new version of the 'Magat Party'?

My thesis is that it will take magats years, maybe decades to be willing to abandon the politics of hate, xenophobia and racism. That genie is not being put back in the bottle even in the event of another Trump loss, and big losses in Congress. That if a movement pushes a 'NEW GOP', based on the principles of Ronald Reagan, that Magats will reject it and just stay home. They will demand the party try to push on along the Trump path, but with no Trump like leader, it will become increasingly fringe.

So you have an increasingly fringe Magat party struggling for years or a New GOP who cannot get support of the 30% of the right (Magats) and thus is also fringe.

I see no quick path for 'New Republican' party, but think the Corporate Dem party shifting just more right, into Reagan territory could gain those old GOP voters, and push out the Progressives, whom they have never wanted in their tent to begin with.
Which? The 'Republican Party' or a new version of the 'Magat Party'?

My thesis is that it will take magats years, maybe decades to be willing to abandon the politics of hate, xenophobia and racism. That genie is not being put back in the bottle even in the event of another Trump loss, and big losses in Congress. That if a movement pushes a 'NEW GOP', based on the principles of Ronald Reagan, that Magats will reject it and just stay home. They will demand the party try to push on along the Trump path, but with no Trump like leader, it will become increasingly fringe.

So you have an increasingly fringe Magat party struggling for years or a New GOP who cannot get support of the 30% of the right (Magats) and thus is also fringe.

I see no quick path for 'New Republican' party, but think the Corporate Dem party shifting just more right, into Reagan territory could gain those old GOP voters, and push out the Progressives, whom they have never wanted in their tent to begin with.
The republican party. It will probably just normalise again.

MAGATS I think they would splinter off into parts or their own group and would see it as the start of the usa becoming more than a two party system, which could actually have a positive knock on effect if others do the same thing.

I think maga is very reliant on being parasitic/symbiotic in nature that they need to latch onto another party.