Social The reason why you dont have beard

I do. But I shave it off completely when it becomes too much maintenance and then just let it grow again.
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I got shitty beard genes
gotta grow for months just to look like shit
people on the fam say it is the native genes.
I never have to worry about going bald and was born with a head of hair both my kids too
but I do time from time want a cholo stadium but it looks like rat hair lol
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As the Spartans said "A beard and long hair make a good looking man more handsome and an ugly one more dangerous".
I started to at various points and gfs always hated it and hinted I would get more pussy if I shaved it off. Now it's because I already have to wear a lot of ppe and if I had a beard I'd have to add a beard cover to that and my work environment is hot as a motherfucker. I think beards are cool tho.
I have before a few times, during Covid lock downs… & couple times as a kid younger dude.
Can’t do it with current work.. frowned upon.
I grow facial hair fairly fast, & a maintained shadow mild beard looks okay on me.
Full beard on me…, (I’ve done something closer to this during Covid lockdowns & a time before). Lol not my best look. ;)

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I can't unsee pre-op Croddie Hottie.

dont have a weak chin, have a strong jawline and no neck fat. Also have great teeth, so i dont want to distract from that.
That's not how it works. That's like a girl saying she's so attractive she doesn't wear make up. Except they're just lying because they still use some it's just subtle.
Also if I grew one now it would age me by like 10 years. My stubble is gray as fuck now.