The PR Thread!

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30 lbs increase in bench is good work. Do you think you were going too light before?

Nope. I jsut started working out again in the beginning of the summer and just tested that a couple days ago. It was harder to push up 165 then it was for me to push up 195 later. It was kinda funny cauze I was gunna stop bench and switch to barbell press if I didnt hit a new PR.
645x1 (+12.75lb PR)

There, a nice...round number.
Screw being round, thats a fucking beastly number. Nice work Lusst!
nice work lusst.....

Finally Closed the #2!!!!...well with my right hand...left is almost there
Back squat 360x1, 6.25lbs PR. Went up easier to.
DL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 405X1 @ 185lbs. goddamn i'm so happy. i know its no big deal for most people but i'm thrilled and actually relieved. i've been stuck and sore for awhile, but finally 400lbs is mine. next up, 500. i wonder if that's good enough to get into st wilhelms?
DL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 405X1 @ 185lbs. goddamn i'm so happy. i know its no big deal for most people but i'm thrilled and actually relieved. i've been stuck and sore for awhile, but finally 400lbs is mine. next up, 500. i wonder if that's good enough to get into st wilhelms?

great job....405 is a great milestone
DL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 405X1 @ 185lbs. goddamn i'm so happy. i know its no big deal for most people but i'm thrilled and actually relieved. i've been stuck and sore for awhile, but finally 400lbs is mine. next up, 500. i wonder if that's good enough to get into st wilhelms?

Do YOU feel it is good enough?
DL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 405X1 @ 185lbs. goddamn i'm so happy. i know its no big deal for most people but i'm thrilled and actually relieved. i've been stuck and sore for awhile, but finally 400lbs is mine. next up, 500. i wonder if that's good enough to get into st wilhelms?

405 DL is a huge deal for anyone. Nice work. And there is no minimum requirement, you just need to buy the shirt (although I believe the lightest deadlift posted was 350).
405x1 Back Squat @ 169 Bodyweight
(+10lb PR)

- It was a little high, but I'll take it.

That's not the bottom of your squat, is it?

What do you mean? Are you asking me if that's the lowest I can go? If that's the question, then no, I went lower when I was doing the olympic squat (both front and back) for a while. When I did that, it was hamstrings to calves, using the high bar position and a close stance.
What do you mean? Are you asking me if that's the lowest I can go? If that's the question, then no, I went lower when I was doing the olympic squat (both front and back) for a while. When I did that, it was hamstrings to calves, using the high bar position and a close stance.

He meant on the "PR" squat.
Chill out. We just noticed that in that picture you're way above legal depth. Assuming you went below parallel either before or after that was taken than it's fine.
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