The Opiod Epidemic

i tried opiate 4x and threw up before anything hit me. so fun. save me..
Are there any modern rappers that use clear vocabulary and actually have a message?

Hopsin was pretty good before actually got popular.

Well, not many are going for grammatical consistency, completely. As for the message, a ton. El-P, Run the Jewels, Logic (until his last album and mixtape imho), J Cole, Kendrick, Lupe, etc.

This song, it takes multiple listens to unpack a lot of the grammatical tricks he employs.

And here is Aesop. I dont know if you would praise his grammar, but it's undeniable that he has extreme skill with our language, while saying something often obscured

And here is Run The Jewels just telling a really good story.
Hard drug use in general, not just opioid is a huge issue, even in small towns like where I live.

I would argue Marijuana is a gate way drug but not the way DARE tries to push it and shit.

It's a gateway in the sense that alcohol can be a gateway to other shit. IE, you start using it if it's illegal in your area then you're buying pot from a dude that also hawks other shit and pressures you into trying shitty, well, shit.

It's not the classical BS "they can't get high on pot so they try heroin" it's the "hey, I have some of this other stuff, wanna try it?" sorta gateway shit.
Would it be heartless to suggest that we ramp up incarceration of people caught with opiods? Or would the sarcasm not be obvious enough?
Would be rational to suggest that we go after doctors who supply 30-120 day scripts for broken toes?
Stop prescribing them.
People do not need synthetic heroin to recover from surgery.

I thinks it's more of a time limit thing. There is a certain amount of time a person can use opium before you have created a habit. That time probably varies based on how prone to addiction a person is.
Would be rational to suggest that we go after doctors who supply 30-120 day scripts for broken toes?

On top of that because it definitely needs to happen, would it be rational to tell people to take some personal responsibility and not abuse their prescription as well.
Would be rational to suggest that we go after doctors who supply 30-120 day scripts for broken toes?

Doctors don't abuse the medication. Patients abuse the medication.

Don't take me too seriously, I just find the response to the opiod epidemic such a contrast to other previous and current drug epidemics that I can't stop myself from poking at it.
On top of that because it definitely needs to happen, would it be rational to tell people to take some personal responsibility and not abuse their prescription as well.
People are dumb. Doctors should know better. That's the point.
On top of that because it definitely needs to happen, would it be rational to tell people to take some personal responsibility and not abuse their prescription as well.
Many people take their meds as directed, i.e. not abusing them, and become addicted.
Would be rational to suggest that we go after doctors who supply 30-120 day scripts for broken toes?
Not exactly irrational, but it would have to be much more nuanced.
They should start by disallowing mid-level practitioners like PAs and NPs from prescribing schedule II narcotics.
Of course, this only serves to stem the creation of new addicts. The ones who are already addicted will go to heroin.
The opiod epidemic is in the middle east, and probably the reason people are able to be brainwashed so easily there
Doctors don't abuse the medication. Patients abuse the medication.

Don't take me too seriously, I just find the response to the opiod epidemic such a contrast to other previous and current drug epidemics that I can't stop myself from poking at it.
My standpoint is the same on both. Go after the dealers.