the most annoying part about Brock vs DC


dana hates sunscreen
Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score
another frozen division.

yes, I understand DC wanting to get paid the big money. but as a "mma purist", it annoys me to freeze up another division. dana said they'd most likely fight in march of '19. IF that fight goes as planned, Curtis blades, volkov, stipe or whoever the deserving #1 contender will have to wait until summer '19 to get a title shot. sux. thank you WME and the conor era.:(
The Brock part?
Well it’s not like they can’t stay busy in the heavyweight division, it’s just dangerous lol. If fighters want to sit on the shelf for months and months because they can’t get an opponent that they feel like they deserve then that’s on them.
Holding up what? The hw div has been static for ages
Almost No new blood
Holding up what? The hw div has been static for ages
Almost No new blood

Holding up the title being defended like it should be to contenders that have earned ie, Blaydes. Instead we get someone who cuts in line that no only is 1-2 his last three but the one win has an asterisk by it to boot AND that won't even happen for almost a year for multiple reasons. It's bullshit at this point. One could easily make the argument that Cormier cut in line to fight Miocic They should simply remove the titles, they're worthless at this point.
Holding up the title being defended like it should be to contenders that have earned ie, Blaydes. Instead we get someone who cuts in line that no only is 1-2 his last three but the one win has an asterisk by it to boot AND that won't even happen for almost a year for multiple reasons. It's bullshit at this point. One could easily make the argument that Cormier cut in line to fight Miocic They should simply remove the titles, they're worthless at this point.

well said, sir
Holding up the title being defended like it should be to contenders that have earned ie, Blaydes. Instead we get someone who cuts in line that no only is 1-2 his last three but the one win has an asterisk by it to boot AND that won't even happen for almost a year for multiple reasons. It's bullshit at this point. One could easily make the argument that Cormier cut in line to fight Miocic They should simply remove the titles, they're worthless at this point.
Agreed they should try to make title shots earned......but currently the hw is a mess this is just the cherry on top
The need lots of new recruitment now lhw and hw is all old guys
Part of it . I enjoy it sometimes
Pride did money fights .part of the game
There is no rightful number 1 contender at HW.

Stipe, Lewis, Beyblades, and Volkov need to untangle the mess. I personally want Stipe vs Beyblades and Volkov vs Lewis. We can take future match ups from there.
Do Blaydes vs Volkov and the winner fights stipe for the intering belt while DC gets his retitement money<DC-Champ>