The Last of Us: Part II (Release: 29.05.2020) - No spoilers

Are you excited for The Last of Us Part II?

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She's a thing behind the scenes, as a consultant.

She visited Bioware during the development of Mass Effect Andromeda, and Bethesda during the planning stages of Dishonored 2.

Look at those games, the mistakes were made by the developers, how they were poorly received by fans, and draw your own conclusions.
Lol that’s hilarious. I feel like she’s a fairly transparent con artist yet she keeps hoodwinking these goofs
Lol that’s hilarious. I feel like she’s a fairly transparent con artist yet she keeps hoodwinking these goofs

She's an activist for 3rd-wave feminism being implemented into an entertainment medium she's not a fan of.

Hopefully she'll be completely irrelevant behind the scenes as well, but we'll never know for sure. We don't know if she's consulted with NaughtyDog, but we do know the TLoU director is a supporter of her, and he's a GIANT feminist, and since TLoU2 is guaranteed to be a huge hit they probably are going to take a few more steps toward it being 'woke.'

Because, why not?

Another poster said this is going to be 'SJW - the game.' I doubt its going to be that bad, but I have a bad feeling the minute long lesbian kiss in the E3 trailer was merely a preview.
i think that was the point. the sequel likely will.
Kinda weird that people are assuming that when the game isn't even out yet. Yeah the people are grimy and terrible, it's a post apocalypse setting. That has nothing to do with SJWS people just have to inject politics into everything.
Kinda weird that people are assuming that when the game isn't even out yet. Yeah the people are grimy and terrible, it's a post apocalypse setting. That has nothing to do with SJWS people just have to inject politics into everything. their own trailer.
Lesbians, bro. Lesbians.

Their E3 promo screamed virtue signaling. No one wants to see two ugly people sucking face without context either.


I loved the first game though, so I'm excited on one hand, and very meh (more so) on the other. Naughty Dog has gone off the woke deep, as evidenced by Uncharted 4. What a slog in pacing that game was.

I really liked Ellie's character, but we better get to play as Joel too. Gameplay looks tight!


lol, I just saw this on a forum, asking to name the game<Lmaoo>
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Lesbians, bro. Lesbians.


We forgetting nearly every other character in the trailer is Asian? Seems like there's a bunch of Asians in here to try and catch up to the lack of representation in many mediums.

Also the fact that there's a super muscled woman, who seems like she's on the juice, trying to represent woman strength when it doesnt make sense that someone surviving on scraps, cant be getting the nutrition she needs to maintain the bulk, rigorous training to uphold the physique, etc. I know Im a sherdogger with 10% BF at 285lbs, natty.

And yeah the lesbian kiss, and having a 3 minute lead in.
We forgetting nearly every other character in the trailer is Asian? Seems like there's a bunch of Asians in here to try and catch up to the lack of representation in many mediums.

Also the fact that there's a super muscled woman, who seems like she's on the juice, trying to represent woman strength when it doesnt make sense that someone surviving on scraps, cant be getting the nutrition she needs to maintain the bulk, rigorous training to uphold the physique, etc. I know Im a sherdogger with 10% BF at 285lbs, natty.

And yeah the lesbian kiss, and having a 3 minute lead in, in a showcase thats meant to show gameplay etc.
If they focus on that nonsense instead of providing the best gaming experience they can, Id be sorely disappointed.

If they skimp out on the MP, and push that nonsense................ Ill keep my idle threats to myself cause Imma buy every game they make (cause theyre great).
Asians, and lesbians, and strong women, oh my.
No, I'm still angry they made it.

The narrative ending to the first one was one of the greatest flourishes of storytelling I've experienced in any medium in my life. It was perfect. Greed driving the existence of the sequel dishonors and cheapens that hollowing resolution.

This is how I feel about Toy Story 4. I thought Toy Story 3 was just about the best ending to a series. It just felt right. Also, I grew up with Toy Story and 3 came out my Senior year in high school it was perfect. I’ll probably watch 4 but I’m almost certain there’s no way it’ll top 3’s plot/conclusion

On topic I’ve never beaten the first one so no I’m not excited. I may do a run on normal or even easy mode real fast one day but idk
Not excited, but if I have time I will play. Story for the first one was good, but gameplay got repetitive as hell after a while.
the amount of people who think a game company making their trailer revolve around some stupid kiss (ie: not gameplay) is a promising sign... after praising sarkeesian, no less.

same as the people who thought bfv's issue was 'woman in videogame'
I'm excited for it, but concerned it's going to be 'Woke.'

Apparently the game's director, who's also the dirwctor of the original, is a huge fan of Anita Sarkesian and her 'Wokeness.'

I'm 100% cool with Ellie being lesbian, but I'm wondering if they're going to too far into commentary of social politics.
Yeah, her character was fine in the original dlc too. When it goes to a point where it’s trying to indoctrinate with some shady agenda it’s not fun anymore.

Didn’t the original Naughty Dog Uncharted dev leave and say that her vision didn’t include the female character in Uncharted 4, a strong woman who is like Ronda but without the need of ’the right circumstances’, ready to beat Prime Sea-Level Cain Velasquez. :D
Their E3 promo screamed virtue signaling. No one wants to see two ugly people sucking face without context either.


I loved the first game though, so I'm excited on one hand, and very meh (more so) on the other. Naughty Dog has gone off the woke deep, as evidenced by Uncharted 4. What a slog in pacing that game was.

I really liked Ellie's character, but we better get to play as Joel too. Gameplay looks tight!


lol, I just saw this on a forum, asking to name the game<Lmaoo>
TBH I just can't get into ND games. They're very well made, but I just don't enjoy the gameplay
Agreed. I enjoyed the story of The Last of Us though. I didn't even enjoy playing it I just wanted to finish the story
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