The greatest nation on earth

Well Asia pretty much does make our stuff so I'm not sure why that's supposed to be funny. We essentially trade our printed paper wealth for their hard-earned productive wealth. For the most part, the US' poverty and criminal class is given a better standard of living than that imposed upon the working class in Asia ffs.
Because America saved the world in WWII.

Without us we'd all be speaking German and at least half the planet would just be blue-eyed, blonde-haired assholes.

As payment, the rest of the world has to kiss our asses for at least another century.

i wouldn't mind speaking german.

and blonde german chicks are hot!
Exactly, especially the UK and Russia have a big part in this.

Sadly, Sweden's efforts was mostly to aid Hitler, which according to some contributed to the prolonging of the war. :icon_sad:

you guys were, "worthy" enough for hitler.

guess it was good to be blonde during that time, lol.
We are quite exceptional in some ways, but just fucking awful in others.
A large part of the problem is that we're inculcated from birth with the whole "AMERICA IS THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH PEOPLE IN OTHER COUNTRIES ALL WANT TO COME HERE BECAUSE THEY LIVE IN HUTS AND EAT DUNG USA #1 GO AMERICA YES!!" bullshit, which means that undertaking an honest appraisal of our faults is perceived as being 'unpatriotic'.

i agree with this.

though if it wasn't america that was the most profitable and powerful country on earth, it would be another nation that would claim the same thing.
Probably not a good idea for you to involve yourself in a debate being conducted in the English language if English isn't your 1st language.

Merry Christmas.

Probably not a good idea for you to try debating on my language skills, while at the same time it's obvious that your arguments s*cks.
One doesn't have to be an expert to read and understand your nonsense.

Merry Christmas, mate!
American kids are brain washed to believe America is the greatest country in the world, but it truth its not.

Heres a true story, I went to Orlando about 15 years ago when I was a kid, and I was chatting to an American child who picked up on my accent. We got talking and there happened to be a large map of America on the wall next to us, he pointed at the map and said "where in the world are you from".
10 year old me, could not believe what I heard, and I said "Wales, its part of the UK" well this kid has never heard of it.
Granted this may not be the case for all American children, but c'mon, ya'll dumb.

Wales is not a real country. You need to accept this and move on. BBC Wales can produce all the Torchwood sequels it wants; it still isn't a real country. You might as well have asked the kid about Hogwarts, and what a great school it is.
Wales is not a real country. You need to accept this and move on. BBC Wales can produce all the Torchwood sequels it wants; it still isn't a real country. You might as well have asked the kid about Hogwarts, and what a great school it is.

Btw, even setting aside the fact that the US is the most powerful nation by just about any reasonable measure, there's one other monumental way in which the US pretty much rapes the rest of the world.

80% of our population may believe that Raptor Jesus created the Earth 6000 years ago, but even in spite of that no other nation comes close to our scientific badassness.
Wales is not a real country. You need to accept this and move on. BBC Wales can produce all the Torchwood sequels it wants; it still isn't a real country. You might as well have asked the kid about Hogwarts, and what a great school it is.

The greatest nation, doesn't have school shootings 3 times a year,
does have healthcare and has more than 2 parties to vote on.
The greatest nation, doesn't have school shootings 3 times a year,
does have healthcare and has more than 2 parties to vote on.

Well that settles it then, the greatest nation on Earth is undoubtedly Greece. Good work. Greece, you are hereby proclaimed the acme of world civilization.

The thing is, there are two contrary definitions of greatness. One is "kicking ass," by which the US is the only player in the game; other attempts to play just demonstrate the lack of competition. The other is "nice place to live." Anywhere can be argued for that. With the second definition, you are almost always looking for smaller, less significant places, because the reality is that even a small neighborhood which is affluent will be far "greater" than the mightiest nation on Earth -- if your definition focuses on social services for its residents. Basically, three blocks of Brentwood, where I live, are far "greater" than any nation on Earth by those criteria.
Well that settles it then, the greatest nation on Earth is undoubtedly Greece. Good work. Greece, you are hereby proclaimed the acme of world civilization.

The thing is, there are two contrary definitions of greatness. One is "kicking ass," by which the US is the only player in the game; other attempts to play just demonstrate the lack of competition. The other is "nice place to live." Anywhere can be argued for that. With the second definition, you are almost always looking for smaller, less significant places, because the reality is that even a small neighborhood which is affluent will be far "greater" than the mightiest nation on Earth -- if your definition focuses on social services for its residents. Basically, three blocks of Brentwood, where I live, are far "greater" than any nation on Earth by those criteria.

I go by the quality of living standard.

The scale of the US accounts for some flaws,
but I think many would not disagree that this whole
freedom and the founding fathers is mostly a propaganda tool
for the officals and that most civalized countries have democracy,
even a little earlier then the US.

There's nothing wrong with loving your country,

America is a great country, i've been there a few times,
and thought it to be very cool over there..
It's just a light healthy dose of nationalism which caused
this whole greatest nation thing
Wales is not a real country. You need to accept this and move on. BBC Wales can produce all the Torchwood sequels it wants; it still isn't a real country. You might as well have asked the kid about Hogwarts, and what a great school it is.

Lol, Wales was a country before America started shitting yellows.
I would say the greatest country would be Denmark, Australia, Norway or New Zealand or something like that since those countries are at the top in happiness studies.
Well that settles it then, the greatest nation on Earth is undoubtedly Greece. Good work. Greece, you are hereby proclaimed the acme of world civilization.

The thing is, there are two contrary definitions of greatness. One is "kicking ass," by which the US is the only player in the game; other attempts to play just demonstrate the lack of competition. The other is "nice place to live." Anywhere can be argued for that. With the second definition, you are almost always looking for smaller, less significant places, because the reality is that even a small neighborhood which is affluent will be far "greater" than the mightiest nation on Earth -- if your definition focuses on social services for its residents. Basically, three blocks of Brentwood, where I live, are far "greater" than any nation on Earth by those criteria.

"Greatest country" doesn't matter. Greatest neighborhood, town, or city is what matters. There are places in America that are probably shittier than the nice parts of shitty African countries. There are nice parts of America that are some of the greatest places to live in the world.
I think most the world hates America.

They think were all rednecks that bleed red, white and blue.

While we love our country in an idealistic way, we absolutely loathe all our politicians and the laws and rules they create.

If our country is fucking with your country, chances are most of the people here are in disagreement with it.

where's africa?
where's africa?

I was wondering that myself lol. I have a feeling the original "map" included Africa but the description was probably something that couldn't manage to be funny AND pass the PC test because... it's Africa. So probably just less of a headache to ignore it altogether lol.