The (DYEL Status) Pub

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I actually really don't like kids. Maybe that will change in the future but as of now I feel so damn lucky to not have any.

I was a maniac when I was younger, I'm surprised I do to have any kids...or herpes....or super aids.....
Assuming team of 7, one person has to go...
Possum update, the dude is still there. I think it's kind of making that corner its home. Whereas at first I thought it was curling up there to die (not a bad assumption given they sleep in trees, not the ground, and that it's injured, at least superficially).

I don't think these rescue people are ever coming.....
It's lucky it's not from Arkansas or Alabama or the Carolinas....those back woods bitches would kill him and eat him on white bread.
Found a stray kitten some months ago, fed it, sleeps on my back porch,thought it would die, it lived. It's all fat and shit now, just chills in the back and comes and goes as it pleases. Sometimes I forget to feed it, and I won't see it for a few days,but it always comes back and is still fat. I respect its gangster.
Solid pub.

Found a stray kitten some months ago, fed it, sleeps on my back porch,thought it would die, it lived. It's all fat and shit now, just chills in the back and comes and goes as it pleases. Sometimes I forget to feed it, and I won't see it for a few days,but it always comes back and is still fat. I respect its gangster.

There are 3 stray cats that live behind my place. I buy cheap car food when I go to buy the higher end stuff for my cats and I toss them a few handfuls each day. Now they never leave.

The other day, I went to give them a bit of food and one of them I guess is a girl because she was getting bones by some cat I haven't seen before, it sort of pissed me off, she isn't even 6 months old and she's already getting the D like a little ho. Now there's foungbto be even more mouths to feed.....
There are 3 stray cats that live behind my place. I buy cheap car food when I go to buy the higher end stuff for my cats and I toss them a few handfuls each day. Now they never leave.

The other day, I went to give them a bit of food and one of them I guess is a girl because she was getting bones by some cat I haven't seen before, it sort of pissed me off, she isn't even 6 months old and she's already getting the D like a little ho. Now there's foungbto be even more mouths to feed.....

What a little whore.
Lol Golv. Thats your gif and I associate the guy in it with you, knowing not what you look like, I presume you look like that man.

Everyone else, that's how business works these days.
Lol Golv. Thats your gif and I associate the guy in it with you, knowing not what you look like, I presume you look like that man.

Everyone else, that's how business works these days.

Lol, that that gif shoud be Golvs intellectual property IMO.
Possum update, the dude is still there. I think it's kind of making that corner its home. Whereas at first I thought it was curling up there to die (not a bad assumption given they sleep in trees, not the ground, and that it's injured, at least superficially).

I don't think these rescue people are ever coming.....

In NZ those little fuckers are a major pest. No natural predators means they go unchecked, and cause major damage to native bush. Possum stew is pretty tasty btw, and possum fur is a pretty major trade in tourist areas too.
I just googled a possum, not to be confused with opossum, and they're pretty cute. That opossum looks aggressive as fuark doh.
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