The (DYEL Status) Pub

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Is running extremely fast and lowering you shoulder into someone a better utilization of strength, speed and coordination than twirling around on a bar, pausing for a hand stand, then twirling around again, becoming airborne and doing a flip and shit then catching the bar and continuing?

When we're talkin about general athleticism? Yes. Yes it is.

Were you a gymnast or something? This isn't even really much of a question for me. I'm not even a football fan.

I mean, I guess I see where Jake is coming from too, but I'm sticking with footbal players.
As a sport, I think Australian rules football requires the most diverse array of athletic skills. But I would, wouldn't I....

Those dudes have to sprint, cut, tackle, jump (and I mean JUMP). Throw, catch and kick with both hands. Plus endurance.

NFL players are, to me, strong and explosive without much endurance at all.
As a sport, I think Australian rules football requires the most diverse array of athletic skills. But I would, wouldn't I....

Those dudes have to sprint, cut, tackle, jump (and I mean JUMP). Throw, catch and kick with both hands. Plus endurance.

NFL players are, to me, strong and explosive without much endurance at all.

Some positions in Rugby require a diverse array of athletic skills, also imo.
Please elaborate as to why this is. What are your defining characteristics for "athleticism" and how do basketball players and or football players better fit the description? I have no problem being wrong, but I do have a problem with people telling me I am obviously wrong without giving any reason as to why.

Is running extremely fast and lowering you shoulder into someone a better utilization of strength, speed and coordination than twirling around on a bar, pausing for a hand stand, then twirling around again, becoming airborne and doing a flip and shit then catching the bar and continuing?

I feel like you're confusing skill with natural athleticism. I'm not saying that gymnasts aren't great athletes, but it's a very skill dominant sport.

Look at someone like LeBron James and tell me if you really believe there are gymnasts that are that caliber of athlete. He's like 6'8", ~240-250 lbs, has a 40"+ vertical, and a reported 4.6 40.

Plus, looking at the United States, who are the majority of the top gymnasts? Wealthy white people. Not a lot of diversity in that sport.

Now look at every professional league around the US and what is the makeup of the league? Outside of hockey, it isn't all white people, I'll tell you that.
Dat selective slave breeding back in the day.

I know that everyone wants to believe that genetics don't play a part in anything and the only reason they weren't in the NFL/NBA is because they just never got their shot, but that oddly isn't the case.
Never underestimate how stupid most people are as well as how awesome they think they are.
I don't know how many of you guys here listen to the "post hardcore" genre of music. But 2 of my best friends growing up are trying to make it with their band at the moment. Working on recording their EP, and I just wanted to post it here and try and get some more listens for em haha.

Never underestimate how stupid most people are as well as how awesome they think they are.

I'm the best. Coach just never put me in, his son was the "insert skill position here", bros. I wasn't given a chance.

That's one I hear a lot. Injuries are the other. Normally before college, but they just knew they would be in NFL if they didn't sprain their ankle.
You guys are all fucking wrong. Snooker players have em all beat.

Also fuck anyone who says they coulda made if only... yeah if only you were good enough and someone noticed you.

Major injuries aside, of course.
Some positions in Rugby require a diverse array of athletic skills, also imo.

In his hey day, Jonah Lomu was one of the greatest athletes of all time (IMO).

Edit: I'm a bit late to the party but congrats DrB! Kids are a gamechanger.
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Plus, looking at the United States, who are the majority of the top gymnasts? Wealthy white people. Not a lot of diversity in that sport.

This is a major component right here. When a sport has limited access, it's unlikely the best athletes compete in it. No one can afford shit like tennis, gymnastics, swimming, hockey, or whatever else. They're limited to rich people, which automatically excludes the majority of the population. Maybe you can play hockey outside in Canada, but in USA, it's for rich kids and people who live in Minnesota. The best athletes always end up in football or basketball, and the level of athleticism isn't even close. All you need is a ball and a court or a ball and some grass. When everyone has access to a sport and the rewards are tens of millions, then you see who the best athletes really are, and it sure as shit isn't gymnasts.
What about Crossfit? Aren't they always claiming to have the greatest athletes on earth?!?
What about Crossfit? Aren't they always claiming to have the greatest athletes on earth?!?

Id imagine they probably are based on what they can actually do. Second place would be decathlon. Now if we are talking potential and who could be the best with the same amount of training, things are different and football makes a lot of sense.

Granted I dont know shit about the NFL combine and stuff like that. Maybe thats actually a much better way to measure athletic feats than Crossfit.
Wait, what? You're saying that CrossFit has the best athletes?
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