The beauty of abortion!

IMO it's only ok very very early on. As in as soon as you find out you're pregnant.
I believe it should be legal for rape, incest and life of the mother but in those cases it would be done quite early.

However you are still killing a baby, like it or not that's the truth.

The whole just a bunch of cells argument is to make people feel better and nothing more. Once it there it's a baby. Women that have an miscarriage don't say I lost a bunch of cells no dig deal.

In some cases do what must be done but trying to down play what it is makes people look stupid in their argument.
If one sperm cell + one egg = a "baby", then by your logic, any kid who's dad is a rapist is subject to being murdered. Even if that "baby" is actually a baby.
It's not. Millions of innocent kids terminated yearly isn't at all funny, you heathen. Unborn children are precious and deserve to be protected.

So do the children who are suffering as we type this.

The only difference is that they're aware of the suffering they're going through.
On the factual note, we need to cull our population and stabilize it.

So Abortion is needed. Your views are not factual evidence an will be disregarded
Oh man you must be right Mr. atheist. Slaughtering a child before its born and then claiming its an act of "kindness"!

Absolutely nothing morally reprehensible about that! No way.

But those muzzies need to get it ammiright?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
If one sperm cell + one egg = a "baby", then by your logic, any kid who's dad is a rapist is subject to being murdered. Even if that "baby" is actually a baby.

So when does life began?

I personally don't believe at sperm and egg joining. However it will be a baby human very soon.

So when is it a baby?

First heartbeat, first brain function?

Able to survive outside the womb, with or without medical help?

So for me first brain function or heartbeat sounds good.

No abortion after 21 weeks.

However you can still legally abort (kill) the baby for certain reasons up till then. And I agree there may well be a good reason to abort but don't try and "sugar" coat what it is.
Lmao at "family-planning choices". Thats quite the plan, to kill the life growing inside you because it would be an inconvenience.
You must not be familiar with the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by religious shitheads like the OP.
I actually paid a bitch $700 to have an abortion. I honestly don't even think I got her pregnant. I fucked her twice & pulled out early both times. 2 months later while I was already with someone else, the bitch broke it to me that she was pregnant. She told me the nurses said to her it was likely she would have a miscarriage because of spotting or some shit. I never verified any of it. Her life was a mess & she drank heavily a few times. I think she did some pain pills as well. So she told me she wanted an abortion & needed $700 so I gave it to her.

Still to this day I'm not even certain she was really pregnant or used the money for an abortion. She already had 2 kids & was fighting for their custody. I think she may have used the money for an attorney. I think she got one over on me, but that's something I'll never know for sure.
I actually paid a bitch $700 to have an abortion. I honestly don't even think I got her pregnant. I fucked her twice & pulled out early both times. 2 months later while I was already with someone else, the bitch broke it to me that she was pregnant. She told me the nurses said to her it was likely she would have a miscarriage because of spotting or some shit. I never verified any of it. Her life was a mess & she drank heavily a few times. I think she did some pain pills as well. So she told me she wanted an abortion & needed $700 so I gave it to her.

Still to this day I'm not even certain she was really pregnant or used the money for an abortion. She already had 2 kids & was fighting for their custody. I think she may have used the money for an attorney. I think she got one over on me, but that's something I'll never know for sure.

If her life was a mess I can't even imagine what kind of Kafkaesque dystopia you live in.
So when does life began?

I personally don't believe at sperm and egg joining. However it will be a baby human very soon.

So when is it a baby?

First heartbeat, first brain function?

Able to survive outside the womb, with or without medical help?

So for me first brain function or heartbeat sounds good.

No abortion after 21 weeks.

However you can still legally abort (kill) the baby for certain reasons up till then. And I agree there may well be a good reason to abort but don't try and "sugar" coat what it is.
My personal opinion is that 1st term(meaning before the fetus is anatomically a human being, which itself is debated) should be legal, albeit viewed generally as alternatives, and certainly not celebrated. That said, I don't consider it murder, and using the term itself in this context is disingenuous IMO.

Needless to say, I think late-term abortions are pretty barbaric, barring extreme circumstances.
Im not an atheist. Kindness might be a stretch but mothers willing to kill their unborn child would surely not raise it with love and kindness either.

Whats morally correct here, having the child in a home without love, abandoned after birth or not having to suffer the pain of that existence at all?

What is your feeling on treating illnesses with a 49% chance of survival?
What a wanker! You have no idea in your black and white world do you?

"You see, destroying the most innocent in society to avoid the responsibility of parenthood and to preserve your irresponsible sex life is a TOTALLY MORAL THING. Just ask the atheist left!"

So it's totally the females fault then?
Let me tell you, almost all females do not want to get pregnant each time they have sex. They don't go out of their way to get pregnant just so they can have an abortion, it simply isn't a minor thing having an abortion.
The biggest reason women end up with an unwanted pregnancy is the men. So many men don't give a shit! They just want to fuck and stuff the consequences.
So many guys pressure their women to have sex without them wearing a condom, goes on all the time. Condoms seems to be an attack on a guy's manhood or something!
Don't say that the woman should just keep saying 'no, you're wearing one.' Guys can and do pressurize females making them feel guilty for not agreeing to what they want, 'if you really loved me you'd let me leave it off just this once,' emotional blackmail.

So the female has to be the responsible parent then? Even when she had no desire to be one.
Irresponsible sex life? No female desires to get pregnant when its something she doesn't want, or something that is not planned. Why would she? To see what this abortion thingy is all about? Why force someone to have something growing inside of them for 9 months and then having to look after a child for the next 18+ yrs if that isn't what is wanted? We simply do not have the right to tell a woman what she should do, that seems obvious to me anyway.

The female comes first imo, not an embryo or fetus. I'm ok with abortions up to 10 weeks. Yes they can be much later then that but they are very extreme cases.
Abortion IS a right for a female, we don't really have any idea what its all about because males don't get pregnant. We may think we do, but we don't.
Also it isn't only the female's responsibility when it comes to contraception either. I know since the pill it seems to of been but it isn't.
Who the hell are you to dictate to half of the worlds population about something you can't experience or know anything about?

The trouble with religion is that it fucks up the world! It has certainly fucked up the world of the female over the millenium. Plus god fucked it up for them in the 'garden of eden' and it's never stopped, if you believe in fairytales.
You really must be very unintelligent to believe in supernatural beings that have had no proof of existence, and never will.
Supernatural beings have never, ever, existed, use your brain! Stop wanting a crutch in life, stop wanting a superhero who will look after you and make everything really, really nice. If god did exist it shows no evidence of actually caring for us anyway, it seems really shit at doing so. If it was real i still wouldn't worship an egomaniac who can do anything but refuses to stop around 19,000 kids dying each day because of lack of food, god is a prick!
You have to ask what would Jesus do? And while you ask it ask qhat he would do when it comes to all of these things.

The poor
Health Care
The best way to prevent abortion is proper, comprehensive sexual education paired with affordable and attainable contraceptives.

But the far-right seems opposed to both of those things.
What is your feeling on treating illnesses with a 49% chance of survival?

Treat it but I and everyone else would prefer cures. For the record my original reply was a bit of devil advocacy. Id much prefer women not into motherhood being more responsible with their wombs thus not requiring abortion, contraception isnt that difficult. However since theyre not its preferable they not have an unwanted child imo.