Economy The 400 wealthiest Americans last year paid a lower total tax rate than any other income group

its a factor for sure, but there's a difference between a narrative pushed in media and the reality of life, I can keep finding examples of that like with the two black guys experience in slavery that doesn't really fit with what you're pushing, and limiting the problems we have in society to issues of race just enables rich people to trick poor people into falling for a bunch of dumb stuff like they have since there have been rich and poor people

The media narrative has little to do with my arguments.
How about a flat tax without any loopholes?
That still doesn't address income inequality.

Billy gets paid $3,000 a month while Joe gets paid $30,000. They both taxed at 10% flat rate. Joe is going to have a lot more disposable income than Billy even if the amount of taxes he pays is greater. Over time, Joe will be able to have a much bigger chunk of savings than Billy, not to mention the investment opportunities available to him to make even more money. On the other hand, Billy spends most his income on housing, food, transportation and utilities. His savings and investment will be meagre by the time he retires compared to Joe, assuming he has enough left over to invest and save.

Generalize that across society, and the wealth gap will continue growing. Progressive tax does not address the core issue, but it certain does a better job at slowing this down than a flat tax. Considering the average median personal income in US is only $32,000, that's less than $2,700 a month.
Not really. Alligning one one item is not a big deal.
theres no arguing black people in US have been fucked over in more ways than one over time and still are currently, that's just a fact, but also white people have shit all over native americans and mexicans in the forming of US too, and within white society there is still inequality, and it's a white majority nation in US which is why there is more poor white people than black people so pretending the problem is just race completely ignores the wealth inequality of a larger group of people and is essentially just ignorant
Mindless sheep see this and think "THE RICH SHOULD BE PAYING MORE"


It seems like people on all the political sides acknowledge government is corrupt and defective to a large extent... but for some reason we think pumping more money into a broken machine is going to fix things.

It's like the moron who puts a dollar into the vending machine and no candy bar comes out, so he thinks "hmmm I guess I'll have to just keep putting more dollar bills in there".

Get a clue!

Both sides seem to agree the federal government is an inefficient mess. One side seems to think the solution is to give the federal government more money and control.

It is odd.
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