If that holds true for future elections also, it would be a trend. At the moment it isn’t. Historically, younger men have voted dem.Not this election cycle
They've been slowly moving right for years and 55% of young men voted for Trump
In an election full of surprises, one of the biggest was the voting shift among young men. They favored Biden by 15 points in 2020 but went for Trump by 13 points in 2024. That’s a swing of 28 percentage points, an extraordinarily large shift in a political landscape where races are often decided by a few percentage points.Why more young men voted for Trump
And the common denominator among those who shifted to Republicanswww.generationtechblog.com
Are seriously comparing the T levels of women to men? lol... Because woman have less than 1/100 the level of testosterone of men. Well, at least healthy men with normal test levels.
Dumbass... lol
That’s not what the study was. It was men given testosterone.
When men are young and producing natural testosterone, they are statistically more likely to vote dem.
If that holds true for future elections also, it would be a trend. At the moment it isn’t. Historically, younger men have voted dem.
Jon jones has the natural T levels of a castrated male. He voted for the first time in his life. For Trump. Biological women who have transitioned to men have massively increased their testosterone levels yet they’re primarily left wing.Are seriously comparing the T levels of women to men? lol... Because woman have less than 1/100 the level of testosterone of men. Well, at least healthy men with normal test levels.
Dumbass... lol
Not this election cycle
They've been slowly moving right for years and 55% of young men voted for Trump
In an election full of surprises, one of the biggest was the voting shift among young men. They favored Biden by 15 points in 2020 but went for Trump by 13 points in 2024. That’s a swing of 28 percentage points, an extraordinarily large shift in a political landscape where races are often decided by a few percentage points.Why more young men voted for Trump
And the common denominator among those who shifted to Republicanswww.generationtechblog.com
These alphas' T levels are definitely sub 100