I mean you're pretty obviously the sort of left wing extremist that has driven your political party off a cliff, but what the hell did you think you were accomplishing by hand selecting 2 policies that they already didn't do when they had the executive and both chambers of congress? What they actually did was open the border to let in 20 million illegals, cut off kids' genitals and let men into women's sports, exploded the homeless population, and hired 80,000 IRS agents to scour $200 venmo transactions to make sure the poors weren't selling anything on facebook marketplace without giving them a cut, and also were the ones who gave the tax incentives to people buying Teslas in the first place.
And FYI, no, medicaid for all is only popular in the first question when they don't have any details, and drops with every subsequent detail they're given. It's like 70% when they're told a money fairy pays for all of it and it's "free" with no premiums and no out of pocket cost, then plunges to like 35% when they find out it's not actually free, that they just pay for it with higher taxes, then down to 26% when they're told it might include longer wait times.