Ten Oils and How To Use Them


Black Belt
Feb 25, 2006
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Scott Kustes from The Modern Forager blog posted a great follow-up article entitled Ten Oils And How To Use Them; his original article on tropical oils can be found here.

My guest post on Mark
Damn...I've been using flax oil to get more calories. Would it be ok to continue to do that but up my fish oil intake? I currently take 9 (180/120) caps per day.
Damn...I've been using flax oil to get more calories. Would it be ok to continue to do that but up my fish oil intake? I currently take 9 (180/120) caps per day.

Scott points out some interesting issues with conversion, but as far as upping caloric intake, using a decent quality organic flax oil probably isn't a huge concern. You could try switching it up and try out some other oils, also. Olive oil would be an easy and affordable alternative.
Well that answered my 'should I get canolia oil'
I'm convinced MIke works for a company selling coconut and palm oil on the side. All these recent articles make me want to get some of these oils, and I'm a huge fan of coconut. I'll just have to see if the local stores have them.

Thanks, Mike.
I'm convinced MIke works for a company selling coconut and palm oil on the side. All these recent articles make me want to get some of these oils, and I'm a huge fan of coconut. I'll just have to see if the local stores have them.

Thanks, Mike.

next will be coconut flavoured fish oil :icon_chee.

Diaz, I'll finish what I was doing tomorrow on your vid if thats ok?

Sorry about the disection. I'd rather put in loads of information that is deemed superfluous then miss out stuff.
I'm doing it from a 'what you should try, what I would do in that situation' p.o.v
Awesome post MM!
I am trying to look around for coconut oil. Im going to check my local WF store again.
I've got a collection of Ironman mag's that date back to the 1950's.
One of them has an article on "Lard Sandwhiches"
They have pics of the old school bodybuilders slaping straight lard out of a big tin can on a piece of bread like it's peanut butter.
People would be amazed at the amount of info that was available fifty plus years ago.
Thanks for this. I've been thinking about trying to make my own peanut butter, only draining off most of the peanut oil and suspending the remainder in either coconut oil or red palm oil. Sort of like the peanut butter companies do, except in good oil instead of shitty oil.

If anyone has tried this or thought about it, I'd be interested to know what you think. I'm really leaning toward doing a mixture of both coconut and palm, I've never tried either, but coconut oil just seems like it would be tastier to me. I def need to hit up the grocery store and see what all I can find..
Thanks for this. I've been thinking about trying to make my own peanut butter, only draining off most of the peanut oil and suspending the remainder in either coconut oil or red palm oil. Sort of like the peanut butter companies do, except in good oil instead of shitty oil.

If anyone has tried this or thought about it, I'd be interested to know what you think. I'm really leaning toward doing a mixture of both coconut and palm, I've never tried either, but coconut oil just seems like it would be tastier to me. I def need to hit up the grocery store and see what all I can find..

Won't work, coconut oil/palm oil are solid at room temperature.
Nice thread Mike, an interesting read. Oils are one of the areas of nutrition that I'm really trying to improve my knowledge on, so this is nice to read, as was the The Sherdogger's Guide To Fish Oil Supplementation. Cheers.
Where would MCTs fit? I have a bottle of MCT oil at home. Should I use it or chuck it? I usually put a TBSP of flax and a TBSP of MCT in my protein shake. Drink half mid-morning, half mid-afternoon.
His opinions are pretty interesting. Thanks.
What do you guys fry eggs in? I use coconut oil for meat and veg if I need high temperature, but it blows for eggs.
Anybody have any thoughts on bacon grease?

That's lard-ish right?

Can I now pretend that I cook with it for the health benefits?

If so, then I highly recomend it to the previous poster for frying your eggs in.

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