Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Because that is 700 billion dollars going to corporations that isn't going to roads, bridges, schools, and HC.

Weird argument. I think we can argue about defense spending being too high without pretending that it's upward redistribution the way borrowing money and raising taxes on the middle class to pay for a giveaway to the rich is.
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Ok so you say how Obama expanded Medicaid then say Trump is the worst president to date. Durrrrrr. How will those people react? Maybe they should get fuking jobs and stop stealing from others.

I like to make baseless presumptions about millions of people too. When I do this, it makes me feel smart.
Weird argument. I think we can argue about defense spending being too high without pretending that it's upward redistribution the way borrowing money and raising taxes on the middle class to pay for a giveaway to the rich is.

Jack what is the difference to you and me, if 700 billion goes to defense contractors, or to corporate tax breaks, instead of to infastructure?
I like to make baseless presumptions about millions of people too. When I do this, it makes me feel smart.

Coming from someone making baseless assumptions about the upper class. I have dedicated my life to healthcare. I see firsthand the damage that Medicaid does.

I just want to live in America where people value work ethic and personal responsibility. Unfortunately the lazy and the regressive left fight against that.
Coming from someone making baseless assumptions about the upper class. I have dedicated my life to healthcare. I see firsthand the damage that Medicaid does.

I just want to live in America where people value work ethic and personal responsibility. Unfortunately the lazy and the regressive left fight against that.

Personal anecdote is not proof of any sort. I've heard from medical professionals who love and hate medicare and medicaid.
Personal anecdote is not proof of any sort. I've heard from medical professionals who love and hate medicare and medicaid.

I wasn't trying to prove anything. It's a fact that the existence of Medicaid and EMTALA overloads emergency depts and worsens patient outcomes of other patients who are actually paying customers. It's been proven through peer reviewed studies but you don't know what those are so don't bother trying to grasp these types of concepts.
shit... i don't agree with most of what the republicans have done recently.... but tax cuts are one of the main reasons why i vote for the GOP
I wasn't trying to prove anything. It's a fact that the existence of Medicaid and EMTALA overloads emergency depts and worsens patient outcomes of other patients who are actually paying customers. It's been proven through peer reviewed studies but you don't know what those are so don't bother trying to grasp these types of concepts.

You were trying to prove it. That's why you made claim, based upon anecdote and conjecture, and attempted to present it as the whole picture, like you did with this last post as well.

If manufacturing returns, which it is around here at the moment, I don't mind rich folks getting tax breaks. Wealth needs to be redistributed through JOBS. Jobs for those expected to buy the things that make the wealthy, wealthy.

If so, why the fuck would you think that? They want the tax cuts because their donors want them. They are only puppets for the people who finance them.




And BTW I'm just as tough on Democrats for this shit as well. If you actually want politicians to do something that benefits you you have to get money out of politics. Anyone who thinks these politicians aren't beholden to their corporate donors are choosing to stay willfully ignorant on how our political system works and how little age of these politicians actually give a damn about you.

Money OUT of politics now!
I'm not sure if you're trolling or being ignorant. Wealth is not distributed evenly across the board, with lion's share going to a small group at the top. As such, they should also shoulder an increased share of the tax burden. Wealth does not equate to hard work. Inherited wealth requires very little work on the person's behalf other than being born to the right parents. You sound like a trickle down economics soundbite tbh.
Flat tax would work fine. Why would it not be fair that everyone pays the same tax rate. How is it fair when companies can Pay Little or no taxes.
Flat tax would work fine. Why would it not be fair that everyone pays the same tax rate. How is it fair when companies can Pay Little or no taxes.

Even a flat tax screws people. Say a person makes a million and pays 10% while someone makes 100k and pays 10%. The million earner is paying 10x as much in taxes. Regressive taxes is morally the most fair system.
You were trying to prove it. That's why you made claim, based upon anecdote and conjecture, and attempted to present it as the whole picture, like you did with this last post as well.

My claims are proven and backed my peer reviewed research. Your beliefs are based on celebrity opinions and Facebook memes. Move along now.
Even a flat tax screws people. Say a person makes a million and pays 10% while someone makes 100k and pays 10%. The million earner is paying 10x as much in taxes. Regressive taxes is morally the most fair system.
Well off course they are paying more. They made more. I’ve noticed as I make more I pay more. So why should millionaires be exempt. It’s ironic that most lawmakers are millionaires. Enough of the bullshit.
Flat tax would work fine. Why would it not be fair that everyone pays the same tax rate. How is it fair when companies can Pay Little or no taxes.
No it wouldn't. Like I said, you're going to feel a much bigger sting paying 10% tax on a $40k annual income, compared to paying 40% on $200k yearly income. The guy making $200k will still have vastly bigger discretionary spending power left after taxes, whereas the guy making $40k will barely scrape by. Why do you think every trickle down economics hack advocates a flat tax? The progressive taxation system is a mechanism that ensures fair taxation burden in an increasingly unequal world. That's not to mention the arsenal of tools available for the rich to avoid taxes, and they're hiding trillions offshore while most workers are living paycheck to paycheck.

Consumer demand creates jobs and new found wealth, not tax cuts. If you keep reducing the purchasing power of middle class and the poor, you're increasingly going to have sluggish growth.
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If so, why the fuck would you think that? They want the tax cuts because their donors want them. They are only puppets for the people who finance them.




And BTW I'm just as tough on Democrats for this shit as well. If you actually want politicians to do something that benefits you you have to get money out of politics. Anyone who thinks these politicians aren't beholden to their corporate donors are choosing to stay willfully ignorant on how our political system works and how little age of these politicians actually give a damn about you.

Money OUT of politics now!

It depends where you sit on the ladder.

Middle class people making moderate 6 figures, this is helpful. More helpful than Bernie's tax plan.

Yes, the corporate elite make out like bandits with lower taxes and the same old loopholes.

But under a socialist tax plan, the middle class would be taxes more because of the redistribution of wealth towards government spending.

It comes down to whether you want to suffer with the rich, because no Democrat has proposed a recent plan that will noticeably lower the middle class taxes. They will tax the fuck out of the rich, but they don't stop there.
Pretty sure he's going to lose the bet, but even if he didn't, one would think that the gap he's predicting would indicate a rather large difference of opinion between legislators in the two parties and would fatally undermine his main point.
Yeah, that point seemed obvious to me given how lame his prediction was too.
Ok so you say how Obama expanded Medicaid then say Trump is the worst president to date. Durrrrrr. How will those people react? Maybe they should get fuking jobs and stop stealing from others.

Derp why dont you look up Expanded Medicaid and quit making stupid arguments on here?

"Expanded Medicaid" is Medicaid that is given to people who already have jerbs dipzhit. Why dont you stop oppressing poor people.
How are you stupid enough to not understand what I meant there? You know why we decided not to import medicine from Canada? Because a bunch of Republicans and Democrats had big pharmaceutical companies in their pockets who didn't want lower-priced medicines in the country.

If you don't believe that money in politics, especially these contributions made to specific candidates is hurting our political system, then you just don't want to know. Meaning you actually don't care all that much.

The lengths you will go to defend loser Democrats is astonishing.
I got you...Hack and his small pathetic following are insufferable. Just remember the majority of people dont blindly support and defend their favorite party like that.