Social Target bends the knee...

thats a lil harsh fall back before we all get labeled
To be fair, We are not allowed to use the "N" word. So we are forced to generalize. Let me know a better term to use for these troubled african americans. I really don't see a PC way of describing this type of activity.
You'll be disappointed sooner than you think.
Should we schedule a session next month?
btw, if you want to donate to my cause, i know a guy who can turn a yellow frown into a green smile. Think of me as dr seuss, green eggs and ham, do you like them sam i am?
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Im sure all the looters care about the efforts they've made immensely. Pathetic stuff, Target. Bravo

I wanted to know what specifically they changed to be less racist, but I couldn't click the article. The tweets alone were all the stupid I could handle.

Fuck black people

You sounds just like this black guy I work with.