Social Sweden. Update: Came in Ferrari - applied for social benefits

Ragnar wasn´t Swedish (if he existed at all).. Vikings were mainly Danish (with large parts of Norway and Sweden being danish at the time)

I knew they were mostly Danes... just trying to be a dick is all
What Rune stone do you live close to? I´m quite close to the Jelling monuments..

Ragnar Lodbrog is most likely fictional (Sagas are not good sources for historical accuracy) But was considered a danish viking King most likely based in large parts on the viking chieftain who led the danish viking raid on Paris in 845. There is 0 historical evidence for Ragnar or Sigurd as depicted in the sagas

Svealand was 1 part of what later became Sweden. When exactly are you saying Svealand ruled over Denmark?

1. Burestenen. Later I lived close to Högomstenen at the Iron age burial-field of Högom.

2 I never claimed the sagas was historical -I made a point of saying it was from the Sagas for a reason, but they are the only records of ragnar there are. If we are going to talk about Ragnar at all we have to look where hi is mentioned. They give him as son of Sigurd Ring. Sigurd Ring was known from several sagas (and apparently had his own that is now lost) as a king of Svea, and to have defeated the dane king Harald Hildetand (presumably 150 yo at the time of the battle, having conquered most of sweden in his youth. Sigurd killed him with the aid of Oden -Sagas you know) at the battle of Bråvalla somewhere around 750-770 -conquering östergötland, eventually later taking the dane throne and keeping it until he died. Passing both thrones to his son Ragnar
There are not many fact available about this since there are no contemporary sources on any of these people, only myths and stories written down several centuries later.

3. Svealand is a geographical region in modern sweden, with roots to the older svea kingdom. Svea was an old kingdom centered around Uppsala, supposedly existing in one form or another between 500-1000 AD or so. The core of what today is Sweden you might say -even today we talk about sweden as Svea rike. And again I refer you to the sagas speaking of Harald Hildetand, Ragnar Lodbroke and Sigurd Ring which claims that King Sigurd of Svea killed king Harald and later took his kingdom and passed it on to his son. Historically reliable? No, but in absence of written records it is what we have. Everything else is archeology.

4. I agree that you cannot call anyone swedish when they predate sweden. I am simplifying here. But If you cannot claim pre-swedes as swedes, then neither can you claim pre-norway or pre-denmark as Norwegian or danish.
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Do you have any more vids like this? This is amazing.
I remembered having seen it on National geographic (I think it was that channel anyway. I like real history and archeology, and watch a lot of it) and did a quick search for "cutting granite egypt" on youtube. Something tinfoilhat obviously had not bothered to do before claiming it was impossible. This was literately the first video shown.
After 4 pages of rumination and nothing new on the horizon, I have to find you dumber than a train*** @Blood and Thunder , talking to a wall is more rewarding.

***Dumber than a train is a linguistic expression used as an explanatory description of someone else's (lack of) brilliance. The term is associated with Swedens king Oscar I's fifth and youngest child, Prince August (1831-1873), who was considered witless, and named the early Swedish steam locomotive Prince August.

The guy that talks to imaginary people asked me a question then called me stupid when I gave him the correct answer. Am I not supposed to defend myself? People also keep the conversation going like this guys for example even after I said take it to the berry.

You guys have a funny way of spinning reality. You start shit then say I'm the problem when I respond. But what ever this will be my last post about pyramids n shit.

You repeatedly said it was impossible. I posted a video of a couple of archaeologist trying it for the first time with no experience, and getting it to work the first time. Using copper saws (and copper headed "drills"), sand and water as tool, leaving the same toolmarks as in the ancient objects.
As for moving the 800 ton heavy stones in baalbek that you keep parroting was impossible. The romans moved several stones just shy of that weight, and in 1769-70 the russians, under orders from Catherine the great, moved a stone weighting roughly 450 ton MORE (1250 tons. that is 1,5 times the weight of the largest baalbek stone), a distance of 6 km through broken terrain in Finland from a march to the coast. Using only human musclepower (not even horses or oxen's) it took them 9 months. Did aliens help them too?

Just stop it. You are embarrassing yourself.

They did not recreate the precision cuts or polish. 4 mm an hour? LOL. They will not be able to hermetically seal a granite box with copper tools. You haven't spent the time to watch the videos and are completely ignorant. The Romans moved nothing like that and the Russians just dragged a big stone and never lifted it. Our most bad ass crane we have today can't lift them and the largest stone is 1650 tons. It is so impractical and incredible time consuming to move such large stones. People all over the world wouldn't suddenly stop cutting precise granite and monster basalt polygonal blocks, leaving their work half finished and blown apart and then go to much inferior quality stone work.

Take it to the berry or else good day sir!

Discarding other Swedes' posts I think is pretty bad style, right

I don't discard other Swedish posts why would you think that? All I said was SOJ keeps us up to date.

Look I don't believe Sweden is competently over run although I do think it's funny when people make it sound like it is. It's bad it concentrated areas and pristine in the rest. We just don't want what we're seeing to continue that's all.

Here's a funny example from Poland.


I care about the people of Sweden, just like how I care about everyone else.

With Turkey threatening to reignite the crusades, I don't want their plans to materialize.

Turkey Threatens To Reignite European Migrant Crisis

  • "We are facing the biggest wave of migration in history. If we open the floodgates, no European government will be able to survive for more than six months. We advise them not to try our patience." — Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu.

  • "Turkey is fully committed to the objective of EU membership... The finalization of the Visa Liberalization Dialogue process which will allow our citizens to travel to the Schengen area without a visa, is our first priority." — Statement released by the Turkish Foreign Ministry, May 9, 2019.

  • "This doesn't mean that I have anything against the Turks.... But if we begin to explain it — that Turkey is in Europe — European school students will have to be told that the European border lies in Syria. Where's common sense? ... Can Turkey be regarded a European country culturally, historically, and economically speaking? If we say that, we want the European Union's death." — Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

  • If the EU approves the visa waiver, tens of millions of Turks will gain immediate and unimpeded access to Europe's passport-free zone. Critics of visa liberalization fear that millions of Turkish nationals may end up migrating to Europe. The Austrian newsmagazine, Wochenblick, reported that 11 million Turks are living in poverty and "many of them are dreaming of moving to central Europe."
Turkey has threatened to re-open the floodgates of mass migration to Europe unless Turkish nationals are granted visa-free travel to the European Union. The EU agreed to visa liberalization in a March 2016 EU-Turkey migrant deal in which Ankara pledged to stem the flow of migrants to Europe.

Damn Seljuks! No wonder Europeans went of the offensive in 1096 .
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I can understand the desire for diversity. I'm just confused on why you decided to fill that void with Muslims. Indians, Chinese, South Americans, basically anybody that doesn't follow a radical ideology would have been a better choice. Those other peoples are also more likely to assimilate.
They did not recreate the precision cuts or polish. They will not be able to hermetically seal a granite box with copper tools. You haven't spent the time to watch the videos and are completely ignorant. The Romans moved nothing like that and the Russians just dragged a big stone and never lifted it. Our most bad ass crane we have today can't lift them and the largest stone is 1650 tons. It is so impractical and incredible time consuming to move such large stones. People all over the world wouldn't suddenly stop cutting precise granite and monster basalt polygonal blocks, leaving their work half finished and blown apart and then go to much inferior quality stone work.

Take it to the berry or else good day sir!.

They rudely cut granite slabs as an example that it could be done. they did not even start polishing it.
The Romans moved blocks of around 650-700 ton (which is why I said just shy of the 800 tons of Baalbek) and while the romans had cranes, sometimes using several in conjunction to overcome the weight-limits of one, they preferred the timetested method of making ramps and drag the stones in place and then remove the ramps.
Yes it is impractical and time consuming to move large stones, but it sure is impressive when they are in place -and that is the point of doing it. Atleast when the point of huge blocks of stones is not to be a retaining wall to stabilize ground for buildings (then the more massive the stone the better) -as in Baalbek.
The problem with the granite boxes being hermetically sealed is that they never remotely was. It is a made up lie that ancient aliens true-believers cannot seem to get let go. They. Were.Not Hermetically.Sealed.stone. Nor do they have perfect angles, they are not perfectly smooth, they are not flawless.

STFU and go away. Moron!
They rudely cut granite slabs as an example that it could be done. they did not even start polishing it.
The Romans moved blocks of around 650-700 ton (which is why I said just shy of the 800 tons of Baalbek) and while the romans had cranes, sometimes using several in conjunction to overcome the weight-limits of one, they preferred the timetested method of making ramps and drag the stones in place and then remove the ramps.
Yes it is impractical and time consuming to move large stones, but it sure is impressive when they are in place -and that is the point of doing it. Atleast when the point of huge blocks of stones is not to be a retaining wall to stabilize ground for buildings (then the more massive the stone the better) -as in Baalbek.
The problem with the granite boxes being hermetically sealed is that they never remotely was. It is a made up lie that ancient aliens true-believers cannot seem to get let go. They. Were.Not Hermetically.Sealed.stone. Nor do they have perfect angles, they are not perfectly smooth, they are not flawless.

STFU and go away. Moron!

You're ignoring my arguments. Don't be a bitch and try to last word that shit in this thread.

post here.
Your thread reminded me of ...

And Sweden will be fine. They just aren’t accepting enough refugees clearly. They shouldn’t be thanking you that a large portion of your hard earned money goes right into their pockets as handouts, you should be thanking them! Do you really think you’d have all these wonderful diverse folks that so easily adapt to YOUR country’s customs and laws coming out in boat loads if they knew they wouldn’t be receiving their well deserved handouts??

Next time a swedish woman is lucky enough to be forcefully “diversified” by one of these fine gentlemen, you better thank them personally for the badly needed diversity they are enriching your women and country with. You aren’t a racist islamaphobe, are you?

Hahaha, poor Sweden is fucked. They don't even realize it yet.
Aa thousand times apologies. It was the halfwit and not you. I have changed the name in the original post, and you can do the same in your post. How crazy wrong it can get sometimes!

Oh, I knew you were talking about ODB, or Blood and Thunder as he's now called (until he gets banned again).

Messing with the guy is liking watching children at play, but without the innocence, and doubling the hilarity.
Messing with the guy is liking watching children at play, but without the innocence, and doubling the hilarity.

You talk to imaginary people and overcompensate. You lost the argument and now you're saying you were just trolling me the whole time?

You talk to imaginary people and overcompensate. You lost the argument and now you're saying you were just trolling me the whole time?


Did you not get why I kept goading you on? You made a fool of yourself among like 6 other users in the evolution debate as ODB, and now you've done the same thing with multiple users with your nonsense talk of Atlanteans creating the pyramids and telling Swedish people how their country runs despite not seeing the need to learn about other cultures you're not going to physically go to.

Great job, buddy!!!!
Did you not get why I kept goading you on? You made a fool of yourself among like 6 other users in the evolution debate as ODB, and now you've done the same thing with multiple users with your nonsense talk of Atlanteans creating the pyramids and telling Swedish people how their country runs despite not seeing the need to learn about other cultures you're not going to physically go to.

Great job, buddy!!!!

Nah you lost a debate ITT and now you're just saying you were trolling me. That's weak. You're insane with a childish imagination so please stop following me around and being so obsessed with me.

It's completely useless talking to you because you make up other people's arguments and then respond to that argument you made up in your head leaving the guy you're debating completely baffled.

Good day sir!
Nah you lost a debate ITT and now you're just saying you were trolling me. That's weak. You're insane with a childish imagination so please stop following me around and being so obsessed with me.

It's completely useless talking to you because you make up other people's arguments and then respond to that argument you made up in your head leaving the guy you're debating completely baffled.

Good day sir!

Yep, it's everyone in this thread calling you a dipshit, it's all of us, not you.

Sure, buddy!!!! Great job convincing everyone of this advanced civilization, Alex!!
Yep, it's everyone in this thread calling you a dipshit, it's all of us, not you.

Sure, buddy!!!! Great job convincing everyone of this advanced civilization, Alex!!

You just make up your own reality as you go along. That's incredible. There's only like 3 angry leftists in here all pissy because people are talking about how Sweden is seriously fucked up. So triggered and filled with rage that people are learning from the mistakes made in Sweden.

Stuff like this gives leftists nightmares.

Leftists hate that people aren't as stupid as they are falling for the globalism trap. They wake up with hate because people are resisting their leftist garbage.

It's really sad and you should stop being so delusional thinking this is what's best for Sweden and that they shouldn't get rid of their insane leftist political parties.

Also since you're now apparently trolling me please stop. You're derailing the thread.
You just make up your own reality as you go along. That's incredible. There's only like 3 angry leftists in here all pissy because people are talking about how Sweden is seriously fucked up. So triggered and filled with rage that people are learning from the mistakes made in Sweden.

Stuff like this gives leftists nightmares.

Leftists hate that people aren't as stupid as they are falling for the globalism trap. They wake up with hate because people are resisting their leftist garbage.

It's really sad and you should stop being so delusional thinking this is what's best for Sweden and that they shouldn't get rid of their insane leftist political parties.

Also since you're now apparently trolling me please stop. You're derailing the thread.

Now the crying isn't even funny anymore, ODB.
I wanna hear from the cuck swedes here, exactly what benefits or contributions have Muslims brought into your country? Besides rape, crime, laziness, female mutiilation, etc. As another poster here pointed out, why couldn't your insane desire to fuck up your country have been filled with people from other countries/cultures who aren't irrational lunatics? Here in California we can at least say both Asian and Latin Americans have given ca a new identity, cuisine, sub cultures, etc You def have your bad apples but in the overall large scale of things they have greatly contributed a lot and have assimilated.

And I would love to hear a different response than "America sucks eRuPoE is bEttEr", but 99.9999% of the time it doesn't seem you guys can come up with anything.
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I wanna hear from the cuck swedes here, exactly what benefits or contributions have Muslims brought into your country? Besides rape, crime, laziness, female mutiilation, etc. As another poster here pointed out, why couldn't you're insane desire to fuck up your country have been filled with people from other countries/cultures? Here in California we can at least say both Asian and Latin Americans have given ca a new identity, cuisine, sub cultures, etc You def have your bad apples but in the overall large scale of things most have contributed quite a lot and have assimilated.

And I would love to hear a different response than "America sucks eRuPoE is bEttEr", but 99.9999% of the time it doesn't seem you guys can come up with anything.

Pro tip - If you want people to engage with you in good faith, don't resemble a bleating pig.