Social Sweden. Update: Came in Ferrari - applied for social benefits

Tell me about the late Oldovian tools next. lol. Keep going, this litany of moronic posts by you is getting AWESOME.

You talk to imaginary people and are a deer in headlights when faced with the fact that is was impossible for primitive man to cut those granite boxes and build those pyramids.
Haven't you heard? Sweden is under siege, and the people are so oppressed, they keep freely electing the tyrants into power. Also, aliens and the Atlantians built the pyramids to find gold for astral space mining. Duh.

Also, fuck Ivar the Dickless.
Fuck #TeamCripplePower

Fully on board the Ubbe/Bjorn train. Speaking of they picked the perfect actor to play Ubbe, dude legit can pass for Fimmel's son.

That said, Sweden I will say from the outside it feels like Sweden isn't at a breaking or tipping point but at place in time where they need to decide if they'll just cowtow the "let almost everyone in cause we don't want to get shit talked about us being 'unwoke'" and the "fuck everyone" stance that some have. Cause at some stage never mind the "non mixing of cultures" that always gets talked about but you're letting in a ton of people from non-industrialized nations... they'll get benefits but are those new people in a position to add to the pot so to speak?
Fuck #TeamCripplePower

Fully on board the Ubbe/Bjorn train. Speaking of they picked the perfect actor to play Ubbe, dude legit can pass for Fimmel's son.

That said, Sweden I will say from the outside it feels like Sweden isn't at a breaking or tipping point but at place in time where they need to decide if they'll just cowtow the "let almost everyone in cause we don't want to get shit talked about us being 'unwoke'" and the "fuck everyone" stance that some have. Cause at some stage never mind the "non mixing of cultures" that always gets talked about but you're letting in a ton of people from non-industrialized nations... they'll get benefits but are those new people in a position to add to the pot so to speak?

1000000% agree. Ubbe might be my favorite Ragnar son. But I do love me some Bjorn. His performance in the second half of the last season was awesome. He got all pro wrestler, gregarious as hell, exaggerating his movements.

I love how he just starts acting like that, and the show is straight up like
<{natewhut}>Don't even explain it. Pure gold.

What do you call giving the blood eagle to a cripple? A blood pigeon.

What were we talking about? Oh yea, Nephilim building the pyramids in Atlantis.
You talk to imaginary people and are a deer in headlights when faced with the fact that is was impossible for primitive man to cut those granite boxes and build those pyramids.

Sure, ODB. Keep twiddling away, as this shit is halalarious.

Oh yes, we're in the matrix. Must be so, because I clearly can't see that it wasn't the artisans who ascribed their names to extensive records, both on and off the pyramids themselves, but the denizens of Atlantis that created the pyramids.

Please, tell me about David Icke, or David Wilcock. Or, was it possibly like Ben Carson said, with ancient Jews creating the pyramids as hugely inefficient grain silos?

This is entertaining, and approaching TCK levels. More.

Also, Sweden is under siege from the Mongol hordes. Don't worry, it's the Mongols MC.
Oh yes, we're in the matrix. Must be so, because I clearly can't see that it wasn't the artisans who ascribed their names to extensive records, both on and off the pyramids themselves, but the denizens of Atlantis that created the pyramids.

Please, tell me about David Icke, or David Wilcock. Or, was it possibly like Ben Carson said, with ancient Jews creating the pyramids as hugely inefficient grain silos?

This is entertaining, and approaching TCK levels. More.

Also, Sweden is under siege from the Mongol hordes. Don't worry, it's the Mongols MC.

Their names aren't on shit. They tried to inscribe hieroglyphs on the granite box but their tools were so garbage they made it look like crap.

I bet you think diaper wearing slaves moved those stones at baalbek.

Nah Sweden is under siege by leftists and their fearsome Islamic and African mercenary armies opps I mean voters dependent on the Swedish government for handouts, to take the country.
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Their names aren't on shit. They tried to inscribe hieroglyphs on the granite box but their tools were so shit they made it look like crap.

I bet you think diaper wearing slaves moved those stones at baalbek.

Nah Sweden is under siege by leftists and their fearsome Islamic and African mercenary armies opps I mean voters dependent on the Swedish government for handouts, to take the country.

Lol, I love this stuff.
  • Hieroglyphs ain't shit
  • Despite the vast majority of experts not taking your viewpoint seriously on the pyramids, you must be right, well, because you made an assertion
  • Sweden is so under siege from leftists in such a way the Swedish population votes liberals in year after year, enjoying a higher standard of living than the average American
Lol, I love this stuff.
  • Hieroglyphs ain't shit
  • Despite the vast majority of experts not taking your viewpoint seriously on the pyramids, you must be right, well, because you made an assertion
  • Sweden is so under siege from leftists in such a way the Swedish population votes liberals in year after year, enjoying a higher standard of living than the average American

  • You're talking to an imaginary person again. I said the quality compared to the box is shit. Their names aren't on the polygonal walls or the blocks at the pyramids with the funny knobs you see all over the world.
  • Experts don't know how they were built.
  • Enough of the Swedish population is brainwashed plus all the immigrant voters ensure continuous leftist governments. The left uses immigration as a way to gain votes all over the world. Lots of Swedish liberals probably don't even live near the diversified areas.
  • Those that got raped or had a loved one lost are really enjoying themselves. The Swedes that care about their culture and country are really loving what's happening. "You got raped, but at least you didn't get raped in America! Diversity is strength in Sweden!!!!!"
  • You're talking to an imaginary person again. I said the quality compared to the box is shit. Their names aren't on the polygonal walls or the blocks at the pyramids with the funny knobs you see all over the world.
  • Experts don't know how they were built.
  • Enough of the Swedish population is brainwashed plus all the immigrant voters ensure continuous leftist governments. The left uses immigration as a way to gain votes all over the world. Lots of Swedish liberals probably don't even live near the diversified areas.
  • Those that got raped or had a loved one lost are really enjoying themselves. The Swedes that care about their culture and country are really loving what's happening. "You got raped, but at least you didn't get raped in America! Diversity is strength in Sweden!!!!!"

So, you know more than the actual Egyptologists and archaeologists because you watch youtube videos, and the Swedes don't know what's best for themselves, but you do.

Great job, buddy!!!
So, you know more than the actual Egyptologists and archaeologists because you watch youtube videos, and the Swedes don't know what's best for themselves, but you do.

Great job, buddy!!!

Instead of basking in ignorance, watch all the videos of all the different sites from around the world. I thought you were all about knowledge so don't be scared homie. I don't appeal to authority and it's painfully obvious the egyptians and other similar groups didn't build the megalithic structures.

The Swedes, like the brainwashed UK masses and others, do not know what's best for them. They literally see rainbows and think everything is fine.
So when's the wedding fellas? Or has it happened already? o_O
Shit quality cuts.

Just post the video in one of the threads about this subject in the berry. I'm sure bear grounds and others will explain it all to you better.

You repeatedly said it was impossible. I posted a video of a couple of archaeologist trying it for the first time with no experience, and getting it to work the first time. Using copper saws (and copper headed "drills"), sand and water as tool, leaving the same toolmarks as in the ancient objects.
As for moving the 800 ton heavy stones in baalbek that you keep parroting was impossible. The romans moved several stones just shy of that weight, and in 1769-70 the russians, under orders from Catherine the great, moved a stone weighting roughly 450 ton MORE (1250 tons. that is 1,5 times the weight of the largest baalbek stone), a distance of 6 km through broken terrain in Finland from a march to the coast. Using only human musclepower (not even horses or oxen's) it took them 9 months. Did aliens help them too?

Just stop it. You are embarrassing yourself.
That said, Sweden I will say from the outside it feels like Sweden isn't at a breaking or tipping point but at place in time where they need to decide if they'll just cowtow the "let almost everyone in cause we don't want to get shit talked about us being 'unwoke'" and the "fuck everyone" stance that some have. Cause at some stage never mind the "non mixing of cultures" that always gets talked about but you're letting in a ton of people from non-industrialized nations... they'll get benefits but are those new people in a position to add to the pot so to speak?

Well, you summed up my thoughts and speculations in one post. Bravo.
the fact that is was impossible for primitive man to cut those granite boxes and build those pyramids.

After 4 pages of rumination and nothing new on the horizon, I have to find you dumber than a train*** @Blood and Thunder , talking to a wall is more rewarding.

***Dumber than a train is a linguistic expression used as an explanatory description of someone else's (lack of) brilliance. The term is associated with Swedens king Oscar I's fifth and youngest child, Prince August (1831-1873), who was considered witless, and named the early Swedish steam locomotive Prince August.
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