Social Sweden. Update: Came in Ferrari - applied for social benefits

Ooh, deprogramming. I didn't know Muslims put the Swedes into the Matrix. Sounds super serious!!!

Ethnic cleansing!!! HA!!!!

I doubt you know dick about Sweden anyway.

Yes deprogramming. How do you think leftists in all these different countries behave in the exact same manner and repeat the same leftist rhetoric. That only happens when you program the population.

When a city is taken over and all the native ethnic people leave (white flight), that city has been ethnically and cultural cleansed of those people. Am I supposed to call it something different?

@Son of Jamin keeps us all up to date.

Yes deprogramming. How do you think leftists in all these different countries behave in the exact same manner and repeat the same leftist rhetoric. That only happens when you program the population.

When a city is taken over and all the native ethnic people leave (white flight), that city has been ethnically and cultural cleansed of those people. Am I supposed to call it something different?

@Son of Jamin keeps us all up to date.


It's funny how you think liberals are programmed, yet you're spitting out the same white whine lines like the other hard righters.

It's hilarious when the meme creators and the buzzword lovers accuse others of not thinking for themselves.
It's funny how you think liberals are programmed, yet you're spitting out the same white whine lines like the other hard righters.

It's hilarious when the meme creators and the buzzword lovers accuse others of not thinking for themselves.

They are programmed and it can't be denied. White whine? You're a joke.
They are programmed and it can't be denied. White whine? You're a joke.

What an astute analysis. Too bad you have absolutely nothing but an assertion, and the admittance that you don't learn about other cultures and peoples. I'm sure the Swedes will take you super seriously when you help with the liberation.
What an astute analysis.

Thank you.


Too bad you have absolutely nothing but an assertion, and the admittance that you don't learn about other cultures and peoples. I'm sure the Swedes will take you super seriously when you help with the liberation.

It's not an assertion it's all fact. We've seen leftists and leftism all throughout the West. Their insanity is constantly posted in the WR for all to see. You'd have to be a denying leftist or living under a rock to not know this already.

Again you're misrepresenting my arguments. I learn about other cultures all the time. I said i didn't need to learn about the cultures of people coming from the third world. They should be learning about my culture and integrating. But of course leftism wants chaos and wants to flood the West with migrants and promotes multiculturalism.

I never said I was going to personally liberate Sweden. I said that's what needs to be done in order to save it.
Thank you.


It's not an assertion it's all fact. We've seen leftists and leftism all throughout the West. Their insanity is constantly posted in the WR for all to see. You'd have to be a denying leftist or living under a rock to not know this already.

Again you're misrepresenting my arguments. I learn about other cultures all the time. I said i didn't need to learn about the cultures of people coming from the third world. They should be learning about my culture and integrating. But of course leftism wants chaos and wants to flood the West with migrants and promotes multiculturalism.

I never said I was going to personally liberate Sweden. I said that's what needs to be done in order to save it.

If it's fact, bring up evidence that Sweden needs liberation, and is indeed under a legitimate occupation. Waves of migrants don't count, remember that shit. Your feelings, hunches and assertions don't mean shit.

In language you might understand

And on the "I don't need to learn about my world." bit: You don't seem to realize the fact that nations who are currently in the third world.........weren't always in the third world. They have rich histories that actually enrich human beings capable of complex thought, which apparently excludes you.

Answer me one question: If you're not going to travel or work in Iran, do you think it's at all important to learn about the history of Iran and it's culture?
If it's fact, bring up evidence that Sweden needs liberation, and is indeed under a legitimate occupation. Waves of migrants don't count, remember that shit. Your feelings, hunches and assertions don't mean shit.

In language you might understand

And on the "I don't need to learn about my world." bit: You don't seem to realize the fact that nations who are currently in the third world.........weren't always in the third world. They have rich histories that actually enrich human beings capable of complex thought, which apparently excludes you.

Answer me one question: If you're not going to travel or work in Iran, do you think it's at all important to learn about the history of Iran and it's culture?

Evidence is constantly posted in the War room that Sweden needs to be liberated from leftism. You're really making yourself look bad here. But that's alright you need to be finished off, your attitude has been shit in this thread.

Yes wave of migrants most certainly do count when they're being used by the left to ruin society.

Post direct quotes don't make up stuff like a bitch.

Wow no way! Lets let in the third world now! They built the pyramids n shit!

Evidence is constantly posted in the War room that Sweden needs to be liberated from leftism. You're really making yourself look bad here. But that's alright you need to be finished off, your attitude has been shit in this thread.

Yes wave of migrants most certainly do count when they're being used by the left to ruin society.

Post direct quotes don't make up stuff like a bitch.

Wow no way! Lets let in the third world now! They built the pyramids n shit!


Information about immigrants not assimilating into a host country is not an occupation, and thus, a liberation is not rational. Sweden happens to have a giant host of metrics in which they kick the shit out America in quality of life, educational attainment, air pollution, economic inequality, and others.

I ask you again, do you see value in learning about Iran's history and culture when you speak of them? What value, or lack thereof do you see in learning about that particular nation? Please actually answer, as this answer will be quite illuminating, highlighting your ignorance perhaps.

Another question: Do you know who created the pyramids?

An aside, your cute reference to Sparta is quite funny, given the context of this conversation. Do you know that the mythos around Sparta is completely wrong, and that they were fighting other Greeks for Persia within decades of the decisive events in Salamis?
Information about immigrants not assimilating into a host country is not an occupation, and thus, a liberation is not rational. Sweden happens to have a giant host of metrics in which they kick the shit out America in quality of life, educational attainment, air pollution, economic inequality, and others.

I ask you again, do you see value in learning about Iran's history and culture when you speak of them? What value, or lack thereof do you see in learning about that particular nation? Please actually answer, as this answer will be quite illuminating, highlighting your ignorance perhaps.

Another question: Do you know who created the pyramids?

An aside, your cute reference to Sparta is quite funny, given the context of this conversation. Do you know that the mythos around Sparta is completely wrong, and that they were fighting other Greeks for Persia within decades of the decisive events in Salamis?

You liberate Sweden by ousting its suicidal leftist government parties. You take control of the leftist propaganda TV/papper/Internet news. You take control of education. Fund and support right wing Swedes that still care about their country. You deport anyone that hasn't integrated. This is exactly what should happen.

That's all going to turn to shit because the welfare state can't support all of these migrants. Swedes created that society for Swedes, not the entire world. The left sold out their country to globalists. Also the rape, crime, terrorism, change in culture and demographics is inexcusable.

You're a smug douche bag that doesn't deserve an answer. I've already entertain enough of your pompous stupidity.

It wasn't Africans that's for sure.

Sparta was constantly at war with everyone and it got its ass kicked and embarrassed plenty of times by other Greeks. That battle between the Persians and Spartans still happened so all you're doing here is desperately trying to make yourself sound smart and like some know it all no one wants to talk to. How don't you feel embarrassed right now?
You liberate Sweden by ousting its suicidal leftist government parties. You take control of the leftist propaganda TV/papper/Internet news. You take control of education. Fund and support right wing Swedes that still care about their country. You deport anyone that hasn't integrated. This is exactly what should happen.

That's all going to turn to shit because the welfare state can't support all of these migrants. Swedes created that society for Swedes, not the entire world. The left sold out their country to globalists. Also the rape, crime, terrorism, change in culture and demographics is inexcusable.

You're a smug douche bag that doesn't deserve an answer. I've already entertain enough of your pompous stupidity.

It wasn't Africans that's for sure.

Sparta was constantly at war with everyone and it got its ass kicked and embarrassed plenty of times by other Greeks. That battle between the Persians and Spartans still happened so all you're doing here is desperately trying to make yourself sound smart and like some know it all no one wants to talk to. How don't you feel embarrassed right now?

It's quite a weird invasion and occupation when the people keep voting in Swedish liberals. The people are so in need of liberation, they vote in the people you think are enslaving them. Weeeeeird.

Do you know that Egypt is in Africa, by any chance? Do you know what country the Pyramids are in? You can do it. It might take awhile, but you'll get it eventually.

It's simple, you want to talk about Muslims, their cultures, don't know anything about their culture or their nations, then insist they're invading and occupying an nation that again, you know nothing about in all likelihood.

Again, do you see, given the events of today, any useful purpose in knowing about Iranian culture and history? Please don't cry, just answer the question since you seem so confident in your intellectual superiority.
It's quite a weird invasion and occupation when the people keep voting in Swedish liberals. The people are so in need of liberation, they vote in the people you think are enslaving them. Weeeeeird.

Do you know that Egypt is in Africa, by any chance? Do you know what country the Pyramids are in? You can do it. It might take awhile, but you'll get it eventually.

It's simple, you want to talk about Muslims, their cultures, don't know anything about their culture or their nations, then insist they're invading and occupying an nation that again, you know nothing about in all likelihood.

Again, do you see, given the events of today, any useful purpose in knowing about Iranian culture and history? Please don't cry, just answer the question since you seem so confident in your intellectual superiority.

There's no choice but liberal. It's a complete take over by the globalists. Many Swedes are badly brainwashed and that's all they really need for tyranny of the majority.

You're an idiot talking to me as if I'm the idiot. That's incredible. It wasn't built by the ancient egyptians either.

I said I didn't need to know about the cultures of the third world. You're too delusional and disgustingly arrogant to realize I do a lot of reading and watch a lot of videos about other cultures. I do it not because I feel a need to but because it interests me. There are without a doubt key historical events that should be taught in school. You want people in the West to accept multiculturalism so that immigrants don't have to learn about the culture in the west and integrate. We all know what Islamic culture is like which is why we oppose it so much.

I already told you the average person doesn't need to know about these cultures because they will most likely never come into contact with them. Do you think everyone outside of the West is as brilliant as you and knows everything about every culture and the history of every country? Do you think they even give a shit?
There's no choice but liberal. It's a complete take over by the globalists. Many Swedes are badly brainwashed and that's all they really need for tyranny of the majority.

You're an idiot talking to me as if I'm the idiot. That's incredible. It wasn't built by the ancient egyptians either.

I said I didn't need to know about the cultures of the third world. You're too delusional and disgustingly arrogant to realize I do a lot of reading and watch a lot of videos about other cultures. I do it not because I feel a need to but because it interests me. There are without a doubt key historical events that should be taught in school. You want people in the West to accept multiculturalism so that immigrants don't have to learn about the culture in the west and integrate. We all know what Islamic culture is like which is why we oppose it so much.

I already told you the average person doesn't need to know about these cultures because they will most likely never come into contact with them. Do you think everyone outside of the West is as brilliant as you and knows everything about every culture and the history of every country? Do you think they even give a shit?

And now, since you can't defend your position with any data or rationale, you're resorting to conspiracy theories. Listen to yourself. Weirdo.

Yet again, you show regnant stupidity. The pyramids were indeed built by the Egyptians. Usually, they utilized working guilds, who were essentially close bound teams of craftsmen, competing while constructing the artifice. We know this because these guilds and teams often enough inscribed their names, and the names of their team on areas they had completed.

"You're an idiot talking to me as if I'm the idiot. That's incredible. It wasn't built by the ancient egyptians either." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

You're also spinning a touching little yarn about me proffering some demographic displacement theory for Europe. Fucking lol. You have absolutely no clue who you are talking to, especially on Islam, it's ideological particulars, traditions, history or current state of affairs.

What you're always saying, in reality, is that you don't, and can't, see the need for learning history, anthropology, or cultural information you would not otherwise have without direct contact. The more one is educated, the more one receives their information secondhand, without direct contact. And then we have you, and your inability to see this fact. Congratulations. I would give you a pat on the head if I didn't think you'd reflexively bite at a hand with an opposable thumb.
And now, since you can't defend your position with any data or rationale, you're resorting to conspiracy theories. Listen to yourself. Weirdo.

I don't need to provide stuff that is constantly posted in the war room that shows what leftism is doing and what it's leading to.

Yet again, you show regnant stupidity. The pyramids were indeed built by the Egyptians. Usually, they utilized working guilds, who were essentially close bound teams of craftsmen, competing while constructing the artifice. We know this because these guilds and teams often enough inscribed their names, and the names of their team on areas they had completed.

You're so arrogantly dumb it's painful to read your posts. LOL at working guilds and close bound teams of craftsmen. You sound like such a pompous douche. The pyramids, like all the other megalithic stone work, was created by an advanced civilization. Humans could not make the pyramids with the tools they had. They could not cut the granite that precise. You fail once again. Go do some research and learn. Can't believe I'm wasting my precious time on such a simpleton.

See how you sound? Yes you suck that bad.

You're also spinning a touching little yarn about me proffering some demographic displacement theory for Europe. Fucking lol. You have absolutely no clue who you are talking to, especially on Islam, it's ideological particulars, traditions, history or current state of affairs.

You were saying how we should learn about the cultures of these migrants that way people can accept them or something like that. Funny thing is if people really learned about some of the cultures out there they wouldn't want them coming over.

We are not the ones that are supposed to adapt to foreign cultures in the west.

What you're always saying, in reality, is that you don't, and can't, see the need for learning history, anthropology, or cultural information you would not otherwise have without direct contact. The more one is educated, the more one receives their information secondhand, without direct contact. And then we have you, and your inability to see this fact. Congratulations. I would give you a pat on the head if I didn't think you'd reflexively bite at a hand with an opposable thumb.

You just can't stop misrepresenting my arguments can you?
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I don't need to provide stuff that is constantly posted in the war room that shows what leftism is doing and what it's leading to.

You're so arrogantly dumb is painful to read your posts. LOL at working guilds and close bound teams of craftsmen. You sound like such a pompous douche. The pyramids, like all the other megalithic stone work, was created by an advanced civilization. Humans could not make the pyramids with the tools they had. They could not cut the granite that precise. You fail once again. Go do some research and learn. Can't believe I'm wasting my precious time on such a simpleton.

See how you sound? Yes you suck that bad.

You were saying how we should learn about the cultures of these migrants that way people can accept them or something like that. Funny thing is if people really learned about some of the cultures out there they wouldn't want them coming over.

We are not the ones that are supposed to adapt to foreign cultures in the west.

You just can't stop misrepresenting my arguments can you?

First you cite "stuff in the WR" to back your empty headed assertion.

Then you're calling me pompous while, without any proof whatsoever, bringing forth tin foil hat shit about advanced civilizations building the pyramids. What's next, the Annunaki bred us for gold mining? Jesus. But I must say, I'm impressed, ODB, you learned the word megalithic. Great job!!!

"You were saying how we should learn about the cultures of these migrants that way people can accept them or something like that. Funny thing is if people really learned about some of the cultures out there they wouldn't want them coming over."

You should learn about the spectrum of human experience, broadly. This is called educating one's self. This includes, the arts, humanities, anthropology, philosophy, etc etc etc. This is the approach all enlightened Western societies have taken, imperfectly much of the time in our approach, especially America.

I, for one, in wanting to know my enemy, say, in Osama Bin Laden, read the Quran, a shit ton of Hadith, a shit ton of Arabic philosophy, and history about the rise and fall of numerous Arabic, Persian, Islamic, etc empires. I did this in high school, and it taught me a lot. I don't plan on going to Saudi Arabia, his home country, however, and I don't plan on working their either. Why, in your eyes, do you think I did this task?

You don't seem to understand that it's not about understanding these third world countries, whichever ones you are referring to with your animus. It's about learning culture, art, history etc PERIOD.

You don't seem to understand the point of knowing what you're talking about in your discourse with other human beings.

Maybe I should get TCK in here and you guys can talk about how Nephilim skin can weather the harsh moonlight.
First you cite "stuff in the WR" to back your empty headed assertion.

Then you're calling me pompous while, without any proof whatsoever, bringing forth tin foil hat shit about advanced civilizations building the pyramids. What's next, the Annunaki bred us for gold mining? Jesus. But I must say, I'm impressed, ODB, you learned the word megalithic. Great job!!!
Everyone knows what's going down in Sweden. Everyone knows what leftism is doing and what it leads to.

Go watch Brien Foerster's videos before you start talking about how working guilds of primitive men with copper chisels built the pyramids.

You should learn about the spectrum of human experience, broadly. This is called educating one's self. This includes, the arts, humanities, anthropology, philosophy, etc etc etc. This is the approach all enlightened Western societies have taken, imperfectly much of the time in our approach, especially America.

I, for one, in wanting to know my enemy, say, in Osama Bin Laden, read the Quran, a shit ton of Hadith, a shit ton of Arabic philosophy, and history about the rise and fall of numerous Arabic, Persian, Islamic, etc empires. I did this in high school, and it taught me a lot. I don't plan on going to Saudi Arabia, his home country, however, and I don't plan on working their either. Why, in your eyes, do you think I did this task?

You don't seem to understand that it's not about understanding these third world countries, whichever ones you are referring to with your animus. It's about learning culture, art, history etc PERIOD.

You don't seem to understand the point of knowing what you're talking about in your discourse with other human beings.

You, hillelslovak87, are complete and total douche bag. You, with all of your vast, Islamic knowledge, must be a counter terrorism expert. The CIA could undoubtedly use such assets.

Maybe I should get TCK in here and you guys can talk about how Nephilim skin can weather the harsh moonlight.

I just said advanced civilization. You'd have to be advanced to move the blocks at baalbek.
Everyone knows what's going down in Sweden. Everyone knows what leftism is doing and what it leads to.

Go watch Brien Foerster's videos before you start talking about how working guilds of primitive men with copper chisels built the pyramids.

You, hillelslovak87, are complete and total douche bag. You, with all of your vast, Islamic knowledge, must be a counter terrorism expert. The CIA could undoubtedly use such assets.

I just said advanced civilization. You'd have to be advanced to move the blocks at baalbek.

Oooh, the credible "Everyone knows". Sorry, but I laugh at your contention that a huge wave in immigration is an invasion or an occupation, considering it's clearly nowhere near bad enough for the citizens of that country, who actually know about Sweden unlike you, to vote out the politicians you assert without evidence are selling the country out. But cool assertion, though, buddy!! Great job.

Secondly, lol, again! "You should look at some random guy on youtube, bro, he knows more than the body of archaeological, anthropological and historical data. Yup.

Your statement about the CIA and being an asset. It's amazing how you bend over backwards to assert to usefulness of depriving one's self of knowledge pertaining to their own species. What kind of abject moron makes such a shitty joke like that, and thinks anyone is going to take them seriously as an adult human, ODB? Really? It's like the evolution shit with you, again! You're gonna bargain yourself down to aliens real soon here....

So far, you have
  • Despite all the evidence, some unknown and advanced civilization, probably alien involved or something, because that's the route you've chosen
  • Sweden is under WR knows it!!
  • There can't be a reason for learning about human cultures unless you plan to go to a specific place to visit or work
The Blood and Trifecta of Dipshittery.
Oooh, the credible "Everyone knows". Sorry, but I laugh at your contention that a huge wave in immigration is an invasion or an occupation, considering it's clearly nowhere near bad enough for the citizens of that country, who actually know about Sweden unlike you, to vote out the politicians you assert without evidence are selling the country out. But cool assertion, though, buddy!! Great job.

Secondly, lol, again! "You should look at some random guy on youtube, bro, he knows more than the body of archaeological, anthropological and historical data. Yup.

Your statement about the CIA and being an asset. It's amazing how you bend over backwards to assert to usefulness of depriving one's self of knowledge pertaining to their own species. What kind of abject moron makes such a shitty joke like that, and thinks anyone is going to take them seriously as an adult human, ODB? Really? It's like the evolution shit with you, again! You're gonna bargain yourself down to aliens real soon here....

So far, you have
  • Despite all the evidence, some unknown and advanced civilization, probably alien involved or something, because that's the route you've chosen
  • Sweden is under WR knows it!!
  • There can't be a reason for learning about human cultures unless you plan to go to a specific place to visit or work
The Blood and Trifecta of Dipshittery.

The left have taken control of Sweden and is using immigration to destroy it. Yes Sweden has to be liberated. People here aren't stupid and they know what's going down in Sweden.

Swedes are too scared of their tyrannical government and leftist fascists. They can't vote them out because they're all leftists. You really are this stupid. Everyone that i was talking about is looking upon you with a look of disgust and horror.

Instead of being an ignorant moron watch the videos and learn. We are obviously being lied to by the mainstream. Of course you will continue to believe the lie because you're just not as smart as you think you are. You over compensate and put it on full display.

You're an imbecile. Learning so much about your enemy would make you an expert on catching them! Tell us how we can catch all the other Islamic bad guys out there.
My life wouldn't be complete without knowing this happens in Pakistan. Who would have thought a place with honor killings could get even better? Huge if true.

Pakistan is progressing with time but still there are many areas where people have extremely strange living style and traditions. You will find diverse cultures all around sometimes astonishing you what kind of people exist in 21st century. But they are around us, living in the same world, same country at the same time.

I met a person who himself witnessed a man selling his own daughter to another person in Balochistan. He bargained her for just 50,000 rupees as there was a defect in girl’s eyes.

Pakistani father exchanges minor daughter with disabled man for second wife

Fascinating! I feel my brain enlarging with every new bit of info about third world cultures!
The left have taken control of Sweden and is using immigration to destroy it. Yes Sweden has to be liberated. People here aren't stupid and they know what's going down in Sweden.

Swedes are too scared of their tyrannical government and leftist fascists. They can't vote them out because they're all leftists. You really are this stupid. Everyone that i was talking about is looking upon you with a look of disgust and horror.

Instead of being an ignorant moron watch the videos and learn. We are obviously being lied to by the mainstream. Of course you will continue to believe the lie because you're just not as smart as you think you are. You over compensate and put it on full display.

You're an imbecile. Learning so much about your enemy would make you an expert on catching them! Tell us how we can catch all the other Islamic bad guys out there.

my life wouldn't be complete without knowing this happens in Pakistan. Who would have thought a place with honor killings as part of their culture could get even better? Huge if true.

Pakistan is progressing with time but still there are many areas where people have extremely strange living style and traditions. You will find diverse cultures all around sometimes astonishing you what kind of people exist in 21st century. But they are around us, living in the same world, same country at the same time.

I met a person who himself witnessed a man selling his own daughter to another person in Balochistan. He bargained her for just 50,000 rupees as there was a defect in girl’s eyes.

Pakistani father exchanges minor daughter with disabled man for second wife

Fascinating! I feel my brain enlarging with every new bit of info!

It's weird how you think that knowledge is not useful because it's unethical and distasteful. Your absolute wonderment at why educated people educate themselves is hilarious. I'll remember ODB and Blood and Thunder when you get banned again by the leftists fascists on sherdog, who are oppressing us to the point where we're self censoring, and come back as FirstTemplar or some other lame ass name.

Sweden's not under invasion, nor is it under occupation. Nobody, NOBODY in Sweden is saying this, despite the deplorable conditions of the waves of migration. You're still absent proof of any kind, save the "People know it!!" nonsense.

Tell me about the Aryan Ice myths next, Oh DB................