Social Sweden. Update: Came in Ferrari - applied for social benefits

That is why productive citizens like you and I who I believe make a difference in everyday life have to become more and dare to make demands. If we can leave taboos and dare to be pragmatic then things can happen. If you look at the demographics in Malmö, almost 50% born abroad, but at the most important institutions, those who work are Swedes without Islam in the background. It is we who have the power, because we sit in the positions that can control and dictate. And if we can only stop and be so damn anxious, things can change. And that's why it's important that you don't give up.

I told you that I now take care of muslim women who have broken out of relationships. I went through a change to this group because I had had enough of the old with sluggish, lazy ethnic Swedish bums. These women give me so damn much energy and most will work as enrolled nurses or residential homes. And do you know what? We have received so much feedback from the homes and that the old people can notice the difference with the foreigners. In the beginning they were racist and suspicious, but after a while they notice that it is another glow and that they genuinely care about the old. And the old ones deserves to have a decent last life with good people around them when their own family members who rarely come to visit. Sack the Swedes who only see the paycheck and mischief the old, and we have heard so many times, right?

And this year we have closed down 2 community youth centers in Malmö. It only makes matters worse with violent teens who have nowhere to be except than in all parking spaces where older hard-working criminal scums burns tires with their totally expensive cars. The young needs a place where they are safe from this older guys. Where older guys can´t enter or we call the police.

There are many good forces in our society, we just need to hear from our leaders that it is okay to make demands and that we must stand united and counter all forms of anti-democratic values.
First of all, I want to say that I have tremendous amount of respect for you and the hard work that you put in, you are not only delivering a positive outlook on the task ahead but you also work hard for it.

I pray that you will be right and we can change the destiny of this country to a better for everyone but I'm work as an accountant and my mind is mainly focused on stats and those tell me that it takes longer for immigrants to become a part of the workforce, the wealth disparity is increasing, the elderly are suffering from the cutbacks, the healthcare system is under immense pressure and our politicians have voted for more lax immigration.

The integration today is not better than it was in the 80's and with possibly 300,000 new immigrants (almost a new Malmoe) in a couple of years will be a death blow to the welfare that Swedes are accustomed to.

With that said, I pray that you are right!
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First of all, I want to say that I have tremendous amount of respect for you and the hard work that you put in, you are not only delivering a positive outlook on the task ahead but you also work hard for it.

I pray that you will be right and we can change the destiny of this country to a better for everyone but I'm work as an accountant and my mind is mainly focused on stats and those tell me that it takes longer for immigrants to become a part of the workforce, the wealth disparity is increasing, the elderly are suffering from the cutbacks, the healthcare system is under immense pressure and our politicians have voted for more lax immigration.

The integration today is not better than it was in the 80's and with possibly 300,000 new immigrants (almost a new Malmoe) in a couple of years will be a death blow to the welfare that Swedes are accustomed to.

With that said, I pray that you are right!

Thank you for the nice words and it is always a pleasure to have an interaction with you.

We Swedes are almost on the same level as our neighbors across the strait. The fact that there is always room to complain in everyday life. The Danes have it so deep in their soul that their "brokkeri" can also at various times be charming in their mediation. And something we have had a tradition to do in Sweden is look down on people who do not have an employment.

The fact that we are different wherever we travel makes humanity so much more interesting. That we have a way of being that characterizes the cohesion we belong to and is proud of. And then there are behaviors that are less good and that are in stark contrast to our own safe patterns.

I have told you at some point that I have a wife who is a little racist, now I am so used to that her statement in your ears might have been brutal. But the thing is that we have chosen to live in Sweden as she does not want us to move back. The resistance she had to leave her family and move so far away to a country that is so cold in the winters were very big. Today she sees Sweden as her country and Thailand is wild west as she expresses (she loves western movies).

She has found her place and can now see things in life from a different perspective, and the trusted survival culture that thrives in her homeland where money is God. Money that creates problems that cause bigger problems, and if you have no family that can help you, well, then you are big problems. If you reach the bottom of causes you do not control then there is help to get in Sweden, and that she thinks is a nice trait we have as a country, that we care about others than your own.

I enjoy holidays to Thailand myself but I do not want to settle down permanently. There is one trait in Thais I don´t like, that they are incredibly chilly over other things that do not concern their own family. A small example that I reacted heavily to was every time I witnessed an accident or that I just came after and there was a dead body next to their totally shattered scooter, and a motorist who was causing the accident was long gone. Not to take responsibility and get away as the first reflex, and the people who snuck onto the body and just drove past. No humanity and a helping hand.

You, me and most people in Sweden know which customs of the most religious do not work in our society. These values we do not like, we talk about quietly in our own homes. This has been a driving factor why many who have come here have felt that they can stretch the boundaries. We have to get out of this bubble, and make demands to our politicians to say things straight out. But in a way that the new arrivals know where the cabinet should stand but not feel that they are the cause of our meltdown. This equation becomes long and laborious because we, like a patient, have taken too long to come to treatment for a tumor. But we can cure it through constructive information and enthusiasts in society.

If they open their eyes and see how we Swedes can have a good life without being in slavery to a higher power, then I'm pretty sure their religion will become less important the longer it goes.

that is justice is it?
22 hours community service for raping a 12 year old..
:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: rape . Longer sentencing given to native swedes who send facebook comments .
22 hours community service for raping a 12 year old..
:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: rape . Longer sentencing given to native swedes who send facebook comments .
libruls and apologists:
A little update on the last headlines in Sweden surrounding the multicultural dystopia:

* A mother that also happened to be a doctor walked with her baby in her arms in the middle of the day in Malmoe (this happened yesterday). A hooded man approaches and shoots her 6-8 times, after she falls to the ground with the baby still in her arms, he shoots her once more for good measure.
A picture of the shooter fleeing the scene. There are different theories floating around why she was murdered, some thinks it because the father of the baby has a criminal past and some believe it was because she was involved in a situation at a hospital that led to her name being mentioned in a police report (it was a scuffle after a shooting when the victims were brought to the hospital).

* Another trending story is about "Philip, 13 years old". He has been bullied, beaten, threatened and robbed continuously by a youth gang. At one time, the gang were waiting on him outside school and the teachers locked down the school and called the cops, the cops however said they were too busy to come (Sweden has among the fewest number of cops in the EU, this despite the crime wave). His family have reached out to the police, the social services and school but to no avail. The child- and adolescent care told him and his family to not press charges because it would only make matters worse. The family was however naive and believed that the police would do something. The police told Philip and his family that when the gang comes to beat you up, duck, cover and lay on the ground. That shows them that they are "winning". Thanks officer for that great advice. Since the family didn't receive any help from the authorities, they had to move to another city in order to flee from the gang.

Even a former minister of Sweden commented on the case above and that they were glad that he and his family had left Sweden. He said that those with means and opportunity will leave because the deterioration of the Swedish society.

Then it is the usual stuff, rapes and explosions and that the border control is a joke.
A little update on the last headlines in Sweden surrounding the multicultural dystopia:

* A mother that also happened to be a doctor walked with her baby in her arms in the middle of the day in Malmoe (this happened yesterday). A hooded man approaches and shoots her 6-8 times, after she falls to the ground with the baby still in her arms, he shoots her once more for good measure.
A picture of the shooter fleeing the scene. There are different theories floating around why she was murdered, some thinks it because the father of the baby has a criminal past and some believe it was because she was involved in a situation at a hospital that led to her name being mentioned in a police report (it was a scuffle after a shooting when the victims were brought to the hospital).

* Another trending story is about "Philip, 13 years old". He has been bullied, beaten, threatened and robbed continuously by a youth gang. At one time, the gang were waiting on him outside school and the teachers locked down the school and called the cops, the cops however said they were too busy to come (Sweden has among the fewest number of cops in the EU, this despite the crime wave). His family have reached out to the police, the social services and school but to no avail. The child- and adolescent care told him and his family to not press charges because it would only make matters worse. The family was however naive and believed that the police would do something. The police told Philip and his family that when the gang comes to beat you up, duck, cover and lay on the ground. That shows them that they are "winning". Thanks officer for that great advice. Since the family didn't receive any help from the authorities, they had to move to another city in order to flee from the gang.

Even a former minister of Sweden commented on the case above and that they were glad that he and his family had left Sweden. He said that those with means and opportunity will leave because the deterioration of the Swedish society.

Then it is the usual stuff, rapes and explosions and that the border control is a joke.

In here they say she was a doctor in the hospital and gave testomony to police.

I would be thinking very hard about jumping to norway or denmark at this point if i was swedish

About 10,000 inhabitants live in Filipstad, Sweden. The city's largest private employers are Wasa Knäcke (crispbread) and OLW (potato chips etc). For the first time in 50 years, the population of the city is increasing, which is a dream for many municipalities outside the metropolitan regions. Nevertheless, the municipality is bleeding financially. The forecast for 2019 is that Filipstad goes back around SEK 30 million. The main reason is the large proportion of non contributors. Tonight's(28/8 2019) "Uppdrag granskning" (my favourite investigating program) in SVT makes a follow-up to a previous report and visits Filipstad to see how things have been going for the municipality that received a large number of refugees, mainly during the refugee crisis in autumn 2015. It is not a cheerful reality they encounter. According to Jim Frölander, integration manager in Filipstad, the municipality has failed with the integration. Unemployment among people born outside Europe is said to be 80 percent. The corresponding figure among domestic-born is 4.8 percent. - Today, the municipalities can support these people. That responsibility should lie with those who brought them here. We can't take state responsibility, but that's what we actually do, ”says Jim Frölander. According to the program, he is going on a "revival tour" in Sweden's municipalities which will result in a manifesto for the state to take responsibility for migration policy and for the municipalities to receive increased resources.

About 750 adults live in Filipstad, originating in Syria, Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Iraq. Almost everyone came here between 2012 and 2017. Unemployment and dependency in this group are high, and the level of education is low. They run the risk of ending in an eternal alienation that burdens the municipality's finances. Annicka Carlsson at the employment office summarizes the whole thing: - Where do employers employ the foreign-born illiterate ?, she says in the program. - The sad thing is that there is a demand for labor in the area. There are jobs in the healthcare, industry, transport, visitor and tourism industries. The problem is that a Swedish education is needed to get the job.


The image is from Uppdrag Granskning 28/8 2019


The image is from Uppdrag Granskning 28/8 2019

I've seen the program and now have a sense of abandonment and anger. Before you comment, I want to reach out to all racists on this site who have the idea of "what was I saying?

I belong to the crowd of people who want empirical facts about everything before I comment. With that said. Without commenting on still images and evaluating the program, I would like to note that we have an incredible number of illiterates in our country, how they managed to get here is another discussion. The conclusion is that indigenous people move out of areas that have had problems with depopulation. In the program, it is said that 28 municipalities and Malmö, the city I live in belong to these.
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I've seen the program and now have a sense of abandonment and anger. Before you comment, I want to reach out to all racists on this site who have the idea of "what was I saying?
But Sven, you're one of us now!

The conclusion is that indigenous people move out of areas that have had problems with depopulation. In the program, it is said that 28 municipalities and Malmö, the city I live in belong to these.
You see, noticing this pattern in fact makes you a racist! The empirical facts were always there and could be obtained by mere observation, or even analysis of your own behavior (for example, you're seeing white flight as it was predicted by the dreaded racists; or ask a native woman who lives around those places about how she feels walking around alone).
Even with your social scientists diligently working towards creating their own empirical facts to level everything out with the natives, reality doesn't care.
Dear fellow @The ScorpioN friend. I agree wth you.

But we need a midpoint where the discussion can move forward instead of backward.
I want to make a snarky comment. I hope someday that history will remember those people responsible accurately.
Do the pros of mass immigration outweigh the cons to the average citizens of the host nation? I've yet to hear a compelling argument. It typically boils down to "well if you speak out against it you must be racist". It's strange how terrified some people are of that label.
I wish more countries were as ballsy as say Hungary, or Japan when it came to being forced to accept refugees
Yuge news, the Swedish lawyer who represented ASP Rocky ambushed and shot in the head.
Explain @sweede @Son of Jamin @Squarechoke, why did Swedes become so violent recently? Lead in water? Implicit bias epidemic?

Aren't you a few years late too make comments that sarcastically insinuate that it's not immigrants? Especially since you're asking three people that have all outright stated that they stand for the increase.

Not that I know whether this particular incident has any such ties.
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Aren't you a few years late too make comments that sarcastically insinuate that it's not immigrants? Especially since you're asking three people that have all outright stated that they stand for the increase.
An increase in what? More vibrant neo-Swedes?
Do you think Sweden's soil and your generosity is enough to turn your present day immigrants into bonafide Swedes in a generation or two?
An increase in what? More vibrant neo-Swedes?
Do you think Sweden's soil and your generosity is enough to turn your present day immigrants into bonafide Swedes in a generation or two?

Sorry, I have no interest in a discussion where one person is playing dumb. That's just tedious and wasting time. Come back if you have something serious to say.
Sorry, I have no interest in a discussion where one person is playing dumb. That's just tedious and wasting time. Come back if you have something serious to say.
How is that not serious? You held the same position with "Germans" raping girls in Spain. I'm asking you if the same applies to Swedes.