Social Studying With ADHD - How Hard It Is?

I Fusion I

Everything you can imagine is real
Dec 30, 2020
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Pretty self explaining.

I'm diagnosed (long short story I suspect but don't have the means to explore further) and I'm trying to study, took meds even...I'm not doing really well.

Got any tips?

It is nearly impossible or need extreme work? I guess, some are just very unlucky when it comes to genetics in the first place.
Try a study group...

You get to discuss ideas face to face and save yourself from endless reading

It can also be a social get together...
It's tough no doubt, you just have to stop with the self pity and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Like 9 million people have ADHD in the US.

For our most difficult physics classes, we had TA tutoring sessions twice a week. I don't think I ever missed those. Find resources at your school to help you.
Embrace the retard within yourself. The doctor only said ADHD to be nice. I'm sorry to say you're actually retarded but if you can embrace that you can use it to your advantage.

You can get longer time on tests, have a lower GPA and still graduate or even go into the womens change room.

There was a study on concentration in people with ADD and ADHD where they observed the subjects watching a video on a computer monitor. In part 1, the subjects were made to watch a lesson (math, I believe). They were fidgeting like crazy. Spinning around on their chair, fiddling with random objects, looking around the room, etc, not concentrating well. In part 2, they had them watch a video game. Their concentration in part 2 was perfect, no more spinning around, no fidgeting; their eyes wouldn't leave the screen.

In ADD it's executive functions that don't work well, the brain has issues inhibiting distrations and attention gets pulled away from the task. The hack is that if you're engrossed in what your doing and genuinely enjoy it, your attention won't be pulled away by other things. That's why it's important for someone with that diagnosis to do a career they enjoy, one where they get engrossed and can go in "flow" mode for hours without noticing. Obviously not all 100% tasks can be fun, sometimes there are tedious things that have to be done, but it should be a good chunk of them.
What meds are you on? When you have ADHD your class selection is extremely important. Does your program genuinely interest you or are you doing it for money?
brute fucking force. I am the same and I straight up force myself to do it, is it hard YES but it needed to be done so I did it. Literally thats the only thing that worked for me and now im an engineer.
Embrace the retard within yourself. The doctor only said ADHD to be nice. I'm sorry to say you're actually retarded but if you can embrace that you can use it to your advantage.

You can get longer time on tests, have a lower GPA and still graduate or even go into the womens change room.

I don't think retards know how to type
Pretty self explaining.

I'm diagnosed (long short story I suspect but don't have the means to explore further) and I'm trying to study, took meds even...I'm not doing really well.

Got any tips?

It is nearly impossible or need extreme work? I guess, some are just very unlucky when it comes to genetics in the first place.
I think you could qualify to apply to a disability program which they give you an extra hour for your midterms and finals
I think you could qualify to apply to a disability program which they give you an extra hour for your midterms and finals

Extra hour isn’t that helpful.

I heard Adderall helps even if you don't have adhd

I can’t get it prescribed in my country unfortunately.

At first it is normal

But then it's like

When did I start playing piano?


What meds are you on? When you have ADHD your class selection is extremely important. Does your program genuinely interest you or are you doing it for money?

Interests me a bit, doing it because it’s kinda something I can dig and do it.

It's tough no doubt, you just have to stop with the self pity and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Like 9 million people have ADHD in the US.

For our most difficult physics classes, we had TA tutoring sessions twice a week. I don't think I ever missed those. Find resources at your school to help you.

Not impossible?
Pretty easy.

1) You can only do a career your passionate about or you won't do it.
2) Lists for everything, to do lists are your best friend
3) Break study break study break study and exercise HARD, you need to be physically tired
4) Use your low impulse control from it to dive nuts first into things

Medication won't help at all.
Extra hour isn’t that helpful.

I can’t get it prescribed
I think it was 2 hour but depends how many units the class you are taking.
Have you tried caffeine and nicotine, it might help you to focus on your studies

Even with meds(which help) your attention will often be diverted to something interesting opposed to something you NEED to do and then you'll just focus on that instead. Anything you need to do or feel pressure to do is basically an allergy. Meds help with the focusing thing they do not help with making sure you focus on what you need to be focused on.