Strangest opponent you've ever encountered?

Grey Kid

Orange Belt
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
This is a question to those who compete at some level of combat sports. What has been the strangest opponent or weirdest style you've fought?

Last august I fought at an amateur mma gig where my opponent was just bizarre. They introduced his base style as shotokan karate and boxing, which stood out to me. He was talking pre-fight about how he didn't need a ground game because he 'would just steam roll me'.

When I stepped into the ring he began his crazy theatrics. He was prowling around his corner, snorting through his nostrils and grinding his teeth. Between his aggressive face pulling he'd slap his head and yell 'come on! come on!'.

Then, when the bout actually started he was making the weirdest sounds. He was just screaming. Not even controlled grunts or shouts, just aimless howling. The ref had to give him a warning for it.

That's been my weirdest experience to date. Anyone else?
This is a question to those who compete at some level of combat sports. What has been the strangest opponent or weirdest style you've fought?

Last august I fought at an amateur mma gig where my opponent was just bizarre. They introduced his base style as shotokan karate and boxing, which stood out to me. He was talking pre-fight about how he didn't need a ground game because he 'would just steam roll me'.

When I stepped into the ring he began his crazy theatrics. He was prowling around his corner, snorting through his nostrils and grinding his teeth. Between his aggressive face pulling he'd slap his head and yell 'come on! come on!'.

Then, when the bout actually started he was making the weirdest sounds. He was just screaming. Not even controlled grunts or shouts, just aimless howling. The ref had to give him a warning for it.

That's been my weirdest experience to date. Anyone else?

not really, but I am curious....did you beat the guy?
I foguth a guy who had really good flying kicks, shogun esque.. Pretty easy to nullify him by jamming his kicks and staying inside tho
it wasnt a fight, but one time i visited a karate school. i sparred against a giant guy (probably 6'5"+) who kept trying to do these crazy superman punches. they werent quick fakes gsp style, just giant lunges. he even tried a few palm strikes to the groin. it was real light sparring, but he got a lot of limbs in his face for his trouble.
Yes I did. His striking wasn't bad. Perhaps if he'd focused more on fighting than trying to look like a maniac he could have been better.

I ate a few shots before shooting in for a single leg and gained side mount. Side mount to full mount and strikes from top. He rolled over and gave me his back. I admit my submission game isn't my strongest point but I think his mind was in a strange place.
Both of my fights, have been against two normal orthadox people, so no strange people for me
yea.... i find those ninjitsu, systema, kungfu guys real eager to strike at the nuts or grab your throat.....
I regularly spar with a guy who's 6'5" and 250 lbs.....and i'm 5'10" 190 lbs...does that count?
All the guys I fought in the streets.

Other than that, I sparred with a guy who thinks he is Paulie Malignaggi, he never keeps his hands up and tries to slip away from my strikes. Too bad dancing he did isn't effectve in muay thai.
When you're a welterweight Boxer, sparring guys like this sucks (that's me on the left):


Especially when he hits you only in the stomach for 2 rounds out of 6.

Name is Cisse Salif incase anyone's curious.

Getting hit by his jab sucks, too, just ask David Tua:

We've got this Systema cat that shows up to train with us once in a while. Though he's not representative of all the folks I've trained with that do Systema, he does some truly weird stuff.

He starts at free movement range, rolls, tries to trap legs for leg locks. He strikes with these weird ridge-hand type things (for you Kenpo types and the like)... he closes and goes for kidney shots, but by using this ridge hand idea circling his strikes around from behind you and pulling towards him. He keeps his hands at his sides most of the time, favoring slips and evasions with footwork.

Oooooooh....the thread says "strangest"...I thought it said "strongest"...
One could argue facing someone monumentally stronger than you are is a strange experience.
One could argue facing someone monumentally stronger than you are is a strange experience.

It is...and it's taken me quite some time to learn that standing toe to toe with someone signifcantly larger than you is no fun.......and how it feels to be a 6th grader fighting a high school senior...
i watched a guy at my gym go for a heal hook on a guys prostetic leg kinda weired
It is...and it's taken me quite some time to learn that standing toe to toe with someone signifcantly larger than you is no fun.......and how it feels to be a 6th grader fighting a high school senior...

lol That's how I felt against Cisse. I learned a new appreciation for why Boxing has weight classes. When we were done and I asked what he thought he said he liked how I fight, he said the only reason he did as well as he did is because he's been Boxing for 14 years and has seen everything. My motto about big guys before Cisse was:

"All I see is more target."

I kinda do still feel like that if my ass is on the line. But if someone asked me to fight a 14-year Pro FULL-sized Heavyweight now for any less than survival or a couple million I'd tell them to kiss my ass.

265lb clinches SUCK.
oh yea i sparred a japanese guy before. he was very little and nice but when we sparred he goes into a trance. his eyes become real little like hes closing them slightly and his hands circle around like dhalsim. It was weird as hell
lol That's how I felt against Cisse. I learned a new appreciation for why Boxing has weight classes. When we were done and I asked what he thought he said he liked how I fight, he said the only reason he did as well as he did is because he's been Boxing for 14 years and has seen everything. My motto about big guys before Cisse was:

"All I see is more target."

I kinda do still feel like that if my ass is on the line. But if someone asked me to fight a 14-year Pro FULL-sized Heavyweight now for any less than survival or a couple million I'd tell them to kiss my ass.

265lb clinches SUCK.

I can assure you, my friend...while my buddy isn't 265 (just 15 lbs shy, though)...250 lbs clinches suck as well. Although, I've tried employing some Randy Couture-esque Greco-clinch and some dirty boxing to counter Alister's Thai clinch with limited to moderate success...Thai clinching with someone that much bigger than me, I've discovered, is just plain fruitless...