Economy stonks only go up v6.1

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Pulled 80% of my money from robinhood after last weeks bullshit....sold all my stocks after about 5% loss....then i bought some back after they fell an additional 10% and I'm still down some.

Im 80%cash and i think the market has a long way to go

it depends what you're buying and how.
Pulled 80% of my money from robinhood after last weeks bullshit....sold all my stocks after about 5% loss....then i bought some back after they fell an additional 10% and I'm still down some.

Im 80%cash and i think the market has a long way to go
Be careful with Wash Rules.
If buying back the same stock you just sold at a loss within 30 days, the loss deduction can't apply until next year's taxes.

killed as always.

Playing some big time shorts next week.

Buying in on some airlines as well.

wild how badly resorts have been hit. Wonder if they are even NEAR the bottom or if there is some more opportunities there.
lol all those stocks are casino games and literally could go down 30-50% overnight while you can't even trade.
Wow. Oil just took a fat shit. Historic 20%+ crash into the low 30s.
I think we see a fairly fat bounce back off this once Russia announces cut, but in a deadcat fashion.
Be careful with Wash Rules.
If buying back the same stock you just sold at a loss within 30 days, the loss deduction can't apply until next year's taxes.

lol all those stocks are casino games and literally could go down 30-50% overnight while you can't even trade.

That's good to know, wasnt aware of that.
So if you rebuy a loser within 30 days you can't write off the original loss?
Wow. Oil just took a fat shit. Historic 20%+ crash into the low 30s.
I think we see a fairly fat bounce back off this once Russia announces cut, but in a deadcat fashion.

Well. I fucked up pretty bad.
Be careful with Wash Rules.
If buying back the same stock you just sold at a loss within 30 days, the loss deduction can't apply until next year's taxes.

lol all those stocks are casino games and literally could go down 30-50% overnight while you can't even trade.

Sure, and 2 of them went up 200% in the last 2 weeks so.... I’ll take my money while I can get it.
i read robinhood didnt code correctly for the leapyear.

hopefully they fixed it by now. dow opening down 1000 for monday

oil opening down 20%
Good luck tomorrow. Its looking like we are all fucked.
Futures are shitting themselves right now. Tripped the breakers.
Shale producers could be the first domino to fall.

These companies are awash with debt and won't be able to handle this low a price for very long.

oh, cant wait to see who will foot the bill on restoring nature to how it was before fracking..

spoiler alert: the general public.
unless one bought puts, maybe. i'm wondering if even shorts are going to be restricted.

shame for those who thought the virus would be a blip. Good for those who saw it coming and planned ahead.

Me patiently waiting with over 70% of my investments in cash and bonds.
I think the 11 years straight for a bull market is over. Looks like I will be holding onto some paper for a while.
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