Locked STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI v.3 (Dragonlord's Initial Review)

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I have forgotten more about star wars and the EU than people who would call themselves hardcore fans even know about it... the movie was hot garbage, and I'd go into great detail why but don't want to spoil anything.
I'm sorry to hear that it disappointed you so greatly, specially if you're more emotionally invested than the regular moviegoer.

My post, however, was aimed at people trying to make it seem like this movie is universally hated. It wasn't. If you thought this movie was literally cancer, you're in the minority. That doesn't invalidate your opinion by any means, but we should still paint a more accurate picture of what's going on.
Only to end up ingloriously swallowed whole by a giant vagina. If that happened today fanboys would have a total meltdown.

The OT is not perfect peeps.

What does that have to do with how important he was in empire
You didn't like Lando?! Or...no, not that...
I misinterpreted your post thinking you were saying DJ was the new Jar-Jar, so I was like no he's the new Lando. But that wasn't what you were saying.
I misinterpreted your post thinking you were saying DJ was the new Jar-Jar, so I was like no he's the new Lando. But that wasn't what you were saying.
But we agree that he was terrible though, right?


At this point they could only rectify this sh1t show if Kylo kills Rey in the next one.. because if they have her best him again.. or even worse have them get together I may puke..

The more I think about it the more angry I am about Snoke.. not so much his death.. but all the questions..

How did he get do injured?

Were is he from? Outer rim?

Is he actually a Sith?

He knew Luke/Palpatine and co.. so were was he during ROJ?

Why Is he so afraid/need to find and kill Luke?

Na let's just waste time on the black guy and Asian girl no one cares about.. cause u know diversity
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Still, 2 days after, I'm completely out of words how they managed to obliterate my favorite franchise in just 2.5 hours. I thought Rogue 1 was good, didn't particularly like TFA but thought that if the next one is done right, it might serve as a good lead up. This wasn't Star Wars, but pure shit filled with social statements with minor focus in the story itself.

How did this guy ever get his trilogy to direct is beyond me. Wish they would have left the whole thing untouched. Didn't even know it's possible to get triggered over a movie but ruining Star Wars did it for me.
Severelyunderwhelming. All I kept on thinking throughout was, “Really, this is the best story you could come up with?”

Just like every Star Wars movie ever made. Star Wars fan boys have been working themselves into a shoot for four decades. This stuff was never good to begin with.
Whoops, already responded
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I liked it. Some parts did bug me though and I was not a huge fan of all the comedy. I thought some of the dialogue was awful too, not because it was corny but because it sounded too “casual” or sarcastic. Just didn’t fit the Star Wars flow imo.

Bad parts-
-Leia flying through space. My god, that was cringey.
-Luke and Rey’s training fucking sucked. Luke annoyed me for almost all of those scenes.
-Purple haired bitch. Just terrible.
-Snoke being merked way too easily.
-Rey’s parents being nobodies. WTF?!

Good parts-
-Kyle Ren was still pretty emo and annoying, but liked him a lot more than the first movie. Him and Rey versus the red dudes was awesome.
-Luke vs Rey staff fight was tits. Loved how Luke just ripped his off some antenna nearby.
-Luke tricking Kylo at the end was awesome. Loved that.
-Rey moving the rocks was cool.
-Suicide hyperdrive through the ship.

Visually it was great and there were some fun action scenes. Story was sort of meh, and I wish they answered more questions from the last movie.

I actually think that is one of the uglier aspects to the movie.

There is some serious dogwhistling going on in the film which mostly passes under the radar, but a basic assumption of the movie is that only white males are evil, and that is actually kind of fucked up.

Just imagine recasting the film with an entirely black empire. Or entirely Asian.

A long time ago. They say it at the start. Abe Lincoln hadn't gotten around to emacipating anyone yet.
Still, 2 days after, I'm completely out of words how they managed to obliterate my favorite franchise in just 2.5 hours. I thought Rogue 1 was good, didn't particularly like TFA but thought that if the next one is done right, it might serve as a good lead up. This wasn't Star Wars, but pure shit filled with social statements with minor focus in the story itself.

How did this guy ever get his trilogy to direct is beyond me. Wish they would have left the whole thing untouched. Didn't even know it's possible to get triggered over a movie but ruining Star Wars did it for me.

Honestly, Star Wars forever changed in 1999. Since then it has been a spin of the roulette wheel. I was a moderately big fan back then, today I am simply a casual fan. If you made it through the prequels you can make it through this.
bb8 should be called Rambo droid in this film

this film had the most amount of clapping I have ever heard in a theater

scene I found the funniest was when kylo ren second in command redhead guy gave him lip about going down to face luke Skywalker.

so kylo used the force on him launching him into the wall. the other dude at the controls without flinching in a deadpan manner says "right away sir" and lowers kylo =)
mark hamill looks like peter dinklage in this film

Ok. Second viewing. *deep breath*

It was pretty good. The ridiculous expectations set by the critics were this movies biggest enemy.

On second viewing, with a more relaxed attitude, the jokes were more funny, the little creatures more cute, and drivers acting a little better. DIFFERENT, more reasonable things annoyed me this time lol.

Snokes lack of backstory and odd dismissal... Strange. He went from being more powerful with the force than rey and kylo combined, to being a slab of meat.

Kylo should have had a force explosion after doing his deed, or sometime with his battle with guards, but they seem insistent on making his power impossible to gauge. Luke, and I don't care if part cgi, should have had a whoop ass scene.

But YES.. with dramatically lowered expectations, I actually saw what some of the critics did. It was.... WAIT... Nobody is going to believe this, but my son, 10, just walked up to me and said "Luke should have been one of those spirits at the end" LOL.. This was a discussion earlier in the thread.

Anyway, star wars die hards who were disappointed, watch it again. It won't be a 94%, but it is, alas, I believe, as good as TFA.. And if the comedy starts being cute a little, I say maybe better.

Look for the quick scene with the cute little creatures having a nest on the falcon. I missed that the first time. In a more relaxed mode, I take this movie from a 6.75 to a 7.5.
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can someone explain to me why star wars fans are dumping on this so hard? i've heard some things like they don't like the script but it doesn't really tell me much, and after scanning the last 5 pages i still can't quite put a coherent finger on why people are hating the film so much.
Read the OP.

Well, just finished. Worst one since Phantom. Maybe worst one of the bunch. Need to digest this a bit, will review all of your comments before leaving some of my own.

Very disappointed.


It's been 40ish hours and I'm still pissed off. The mishandling of this franchise is unforgivable. They could have spent a billion dollars and still made money on this movie, and we got this bullshit. Rian Johnson and all the writers need exiled to an island to never been seen again. I've never been this triggered in my life. JJ Abrams is just going to swoop in and fuck it up more trying to reestablish his story.
Still, 2 days after, I'm completely out of words how they managed to obliterate my favorite franchise in just 2.5 hours. I thought Rogue 1 was good, didn't particularly like TFA but thought that if the next one is done right, it might serve as a good lead up. This wasn't Star Wars, but pure shit filled with social statements with minor focus in the story itself.

How did this guy ever get his trilogy to direct is beyond me. Wish they would have left the whole thing untouched. Didn't even know it's possible to get triggered over a movie but ruining Star Wars did it for me.
I would think after the prequels people would be used to disappointment.
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