Star Wars Megathread

99% of the rest of the blame goes to Kathleen 'The Force is Female. We're going to honor the characters you created, George' Kennedy. Period.
"Not my Luke" was created by Lucas before the sale & KK did in fact forward George's vision of that into the sequel. His treatment also wrote in a young girl learning the force as the main character with a side kick who ended up being Finn.

George also lined up Mark, Harrison & Carrie to be a part of the Sequel prior to the sale... which as obvious as bringing them in was... is still in fact something from George's vision that KK brought forward to the screen.

All KK did with Nike's "The Force is Female" ad campaign, was to alter the meaning from the female version of Nike's "Air Force One" shoes, to honor the female members of her staff by buying them shirts & all of them wearing their shirts to a photo opportunity.


No, the first mistake Bob Igur made was hiring Kathleen Kennedy.
George Lucas himself picked KK to be his replacement & was adamant about that prior to signing.
That would be an interesting theory, but that means Kathleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams, and Rian Johnson all purposely made their movies bad to piss off conservatives at the expense of their own repuations and long-term profits for the franchise.

Its just not believable they are that competently incompetent.

No it doesnt mean that, it means I believe there intention was probably to play up some negative reaction from conservatives as a marketing tool.
No, the first mistake Bob Igur made was hiring Kathleen Kennedy.

The problem I spose was because Lucas had been so dominant as the creative leader of Lucasfilm there wasnt really an obvious sucessor. I do have my doubts that Kennedy alone would have been the one behind hiring Abrams as well, I strongly suspect Disney would have had the final word on that and probably were the ones who brought him in.
Call me weird, but JJ Abrams directorial talents is one of the few good things about Ep7 & Ep9. His scripts... well... that's another subject, and even then its not widely known what aspects of the scripts are JJ Abrams ideas, his co-writers, or orders from Kathleen Kennedy.

In Abrams case though I think you can look at something like Trek Into Darkness and see a very similar style of film to his SW work(maybe a bit fresher with a better cast) that didnt involve kennedy, I wouldnt be supprised if she and other Lucasfilm marketers added in a bit of politics for the above reason but really I think the fundamental weaknesses are the same.

I think theres a good arguement that The Last Jedi was a bigger case of studios meddling or just Johnson feeling he had to bend to Abrams style. You look at his career otherwise and its really not very similar in style plus his film is really the only one that seems to back down from its own story, building up Reylo and then dropping it. Besides that as well Johnson was a much smaller name than Abrams, a big fish in Hollywood much less likely to be pressured.
Basically Kathleen Kennedy should be removed as LucasFilm President with Favreau and Folini replacing her.

And yeah, get rid of that shit writing group as well.

I'm guessing those two probably wouldnt be willing to take on that kind of role and the managerial aspect it has, probably much happier to be in creative control of their own series of SW shows. I would not be supprised if Kennedy's wings have been clipped, basically been told to back off and let those two run the creative side and stick to the more managerial side, I can see the sense in that rather than actually firing her which would likely result in a lot of negative PR.

The "story group" to me generally gave the appearance of a load of media studies collage grads trying to bullshit their way into a creative career.
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"Not my Luke" was created by Lucas before the sale & KK did in fact forward George's vision of that into the sequel.

You keep saying that, but you've never posted the receipts to back it up.

George Lucas himself picked KK to be his replacement & was adamant about that prior to signing.

No, Lucas was strongarmed into signing the deal for the biggest entertainment franchise in history for an undervalued $4 Billion.

And he described it as "Selling my kids to white slavers."

Doesn't sound like he'd say "I'll sell my kids to you, but only if Kathleen Kennedy is their overlord" in the negotiations.

And you'd also have to believe that Kathleen Kennedy was so honored to be personally picked as the new President of LucasFilm under Disney, and George demanded for HER to be the President or else he'd refuse to make the deal, that she threw away his story summaries for the sequel trilogy.

Yes, so appreciative.

He didn't even negotiate for his story summaries being developed into the sequel trilogy scripts, because he'd rather have Kathleen Kennedy as the LucasFilm President instead.

Yup, so believable.

By the way, new information about that deal has come out in the last year, check out a video on it -

Or you don't have to do any research on Lucas's Disney deal and keep believing the Disney PR and parrot it in this thread with no critical thinking involved whatsoever.
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No it doesnt mean that, it means I believe there intention was probably to play up some negative reaction from conservatives as a marketing tool.

Oh sure, alienating and insulting over half your fanbase was a great marketing tool.


The problem I spose was because Lucas had been so dominant as the creative leader of Lucasfilm there wasnt really an obvious sucessor. I do have my doubts that Kennedy alone would have been the one behind hiring Abrams as well, I strongly suspect Disney would have had the final word on that and probably were the ones who brought him in.

Dave Filoni was Lucas's apprentice for six seasons of Clone Wars. That didn't mean he would have been a great President for the business side but whoever was the President could have just handled the business side while putting Filoni in charge of the creative side then it would have avoided much of the problems the franchise is having today.

In Abrams case though I think you can look at something like Trek Into Darkness and see a very similar style of film to his SW work(maybe a bit fresher with a better cast) that didnt involve kennedy, I wouldnt be supprised if she and other Lucasfilm marketers added in a bit of politics for the above reason but really I think the fundamental weaknesses are the same.

There's been no politics in the marketing.

Its purely a writing choice to be made to include them.

I think theres a good argument that The Last Jedi was a bigger case of studios meddling or just Johnson feeling he had to bend to Abrams style. You look at his career otherwise and its really not very similar in style plus his film is really the only one that seems to back down from its own story, building up Reylo and then dropping it. Besides that as well Johnson was a much smaller name that Abrams, a big fish in Hollywood much less likely to be pressured.

This is what we know about TLJ's script -

*JJ Abrams and his writers had summaries for where plots that began in Ep7 would eventually lead to in Ep8&9.
*Kathleen Kennedy gave Rian Johnson complete control to do whatever he wanted with TLJ's script, completely disregarding Abram's notes.
*The filming script was Rian's Johnson's first draft.
*Kathleen Kennedy approved it.

I'm guessing those two probably wouldnt be willing to take on that kind of role and the managerial aspect it has, probably much happier to be in creative control of their own series of SW shows. I would not be supprised if Kennedy's wings have been clipped, basically been told to back off and let those two run the creative side and stick to the more managerial side, I can see the sense in that rather than actually firing her which would likely result in a lot of negative PR.

Then as I said earlier in my post Filoni should be creative lead, Favreau should be executive producer of any project he wants with ultimate control, and get in a President that will just handle the business side and get the hell out of their way.

As for the theories of Kathleen Kennedy now just being a figurehead... they're just theories... and perhaps time will tell what's true or just rumor.

Alot of truth came out with the Disney deal with Lucas, in time.
Really though a "pure creative" as a studio head only tends to happen when they build a studio from the ground up.
No, Lucas was strongarmed into signing the deal for the biggest entertainment franchise in history for an undervalued $4 Billion.

And he described it as "Selling my kids to white slavers."
Doesn't sound like he'd say "I'll sell my kids to you, but only if Kathleen Kennedy is their overlord" in the negotiations.

And you'd also have to believe that Kathleen Kennedy was so honored to be personally picked as the new President of LucasFilm under Disney, and George demanded for HER to be the President or else he'd refuse to make the deal, that she threw away his story summaries for the sequel trilogy.

Yes, so appreciative.

He didn't even negotiate for his story summaries being developed into the sequel trilogy scripts, because he'd rather have Kathleen Kennedy as the LucasFilm President instead.

Yup, so believable.

That interview was 3 years after the sale so that falls short to be considered evidence that he felt that way during the sale. On the contrary, you should hear him go on & on about how he thought Disney was the best company in the world for the job.

Here ya go... since you're minding your manners so far, I'll share this interview that was dun October 19, 2012, which was 11 days before the official sale.

Right from the start, KK & Disney are the best. Keep listening... the whole 5 part interview is basically a love fest on why Disney is the best in the world & KK is so qualified... & how well their 35 yr. experience together made her the perfect choice to replace him. In part 3 he says that he went to her for the opportunity... not the other way around.

This video indicates the exact opposite sentiment compared to what you said about him being "strong-armed into selling." In fact he calls Disney the best company in the world to take over the stories that he's entrusting under KK's supervision.

Or you don't have to do any research on Lucas's Disney deal and keep believing the Disney PR and parrot it in this thread with no critical thinking involved whatsoever.

There's no need for us to get back to insults. As you know I'm very capable of them myself. I think the others in this thread would appreciate us leaving our pissing contest behind & just get back to talking facts.

Interestingly, what I said about Lucas writing "hermit Luke who is frustrated from a previous trauma" is canon. So it's not even in question or open to misinterpretation which you seem to be eluding too with your PR comment. @One MMA Fan told you he saw it. He's not lying.

You're bringing up things that happened AFTER Lucas sat down in Jan 2013 with the art crew & described to them exactly what we saw on film regarding frustrated Hermit Luke.

There is no debate about this. it's canon. Look it up.

...or ask me nicely. I do a lot of digging & it takes time to organize my resources & notes & I'm simply tired of sharing my work with people who don't appreciate it. So simply ask me politely & I'll share it with you.
This is the way
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That interview was 3 years after the sale so that falls short to be considered evidence that he felt that way during the sale. On the contrary, you should hear him go on & on about how he thought Disney was the best company in the world for the job.

Exactly why the 2015 interview is more relevant than the 2012 interview. Lucas's 4 Billion was mostly in stock, and he had a gag order and he'd suffer large consequences if he said anything in public that's result in Disney's stock lowering in value for his stock, and everyone else's.

And obviously in 2012 he had expectations for how Disney would treat Star Wars, and by 2015 he had seen The Force Awakens and was obviously displeased., with different spaceships, make it new.”

Lucas described “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the film that resulted from Disney’s vision, as “a retro movie.”
“I don’t like that,” he said. “Every movie, I work very hard to make them completely different, with different planets, with different spaceships, make it new.”

You'd have seen this quote in the video I linked in my last post, but you didn't watch it.

This video indicates the exact opposite sentiment compared to what you said about him being "strong-armed into selling." In fact he calls Disney the best company in the world to take over the stories that he's entrusting under KK's supervision.

Again you didn't watch the Jeremy John video which was about Bob Igur - Disney's CEO that did the negotiations with Lucas - autobiography in which he said "George Felt Betrayed." So you're citing information from 2012, while I'm citing more detailed and recent information that is far more reliable that PR interviews.
That stupid bitch is worth 300 m?

She has barely enough braincells to make coffee ffs.
300m to guide your sure shot franchise into a steamy pile of shit, until she was bailed out by two straight white men.

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Hadn't been paying attention to Star Wars since the Pablo Hidalgo stuff. Had a lot of fun catching up today.

This High Republic shitshow is amazing. The Kennedy faction at Lucasfilm took relationship with the fanbase back to what it was right after TLJ was released and fucked up all of the goodwill from Luke's return within a month.

It doesn't matter what good work is done in the Favreau-led projects in the near future. There's a big group of people from the top down in that company who hate old Star Wars and its fanbase.

I can't believe that Disney is not putting their foot down on this shit given how strapped for cash they are.