
One of the best ways is to go to your local zoo (pet store can work as well)and spend time watching them, observe them as close as you can. Slowly work your way up to finding one you can handle, or watch someone else handle and then maybe get a small tarantula (rose hair is a perfect starter spider)for yourself. That way when you get it it’s still small and you can watch it grow and see how amazingly delicate and beautiful they actually are.
Thanks man. I really appreciate it.

Nowadays I don't think I have the time to grow one (I'm leaving in 3/4 months and then if everythig goes well moving to another country) but I think I will do it the next time I settle in a place.

Will let you guys know
I don't mind spiders as long as they stay outside. Once they come in the house all bets are off.
Fun fact : daddy long legs are one of if not the most toxic spiders. The reason you don’t worry about them as humans is because their fangs aren’t long enough to break and inject into humans. Probably to minuscule amount also...
Fun fact : daddy long legs are one of if not the most toxic spiders. The reason you don’t worry about them as humans is because their fangs aren’t long enough to break and inject into humans. Probably to minuscule amount also...
Harvestmen aren’t actually spiders and they aren’t remotely dangerous towards humans. That is an often repeated myth that is totally false
Best spider story i have is when hiking.. put my tent up at afternoon and came back drunk and happy at 2 in the night..

I always check my tent for bugs etc before sleeping and to my surprice i find to weaving spiders in the tent.. one by our feet and one above our heads..

Not one mosquito bite! It's like they knew there would be to pieces of enormous mosquito bait coming in later..


Edit* Evicted them non violently before packing up..
shit I'm not afraid of spiders but i'd freak out if i ever see these
Spiders creep me out but I understand their usefulness. Saw a funny meme that said you are helping spiders evolve by killing the dumb ones.

Caught this bastard on my front porch:

The most dangerous thing about a huntsman is when they surprise someone. Lol they are harmless to people, you could always get some sort of bacterial infection from anything breaking the skin. But to get one of these to bite you m, you pretty much deserve it.

Love spiders, the army of cellar spiders (that live in my basement) helped me recently with a carpenter ant issue.

Does that mean you can actually pick them up and move them with your hand? I know some spiders can be handled without much issue. So I guess my question is are they harmless as in not aggressive, or harmless as in they can be handled?
Bunch of sick fucks in this thread.
Does that mean you can actually pick them up and move them with your hand? I know some spiders can be handled without much issue. So I guess my question is are they harmless as in not aggressive, or harmless as in they can be handled?
Yes but you have to move slow because they startle easily and when they do it’s a jump and run.
They get into my place I live sometimes. I don't mind them. In fact, I appreciate the company
Nice looking area, too bad about having to move

Haha! I was going to move it to the greenbelt in the back, but my MIL let him go on the side of the house. The fucker probably moved right back out front in the bushes. I have caught 2 scorpions inside, one on my ceiling above my bed, and have seen a few walking sticks and other crazy insects. A neighbor had one of those giant centipedes. So far no snakes...But this is part of living in out here.

Yes but you have to move slow because they startle easily and when they do it’s a jump and run.

Damn man, I used a mason jar. No way I was moving it with my hands when it was showing me the fangs.
Haha! I was going to move it to the greenbelt in the back, but my MIL let him go on the side of the house. The fucker probably moved right back out front in the bushes. I have caught 2 scorpions inside, one on my ceiling above my bed, and have seen a few walking sticks and other crazy insects. A neighbor had one of those giant centipedes. So far no snakes...But this is part of living in out here.

Damn man, I used a mason jar. No way I was moving it with my hands when it was showing me the fangs.
Yeah, that’s the safest means and I was mainly talking about huntsman specifically. But good on ya for not killing it.
I don't mind spiders that much
Our problem here isn't Spiders, but Vinegaroons/thelyphonida (Whip Scorpions as you may know them as), Camel Spiders/Solifugae and Scorpions

Actually i'd rather deal w/ ANY of those over a Sidewinder, W. Diamondback, or Mojave Green. No bueno
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Out of ignorance and fear I kill them in my home. Outside I let them be.
I'd kind of want to see the spiders of old times when the oxygen levels on the planet where higher..

Fun fact is insects are limited to their current max sizes as they sort of breed through their skin (tracheal system) and the oxygen levels aren't high enough for that system to be effective for bigger animals..

But then again, a camel spider the size of a golden retriever is a really fucking scary proposition..
in other fun facts, spiders aren’t insects and camel spiders aren’t spiders.