SOUL upon entry: Make a deal with the devil [power/strength training log]

bw: 230lb

135-10 reps
225-5 reps
315-5 reps
405-1 rep
495-1 rep
+barefoot+straps+closed lever belt:
495-9+0 reps....maybe had one more if I had an energy drink or something....felt like my conditioning gave out first...
---barely closed my inzer belt....walked with it on for a bit and it was very uncomfortable....
---discovered I could only get 5 45 bumpers per side on this rogue bar which was disappointing.....I barely had enough room to partially attach the collars....I was planning for a 585x4 but I'll save that for another time...
----per strength calculator 495x9 > 585x3....


#100- 50 reps/hand regular grip
#100- 30+0 reps/hand inverted grip

Bodyweight Squats standing on Yoga Blocks:
bw-10 repsx3 sets
---deep and paused at the bottom....almost a stretch...
----bit of emphasis on balance



-played a halfcourt game of 2o2 and 3o3 of basketball...

135-10 reps paused...
225-10 reps
opent belt+gloves with wrist wraps:
275-15+0 reps...TNG but no bouncing...barely got last rep with good form
315-8+1 reps....was able to rack 9th reps but missed initially with left hand...
---suicide grip for all reps...felt good after regretting playing basketball beforehand
---stayed a bit more and shot around basketball for a bit longer. A 3o3 game broke up just before I got back...


bw: 230lb

bw-10 reps
135-10 reps
225-10 reps
+closed belt:
315-1 rep...had to stop to remove my pant belt from under my inzer belt
315-5+0 reps...maybe couple more...but felt like dog shit
open belt:
365-1+0 rep...maybe had one more...
275-10+0 reps....was able to go deeper and bounce out of the bottom...
---been dragging my ass all week due to uneven night good, one night bad, etc...

Leg Press Machine:
380(stack)-40+0 reps.....controlled but not slow...

Highest Setting on Incline Bench Cable Presses:
100 per side: 10 reps...
---decided not to go any higher....
----not my day...will try to do bench on Saturday...



A few sets of a rep with #250 right handed


bw: 229lb

Right: 20, 30+0
Left: 25, 30+0
--great was less than 3$ on
---I ended up getting a few different ones from #50 to #350

Bench in power rack:
135-10 reps...suicide grip
225-10 reps...suicide grip
315-9+1 reps....suicide grip....missed it 2/3
275-14+0 reps...suicide grip
---set up pins about 1/2 of ROM so had to press out the weight at the start each set...but it helped on the set I failed

One Arm Pulldowns on Pulldown Station (w/ ergonomic grip handles)
100-5 reps each hand

One Arm Negatives on Pulldown Station (w/ ergonomic grip handles)
160-5 negatives / arm....left grip was slipping

One Arm Hangs with strap:
bw-3-5 sec per arm
bw-3 to 5 sec per arm

bw: 229lb

#50 gripper 20 reps each hand with just finger tips...

Pull Ups using climbing grips:
bw-5+0 uniform and boots....

Standing Alternating DB Curls:
40s-10 reps/arm
65s-8+0 reps/arm...cheat curls
75s-6+0 reps/arm...cheat curls
---no heavier DBs in our gym here

One Arm DB Curls against 45 degree bench:
50lb-10+0 reps/arm

Leg Press Machine:
380(stack)-30+0 reps....had more but my conditioning gave out...
---I was rising on my toes like sissy squats which made the exercise harder and worked my calves a lot more...
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2 hours
bw: ~230lb

-took Vor energy drink(180mg caffeine)

135-10 reps...explosive...suicide grip..
225-10 reps...explosive...suicide grip
+open inzer belt+gloves w/ wrist wraps:
315-10+0 reps...explosive...suicide grip...TNG...bounced last couple reps...
365-2+0 reps...TNG
385-1+0 reps...TNG
275-14+0 reps....TNG...suicide grip
-----probably had 4 plates with a spotter....

Pulldown Station w/ neutral 2 arm ergonomic handle(mine):
205-10 reps
295(stack)-4+0 reps...
-24 hr fitness station is much harder than my work one

One Arm Hangs:
1. about 5-10 sec per arm w/ strap
2. about 5-10 sec per arm w/ strap
3. 1-2 sec per arm --no strap...grip was slipping on slick metal bar (TRX station)

Sitting Cable Press Station Machine:
100(total)-10 reps
120-10 reps
140-8+0 reps

Pull Ups:
bw-5+0 reps...not a good place to do them...TRX station was not a good place to do chest to bar....

Medium Decline Sit Ups:
bw-20 reps x 3 sets
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1 hr

Squats with Rogue bar (70lb):
bw: 10 reps
160-10 reps(1 plate per side)
250-10 reps(2 plates per side)
300-10+0 reps(2 plates per side+25s)....grinded out last couple reps...went deep but coming up was tough...took a wider stance

Sitting Leg Press Machine:
380(stack)--20+0 reps...sissy squat style rising on toes....slow reps..
380(stack)-20 reps....had a few more...slow reps...
--work gym


bw-10 reps
135-10 reps....low bar
225-10 reps...low bar
315-6 reps...low bar/wide stance...not comfortable
315-7 reps....had to adjust the bar a bit lower on my back mid set...a bit narrower stance...
315-8 reps...medium stance...high bar...bounced out of the bottom...maybe had a couple more...

Leg Press Machine:
380(stack)-30 reps....controlled/slow...

135-10 reps

One Set of BW One Arm Hangs for a couple seconds w/ strap

----been dragging my ass since last Saturday(zero energy) grip strength dropped precipitously on grippers....been coming down with something...finally doubled my dose to 2.22g and 2.16g last couple days and felt immediately much better....this concurs with my previous experience a year ago where I took 2-3g and felt much better cold symptoms just went away...
---been taking taurine before sleep, 3-5g, and been sleeping much better and longer....


bw: 228lb
2 hrs
--245mg total caffeine(Vor drink+1 excedrin)

135-10 reps ....TNG..explosive ...suicide grip
225-10 reps.....TNG.........suicide grip
275-5 reps....paused......suicide grip
+open belt:
315-6+0 reps...TNG...moderately hard.....suicide grip
275-10+0 reps..TNG....moderately hard...suicide grip
---no strength today...just drained...

--played several 2 on 2 basketball games...was exhausted by the end...

135-10 reps
155-5 reps
185-5+0 reps..had nothing on 6th rep...

Sitting Shoulder Press Machine:
100-10 reps...super easy...horizontal grip
170(stack)-15+0 reps...horizontal grip
170(stack)-12+0 reps...narrower vertical neutral grip...

Slight Decline Sit Ups:
bw-22+0 reps x 3 sets
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bw: 228lb
110 min

135-5 reps
225-5 reps
315-1 rep
405-1 rep
495-1 rep...stiff legged it a bit...
+straps+open inzer belt:
585-1 rep....again stiff legged it...but it came up fine
+straps+closed inzer belt+barefoot:
635-1 rep+1 shrug...felt like I had another 20-40 lb....

open belt:
135-10 reps...very explosive...suicide grip
225-10 reps.. explosive...suicide grip
+gloves with light wrist wraps...
315-9+0 reps...suicide grip...
275-12+0 reps...suicide grip...

Pulldown Station w/ neutral 2 arm ergonomic handle(mine):
+open belt:
205-10 reps
295(stack)-4+1 5th rep halfway
295(stack)-3+0 reps...
-24 hr fitness station is much harder than my work one

Low Decline Bench Sit Ups:
bw-22+0 reps x 3 sets

Sitting Shoulder Press Machine:
170(stack)-25+0 reps...horizontal grip
170(stack)-20+0 reps...narrower vertical neutral grip...
---felt like a productive workout...I am getting over what the hell I have had last three or so weeks....



-played 3 games of 3o3 to 16....had better endurance today...took 1+g of NMN....I see noticeable improvement when I take it despite some mixed studies....I held up much better than last time I played....

open belt:
135-10 reps...felt heavy...suicide grip
225-10 reps.. felt heavy...suicide grip
275-15+0 reps...suicide grip....quite happy
315-8+0 reps...suicide grip...
---I was exhausted after basketball and I was surprised I was able to do as well here as I did...
---I got my bench workout in about 20 minutes before gym closed
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bw: 230lb
100 min
(2 excedrins-500mg tylenol+500mg aspirin+130mg caffeine)

-Rotator cuff complex warm up...

135-10 reps...explosive...suicide grip..wide grip
225-10 reps...paused for a couple sec...suicide grip....wide grip
+open inzer belt
295-12+0 reps......suicide grip...TNG...wide grip
345-5+0 reps....regular grip..TNG...wide grip

Leg Press(Precor at 24hr fitness):
3- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
4- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
5- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
6- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
7- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
8- 45 plates per side: 5+0 reps
-----maybe had a couple more but it was tough..
-----narrow/medium stance and went deep....thighs to to calves.....

Pulldown Station w/ neutral 2 arm ergonomic handle(mine):
205-10 reps
295(stack)-5+0 reps...
-24 hr fitness station is much harder than my work one

---took a week off to rest my shoulder which I tweaked during was still bothering me today during bench but felt a lot better
----squat stations were taken so I decided to do leg press today....
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bw: 228lb
70 min
---2 excedrins(500mg tylenol/500mg aspirin/130mg caffeine)

135-5 reps
225-5 reps
315-1 rep
405-1 rep.....cut my thumb by digging fingers into it....
+straps+open inzer belt:
585-1 rep....a bit tough

+straps+closed inzer belt+barefoot:
675-1+0 stuck around the knees and went to the right a bit but managed to lock it out anyways with minimal or no hitching......the issue was more that my left hand came off and then strap saved me...however I tore off a big chunk of skin pad under my middle finger...held it at the top for a couple seconds...
---next time I need to tighten the wraps around the bar better and to get a more even grip...I suspect I made it significantly harder than it had to be with shitty set up....

Standing Calf Raise Machine:
200(300 max)- 10 reps x 3 sets

Sitting Hoist Leg Press Machine(24hr fitness)
307(stack)-20 reps x 2 sets

----skipped rest of my workout after ripping up my hand...
bw: 230lb
100 min
(2 excedrins-500mg tylenol+500mg aspirin+130mg caffeine)

-Rotator cuff complex warm up...

135-10 reps...paused..suicide grip..
225-10 reps...paused for a couple sec...suicide grip....
+open inzer belt
295-12+0 reps......suicide grip...TNG...
345-5+0 reps....regular grip..TNG...barely got last rep...

Leg Press(Precor at 24hr fitness):
3- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
4- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
5- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
6- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
7- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
8- 45 plates per side: 7+0 reps
-----narrow/medium stance and went deep....thighs to to calves.....

Incline Bench Machine:
200(stack)-10+0 reps...


bw: 230lb

20 hamstring curls (door strap)--- assisted on way down and up
40 sit ups
40 push ups
quick little workout end of shift---


135-10 reps...suicide ...paused
225-10 reps...suicide....paused
295-12+0 reps...suicide....TNG.....bounced last few...
---went to our old track gym with one rusty barbell, bench and a few left over rusted plates from the 80s?...4 45s, 4 35s, 2 10s, 2 5s.

bw: 230lb

bw-10 reps
135-10 reps
225-10 reps...
315-5 reps
365-1+0 rep...weight rolled over forward on my neck...was hoping for a couple more reps but decided to cut it here...

Leg Press(Precor at 24hr fitness):
3- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
4- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
5- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
6- 45 plates per side: 10 reps
7- 45 plates per side: 10 reps x 3 sets

Standing Calf Raise Machine:
200(300 max)- 10+0 reps

Decline Sit Ups(max decline):
bw-20 reps..near max

-50 push ups
-shoulder stretching/rehab

135-10 reps...felt way too heavy so I called it quits

Pulldowns w/ neutral ergonomic grip at work:
w/ straps:
220-10 reps...felt very heavy
295(stack)-4+0 reps...disappointing but not unexpected

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises:
240-10 reps
300-10 reps
380(stack)-10+0 reps

Leg Press Machine: Leg Together---partial ROM--
380(stack)-20 reps

--several exercises for rotator cuff muscles...right shoulder still tweaked at full extension...also did some stretching...

---also did several sets of forced closes on my 'easy #3' gripper over last couple days....don't know if that's what burned me out...
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bw: 230lb
85 min

bw-10 reps
135-10 reps
225-10 reps
+open belt:
275-5 reps
335-5+0 reps
365-1 rep
405-1+0 reps...hit good depth...thought I was going to get stuck for a fraction of a second as I came up from the bottom but managed to hit a good rep
---used wider stance this time that shifted emphasis on hips/glutes/hams which made everything much better and easier...

135-10 reps...paused for a sec each rep
225-10 reps...paused for a sec each rep
275-5 reps...paused for a sec each rep
315-1 rep...paused ...sec
335-1 rep...paused...sec
+open belt:
365-1 rep....paused....sec..felt like I had a couple more
385-1+0 reps...paused...sec or so...

Hammer Strength "Iso Lateral High Row" Machine(each handle 2lb when empty):
1-45 per side(94lb): 10 reps...super light
2-45 per side(184lb): 10 reps...still quite light
3-45 per side(274lb): 10 reps...
4-45 per side(364lb): 5 reps....still had at least a few reps ..
5-45 per side(454lb): 3+0 reps....ROM was questionable...
---I am thinking with leverage it's maybe 1/2-2/3 on freeweights

Decline Sit Ups(highest decline):
bw-22+0 reps...

----solid workout....took 2g taurine+3g AAKG+ 1 excedrin tablet pre workout....
---stretching my shoulder and doing various rehab exercises is slowly helping improve my shoulder...

bw: 230lb

Hammer Strength MTS High Row Machine: 150x2 (stack - 300lb)- 6+0 reps
Hammer Strength MTS Row Machine: 150x2 (stack - 300lb)- 8+0 reps.. noticeably easier---probably have more in me on another day
Low Cable Row Station: 260lb(stack)+another plate on top(no idea what it weights but 5-10lb probably- 12+0 had a narrow BLUSLM neutral grip soft handles...

---hopped on these with no warm up to try them out....not too bad...
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bw: 230lb
90 min

135-10 reps...paused for a sec each rep
225-10 reps...paused for a sec each rep
275-1 reps...paused for a sec each rep
335-1 rep...paused...sec
+open belt:
365-1 rep....paused....sec....felt heavy..
385-1+0 reps...paused...sec or so...
315-8+0 reps...TNG ....suicide grip
---used a different bar from last time and just couldn't get the grip width just right...

Hammer Strength Decline Plate Loaded Machine(separate handles):
1-45 per side: 10 reps
2-45s per side: 10 reps
3-45 per side: 10+0 reps reps
4-45 per side: 5+0 reps

bw-10 reps
135-10 reps
225-10 reps
+open belt:
315-3 reps...
---felt tired...called it a day...will try to get in a leg workout later this week

Decline Sit Ups(highest setting):
bw: 20 reps
bw: 26+0 reps...
80 min
bw: 230lb

135-10 reps
225-10 reps
+open belt:
315-12+0 reps....was winded as hell...went deep and bounced out of the bottom...wide stance and bar fairly high on my neck/back...

135-10 reps...1-2 sec paused...suicide grip
225-10 reps...1-2 sec paused...suicide grip
315-1 rep...1-2 sec paused...suicide grip
365-5+0 reps....TNG...felt shockingly light today...

---at my work gym using power rack for both...
Life Fitness Sitting Calf Raise(Extension) Machine:
205-20 reps
265-10 reps
325-20 reps...didn't realize it was going to be this easy...first time trying this machine
---tried out this machine at one of my work sites....much easier than the standing one at 24hrfitness gym.
bw: 235lb

Sitting One Arm/Hand Cable Rows: w/ strap
100-5 reps
205-5+0 reps (295 stack)
---moderately hard...used solid form

135-10 reps...
-left shoulder still hurt

---performed several rehab exercises for rotator cuff muscles...
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bw: 235lb
90 min

135-10 reps...paused 1-2 sec...explosive..suicide grip
225-10 reps...paused 1-2 sec...explosive..suicide grip
315-1 rep...paused
385-2+0 reps.....TNG
405-1+0 reps.....TNG
315-10+0 reps...TNG....suicide grip...
---work gym
bw: 233lb
---2 excedrins(500mg tylenol/500mg aspitin/130mg caffeine)
100 min

-standing on 1 inch rubber mat..not sure what the point of it is since the weight is on the floor...
135-10 reps...RDLs
225-10 reps...RDLs...
315-1 rep...
405-1 rep...
+straps+open belt:
495-1 rep
585-1 rep
-barefoot while standing on floor
675-0+1 it 3-4 inches off the ground then had absolutely nothing....couldn't even hitch anything...
585-1+0 reps...embarrassing...barely got the 1 rep...

Sumo DLs:
405-2 reps...w/straps...just tried it for the hell of it

135-10 reps...suicide grip
225-10 reps....1-2 sec paused...suicide grip
315-10+1 reps...failed on 11th...suicide grip...TNG

Decline Sit Ups:
bw - 20+0 reps x 3 sets

-----lower back was fried....not sure if I screwed up in the set up....felt decent..


Sit Ups using over the door pull up bar...quite unstable:
bw-30+0 reps
bw-20+0 reps
bw-20+0 reps...
bw: 235lb
2 hours

135-10 reps...paused...suicide grip
225-10 reps...2 sec paused and explosive ...suicide grip...
+2 board:
315-12+0 reps....suicide grip
315-13+0 reps....regular grip
315-11+0 reps....regular grip..barely got last rep....

---lower back finally feels better.
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