sore knees from squatting any suggestions?


White Belt
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
hi, i just started a squatting routine about a month ago and have made great progress so far with the amount of weight. ive been doing the 5x5 powerlifting routine with heavy weight (225lbs). my knees have been bothering me a little bit on the inside (front side by kneecap). i have been using about a shoulder width stance as it originally felt comfortable with lighter weights. i keep my back straight and try to use the best form and go down to 90 degrees. is there anything i can change to make my knees feel better? i had a suggestion to widen my stance, but ive heard this puts alot of pressure on the hips. please help, i dont want to hurt myself!!! thanks
You should put up a video. People need to see you squat to see if you have any issues with your form. No one will be able to give you good advice without seeing a video of your squat.

Make sure to push your knees out as you squat down.
A video is needed, but I can tell you right now that going "down to 90 degrees" isn't right. Squat as deep as you can without your form breaking down (i.e back rounding). If this isn't below parallel, then there's issues with technique and/or flexibility that need to be addressed. You'll probably have to reduce the weight to squat deeper.
Have you had any knee issues prior to squatting?
Knees to 90 degrees is a half-squat. Do some research on proper squat form and if you have any specific questions post a video.
no knee issues before squatting at all. i'll post up a video, but what angle should i take it from?

i dont round my back and try to go as deep as possible.
if your knees are sore start adjusting your foot width to find a comfortable balance, also flair your knees out more and make ssure your pressing off the heel
no knee issues before squatting at all. i'll post up a video, but what angle should i take it from?

i dont round my back and try to go as deep as possible.

Ideally: angle is 45 degrees from the back (between side and back, not side and front), camera is at hip height, camera is still (so in case someone is shooting you, don't move the camera up and down), frame should include feet and barbell at all times.

If you shoot more than one set, feel free to use more angles.
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$5 says we're gonna see a squat that doesn't go to parallel, knees forward, and weight on the toes. Perhaps some gm'ing as well. :D
I'm not that experienced as others but you need to go down deeper. I would also suggest squatting in some shoes that have flat soles or barefoot. Also your wrists are really bent and your elbows need to be back.
$5 says we're gonna see a squat that doesn't go to parallel, knees forward, and weight on the toes. Perhaps some gm'ing as well. :D

This. I just started doing squats and had the same issues as TS. One I fixed up form, my knees were fine.
thanks perfect moo, the most ive ever squatted was 245 for 3 reps. i would have done more weight, but i did squats and deadlifts on saturday so im sore and weak as hell right now lol.

i'll try breaking at the hips first, but is there anything else you suggest like widening the stance or going down further?
MEGAVIDEO - I'm watching it

its sideways, because mega video blows but you get the idea. any clues as to what im doing wrong?

Here are a couple of things:

1. Think about getting flat soled shoes or weightlifting shoes for squatting. Cushioning in the heels is unstable for squatting and might lead you to do #2....

2. It looks like you're transferring weight a bit from your heels to your toes as you're descending. Think about your center of gravity while you do some practice squats. Imagine the weight and pressure going straight down the middle of your foot and not towards your toes.

3. The reason you might be doing #2 is that you're not really sitting 'in between your legs' but 'over your legs.' Try breaking at the hips and shoving your ass backwards into the squat. Also push your knees outwards. You can get the feeling of this by squatting down and pushing your knees out with your elbows. If you have good flexibility, you should be able to sit in between your legs in a atg squat with back rounded indefinitely. Now try getting a neutral back angle (chest out) while in that position. That's more of the position you want to be in in the hole.

4. I notice the form got a little worse as you went from 135 to 185. You're squatting a bit higher and transferring more weight forward (and towards your knees). At 5x5 of 225 lbs, I can only imagine that your form would be even worse, which i initially suspected was the problem. This is just a guess though. We would have to see your work sets (especially the last couple) to really get a sense of how bad it will break down.

5. From what I've read and personal experience, knee strain is caused by this shifting of pressure or weight forwards towards the knees. If you go lower than parallel, then this weight is transferred to your hips (which can take much more weight). I like to imagine it like you had a broomstick rolling down your lap and thighs as you squat. If you're in ATG position, the broomstick will roll towards your lap and hips and away from your knees (the broomstick represents the pressure). At parallel and above, the broomstick or pressure will roll from your lap towards your knees. You can simulate this by getting into an ATG squat position like I outlined in #3 and then VERY slowly raising yourself to parallel and above. You will FEEL the pressure shoot from your hip to your knee. Now imagine that with 225 lbs on your back for 25 reps each time your squat.

Hope this helped. As always, check out the Squat RX series on Youtube and remember to warmup and stretch and practice.
hell ya! thats exactly what i was looking for. thanks turbo

on 3. do you mean a position similar to what a sumo wrestler would do?

i just tried a few without weight and no shoes on, and it already feels better. i think my stance was too narrow and the running shoes having too high of a heel. i bent at the hips first, stuck my ass out, and really arched my back and it seemed to take alot of the pressure off my knees and put it into my hips. i'll record my next leg workout with the new form and post it up so i can perfect my form. i really appreciate all your help guys, and if anyone has anymore suggestions please let me know.
thanks perfect moo, the most ive ever squatted was 245 for 3 reps. i would have done more weight, but i did squats and deadlifts on saturday so im sore and weak as hell right now lol.

i'll try breaking at the hips first, but is there anything else you suggest like widening the stance or going down further?

What's your current program look like?
Monday: 6pm-7: brazilian jiu jitsu Gi 7-8: No gi jiu jitsu
Tuesday: 7-8: Gi jiu jitsu 8-9: 5 sets of 15 wide grip pull ups, 3x3 rope climbs, 3x20 chin ups, 3x5 heavy curls
Wednesday: 6-7pm: Gi jiu jitsu, 7-8pm: Muay Thai kickboxing
Thursday: 4-5pm: wind sprints, box jumps, 3x50 standard pushups, 2x30 diamond pushups... i also alternate the pushups with 5x5 bench press and standing military press every other week.
Friday: 5-6pm: Gi jiu jitsu, 7-8pm: 5x5 squats, 3x5 deadlifts, 3x10 hamstring curls, 3x20 calf raises, 3x15 hip abductors, 3x15 hip adductors. i occasionally switch the deadlifts for powercleans, it just depends on how i feel that day.
Saturday: light cardio if anything
Sunday: rest and pig out.

i'd train more powerlifting cause i really enjoy it, but its hard to supplement that much lifting when i do so much grappling.