The impending Elgintensity video is going to be brutal. I don't think he'll be disrespectful to the athlete that passed away but man....he isn't going to pull any punches.
The impending Elgintensity video is going to be brutal. I don't think he'll be disrespectful to the athlete that passed away but man....he isn't going to pull any punches.
I saw a thumbnail with that guy sitting on a gym safety mat and it said something about how death affects other athletes. Thought it meant someone close to him, not the actual guy in pic. Going check it out, thanks for the info.
Edit: Non official cliffs
Run / Swim event
Lazar is visually in distress, not in a group of swimmers
2 lifeguards are 10m away not reacting to it
He goes under, spectator jumps in to try and get to him
Lifeguards focus on spectator tell them to turn around
Finally get attention on Lazar underwater. Lifeguard paddles over and can't find him.
3 hours before recovery
The hindsight negligence is disturbing. 2nd vid , not sure on factual information but he said lifeguard paddled over then turned around and went about his day. The event finished before anyone went looking for him.Whoever was in charge of that cluster-fuck will be lucky to escape criminal charges. At the very least, I'd expect Lazar's next of kin to sue the CFG until they are bleeding from every hole.
Wow the lifeguards were right there how did they not see he needed help.
Lol yeah he's still at it. Not as active but still putting out content.He's still making videos? I haven't seen any of his stuff in years.
Criminal levels of negligence. People still die in the swim sections of triathalons with a whole team of pro lifeguards and rescue boats while doing the swimming event first.
Crossfit just had a few volunteers on the water, no professional lifeguards, completely inadequate safety measures, AND they send the athletes into the water already gassed from another event.
You have to be kiding me. I can't believe that the lifeguards on paddleboards weren't professional lifeguards. That sounds so stupid. "We need lifeguards on the water, lets get some random people and not lifeguards"
I just can't fathom the reasoning there... Might have to google this shit. Surely they MUST'VE been lifeguards.
They made a public statement that the event is staffed by "a handful of volunteers".
Because they've never been willing to pay for water safety.
When someone dies like this and it is so blaringly apparent that it was completely preventable it has a different sting to it
everyone probably has to sign a waiver...but still, super unfortunate, i wonder if they're going to get sued by the family...or is this like a Disney+ thing where they're not allowed to sue
Lifeguards to guy drowning: That's why you signed the waiver, bitch!
everyone probably has to sign a waiver...but still, super unfortunate, i wonder if they're going to get sued by the family...or is this like a Disney+ thing where they're not allowed to sue