So I FINALLY watched Game of Thrones (If you haven't watched spoliers etc)

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GOT is overrated. Come at me bro.
I'm sure you've heard this before and let me just be "that guy" right now and say that if you think it's the greatest show on tv then you'll love the books so much it will hurt when you finish them.

Read them man, there's so much more going on than the show. It's also an easy read, it flows.

Just started re-reading them again a week and a half ago and I'm already halfway through ASoS. SO good. This is my 4th time reading the series and I'm still finding things that I either completely forgot about, or just never picked up on.
Just started re-reading them again a week and a half ago and I'm already halfway through ASoS. SO good. This is my 4th time reading the series and I'm still finding things that I either completely forgot about, or just never picked up on.

I started re-reading also, there really is a lot that I forgot or the show got me mixed up with.
I rarely read books a second time.
Im glad i read it..i was so stoked when we finally got to see Randall Tarly,who appears much earlier in the books./
Nobody has time for that
You have an hour to watch the show, which is complete shit compared to the books... Read a chapter a night. It's well worth it broski
Often when I watch I wonder which parts I'm seeing are from the books and which are made up.

All it means is that we get two different stories! I'm cool with that!
Will be interesting to see what spin off show(s) they do once the series ends and whether it be centrered around one main character or around one house/faction.
I still anticipate that Jon will be revealed to be legitimate because the Targs were into polygamy. Aegon the conqueror married both his sisters. Maybe Rhaegar married Lyanna some how.
What you miss out on in the show, from the books is the quality dialogue of Tyron, Varus and Littlefinger. The justice isn't done. You find out how almost every thing that happens politically is somehow influenced by Varus or Littlefinger and putting those points together is jaw droppingly satisfying.

Arya's spell with the nameless is really interesting and way more in depth. It was a big loss to the show that they fudged their way through.

The Unsullied are pretty cool in the books too. All the whitewalker stuff, Bran's story and half of Daenarys was boring shit. It's more about setting up the future than being enjoyable on its own merit.
Other than a bit of meandering, the books are ready for a spot on your top shelf. Easier to read than LoTR.
I really enjoyed the first 3 seasons, and the show was my introduction to the series/world, but starting with season 4 and especially with seasons 5 and 6 the showrunners started to change and take out too much from the books. It started to effect my enjoyment watching the show. I liked parts of some episodes but in general it really diminished in quality from the first few seasons. At least back then most of the changes they made were because it was a new show getting ground and obviously you can't fit everything in there, but the edits generally made sense and worked. Now that they have a massive bankroll it seems they just waste it on gratuitous scenes and really don't seem to care about keeping the core themes of the books intact.
I tried to go rewatch the first couple seasons

They are boring as fuck.

Newer seasons are way better
I have literally never heard of Rome until just now but nobody ever shuts up about GoT ... so you must be wrong

Watch Rome, it was amazing and comes up in a lot of the GOAT tv show threads. Was only two seasons though