So Flynn was indeed setup.

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Everybody and their grandmother knew the Russia Hoax was a witchunt but people were to emotional about Trump to think logically about it. Somebody send Rachel Maddow to the moon on a blimp
What is it that Republicans say when regular people take plea deals? Something a long the line of "innocent people dont take plea deals."

I'm a Republican. Well, at least a conservative. I've never heard anything like that. Source?
It's all dropping now, Comey and Co. done goofed.

DOJ notifying the court it has more documents pertaining to the situation.


People will be going to jail over this, and it won't be Flynn. Could you imagine the meltdown if Trump replaces Wray with Flynn?

This is how the FBI operates but that does not excuse Flynn from lying. The FBI (as example of their MO) has a long history of setting up sting operations where they approach some dumb Muslim kid who’s looking though extremist forums and an FBI agent actually *convinces* him to carry out an attack, then they provide the dummy material for the attack, then they arrest the kid on terrorism charges. Apparently criminal courts are totally fine with this. The US public seems to be fine with this as well. Why should Flynn be any different?
Predicted this long ago. But it's even worse than anyone thought

These were straight up crooked agents looking to ruin a general. These agents(we know who they are) are like Villians from a Tom Clancy novel or Bourne movie.

Judge will throw out the plea and DOJ will toss the case. God, I hope Trump brings Flynn back into the WH

my pops was going to be part of flynns staff, they where at the stage of negotiating housing in dc when everything happened Would be cool if trump bring back Flynn
People still think the Deep State is a right-wing conspiracy theory? They set Flynn up just like they attempted a coup against Trump with the Russia hoax. We should be marching in the streets against shit like this.

Just vote for Trump. It's a far more powerful tool than any protest.
This is how the FBI operates but that does not excuse Flynn from lying. The FBI (as example of their MO) has a long history of setting up sting operations where they approach some dumb Muslim kid who’s looking though extremist forums and an FBI agent actually *convinces* him to carry out an attack, then they provide the dummy material for the attack, then they arrest the kid on terrorism charges. Apparently criminal courts are totally fine with this. The US public seems to be fine with this as well. Why should Flynn be any different?

Because even afterwards they did not believe he was lying.

And lying about something immaterial to any crime and planning/purchasing materials to bomb civilians are two different things
The more I look at these, the crazier this is. What a damning indictment of the FBI and Mueller's investigation.
Because even afterwards they did not believe he was lying.

And lying about something immaterial to any crime and planning/purchasing materials to bomb civilians are two different things
Lying to the feds is a crime, period. And many of these folks busted by the feds on terrorism were not planning anything, the feds planted the ideas in their heads, gave them the materials, and egged them on. How is that not a setup?
Lying to the feds is a crime, period. And these folks busted by the feds were not planning anything, the feds planted the ideas in their heads and egged them on. How is that not a setup?

A lie that is not material to any crime is very rarely prosecuted

There are VERY few people you can convince to commit mass murder. Using your logic, the Manson kids were not responsible for killing people

I'm not saying the Feds are right in regards to entrapment with possible terrorists. I'm saying comparing it to this case is astronomically silly
This is how the FBI operates but that does not excuse Flynn from lying. The FBI (as example of their MO) has a long history of setting up sting operations where they approach some dumb Muslim kid who’s looking though extremist forums and an FBI agent actually *convinces* him to carry out an attack, then they provide the dummy material for the attack, then they arrest the kid on terrorism charges. Apparently criminal courts are totally fine with this. The US public seems to be fine with this as well. Why should Flynn be any different?

Link to them doing that to a Muslim kid? Genuinely curious. I did a quick google search and didn’t find anything.
Just vote for Trump. It's a far more powerful tool than any protest.

The subtle art of persuasion, bit of a bold opening gambit up front, but I like the soundbite at the end.
The subtle art of persuasion, bit of a bold opening gambit up front, but I like the soundbite at the end.

Just remember that if the Trump campaign uses it, you heard it here first, and you will be summoned to court as a material witness in my plagiarism lawsuit.
I've practiced criminal defense for years. That's a standard LEO tactic. You lead them to a lie so they'll take a plea on a lie and give up better information.

I’m a LEO, and was a detective. That is not what we do.

seriously, “do we want the truth or do we want to walk him into a lie to get him fired/prosecuted?” From the FBI? Nah.
Just remember that if the Trump campaign uses it, you heard it here first, and you will be summoned to court as a material witness in my plagiarism lawsuit.

He will settle by the way
I’m a LEO, and was a detective. That is not what we do.

seriously, “do we want the truth or do we want to walk him into a lie to get him fired/prosecuted?” From the FBI? Nah.

In fairness, on or off the record?
So they mindfreaked Flynn into lying?


What is it that Republicans say when regular people take plea deals? Something a long the line of "innocent people dont take plea deals."
Quote them or go sit on a parking cone.

What is it democratics always say? Something along the lines of "child molestation rules". We can all make up horse shit with nothing to back it up.

The closest thing to that you're going to get is that there are quite a lot of people that take plea deals for the lesser of multiple charges. That's really not even close to "innocent people don't take plea deals".
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