I like the company because they take care of their people and have loyalty to my boss. Of course I'd rather be independently wealthy and not go, but it's not a bad compromise.
Money. The company I'm at is pretty good but the job I have in my particular department is unbearable. I have started a number of threads about it bec I need to rant.

I am out of here as soon as I find another job. Too much lazy fat-asses and beaureaucracy to deal with.
Apart from maybe a small surveying company I'v never really had any respect for any company I'v worked for, I'v basically done the job as required and have done a bit extra when needed to help out individuals I respected. I found nothing to challenge that view in the way my career unfolded as well, some individuals were worthy of respect, larger companies never were and fucked me over at their own convenience(probably could have had them for constructive dismissal at least once if I'd been inclined to).

These days the "company" is me so I guess I do respect it and yes the job itself(selling art photography) is a choice because I love it not because I think I'm going to get rich from it.
I work for myself it's the employees and clients that give me headaches at times. Otherwise shit's gravy.
Entrepreneur, love your job and make that dough.
I do it for the money and experience. It's not a hard job, just something I dont' want to for 20-30 years. It's "okay" money, but I want more.
job. I would do it even if they didn't pay me.
I don't hate my job, but doubt there would be a job that I really liked unless it involved traveling around the world, lying on beaches, playing video games, and eating in fine establishments at my leisure. So is this as good as it gets? It's acceptable work, good pay/benefits.
Money. I am not interested in computers on a personal level. I am a professional, not a hobbyist. Fortunately, I am very well paid, the perks at this place are superb and I work with lots of nice and interesting people.
Money. I am not interested in computers on a personal level. I am a professional, not a hobbyist. Fortunately, I am very well paid, the perks at this place are superb and I work with lots of nice and interesting people.

I was a hobbyist until I made it my full time job, then my passion started dwindling.

At this point I work for the money, but when I first started, the job and the people I work with used to be its own reward.
I enjoy the work I do. It's interesting and challenging. I just wish there was more work in my home town. I have to travel FAR too much lately. I've been out of town almost every single week since October.
I work so I’m not homeless......... and with the amount I get paid, there is a very fine line.
Office shooting incoming