Do u eat the fortune cookie?

I was told you add "In Bed" to the end of All the fortunes and all your dreams would come true. They didn't :(
I don't eat them but I donate them to the less fortunate
I was told, when young, that if you do not eat, at least some of the fortune cookie, you insult the fortune cookie gods and it will never come true, so i always eat a tiny piece.
Of course. It's "free" food they give you. They taste just OK, but it's like dessert. I like to read the BS fortunes and laugh at anyone dumb enough to actually believe that crap. They're all just generic stuff.

"Good things come to those who wait"

No shit, Sherlock. I want one that says something more specific, like:

"You will get gonorrhea from a cheap whore at the truck stop named Shirley"

That might get my attention.

"You will spend many a sleepless night at the gloryhole"

How TF did they know???
I eat the orange but I break the cookie and take the paper.