Social So a trump Moscow/data dump just happened

It's funny how FusionGPS isn't being investigated. I mean they did hire a British intelligence agent which used Russia intelligence sources for his dossier on Trump. Or how about their involvement in the meeting with the Russian lawyer and Trump Jr. The lawyer needed FusionGPS's help to get into the country and had dinner with them the day before her meeting. She claimed to have information of illegal activity on the Clinton foundation, but this meeting was just used as a political trick so they could later say look Trump's campaign is meeting with the Russians. Funny how no one cares about these tricks and interference in our sacred election process.
It should be compared more to the Chinagate scandal since both involved investigations into foreign influence during a campaign.
It's been almost 2 years, and reported that it was wrapping up, so hopefully ti's done soon.

The Mueller investigation hasn't found any real witches though. It just appears to be normal political business, being prosecuted for lying or other crimes having nothing to do with the campaign. Cohen is tried for perjury and tax evasion. Manafort for his dealings in Ukraine with the Podestas years earlier, Flynn for lying to the FBI allegedly, Roger Stone allegedly having some sort of relationship with Wikileaks, which is somehow being portrayed as controlled by Russia.

Sorry. it is just hard to read such ignorance of the investigation and not have a reaction.

i suggest you read this actual transcript excepts below and understand them as the witches have been hunted anc captured exactly as per the mandate.


Department of Justice.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI

Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals


associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and



any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and


any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is

authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.
@SBJJ you were right. These guys have serious potential writing one of those trump hit piece books once they lose their career. Their level of commitment is absolutely incredible.
You want to say that Trump only promoted better relations with Trump, so he could get a Trump Tower if he lost? Ok, maybe, but that's not illegal.
Then why the fuck did they *all* lie about it so much?

That's the question.
They lied, we suspected they lied, turned out they lied. Knowingly. Repeatedly. Indignantly.
Then why the fuck did they *all* lie about it so much?

That's the question.
They lied, we suspected they lied, turned out they lied. Knowingly. Repeatedly. Indignantly.

Why did Adam Schiff lie about meeting with Fusion GPS in 16?

It’s almost like politics is an ugly buisiness that people lie about.

Why did Adam Schiff lie about meeting with Fusion GPS in 16?

It’s almost like politics is an ugly buisiness that people lie about.

You didn't answer the question, you just threw a distraction out there.

WHY did they lie so much about it?

answer the question honestly and quit being obtuse, you useless fuck.

Because things like opposition research (trump tower meeting, Steele dossier, shirtless drunk Bernie, etc) are a bad look, when caught people lie in an attempt to preserve their public image.

It’s also wise to keep in mind, politicians are often shitty people, so them having a first instinct to lie, should come as no surprise.
Because things like opposition research (trump tower meeting, Steele dossier, shirtless drunk Bernie, etc) are a bad look, when caught people lie in an attempt to preserve their public image.

It’s also wise to keep in mind, politicians are often shitty people, so them having a first instinct to lie, should come as no surprise.


Because committing federal crimes is a better look? What?

They have an instinct to lie? You really are a useless fuck.

Because committing federal crimes is a better look? What?

They have an instinct to lie? You really are a useless fuck.

Did you just start paying attention to politics? I shouldn’t have to explain this to you.

Why do you think Hillary lied about funding the Steele Dossier? Because purchasing Russian propaganda is a bad look. So they attempted to lie about it. The Clintons are liars (and ones a rapist), their first instinct when caught is to lie.

It doesn’t matter what your definition of “is is”.

And the fbi has a history or ignoring lies, clearly they tried strong arming a few folks. Again, none of this is a surprise.
Did you just start paying attention to politics? I shouldn’t have to explain this to you.

Why do you think Hillary lied about funding the Steele Dossier? Because purchasing Russian propaganda is a bad look. So they attempted to lie about it. The Clintons are liars (and ones a rapist), their first instinct when caught is to lie.

It doesn’t matter what your definition of “is is”.

And the fbi has a history or ignoring lies, clearly they tried strong arming a few folks. Again, none of this is a surprise.

You’re a dumbass and not worth the time. Keep defending daddy, I’ll bow out. Just wanted to let you know there are multiple people reading your shit posts and all agree you’re a useless fuck, you useless fuck.
Because things like opposition research (trump tower meeting, Steele dossier, shirtless drunk Bernie, etc) are a bad look, when caught people lie in an attempt to preserve their public image.

It’s also wise to keep in mind, politicians are often shitty people, so them having a first instinct to lie, should come as no surprise.
It took a lot of prompting, but you're the first Trumpbot that actually, eventually answered the question!
Saving face is indeed a possible motive, which tacitly recognizes all the bullshitting, so again, bravo.

I think they lied in a deliberate effort to conceal the truth, because they were doing more than the business deal they denied.
I think they lied in a deliberate effort to conceal the truth, because they were doing more than the business deal they denied.

That’s great, just don’t get your hopes up for anything substantive to come of it.

That’s not how this works.
Hey @Travis17, I would like you to review and reply to my post above (263) (or quoted below if you like) so that you know that Mueller has, in fact, being investigating and getting guilty pleas and convictions that are exactly in line with what the Special Prosecutor was set up for.

I think a lot of people like you are mistaken on the mandate and do not understand it. The arrests so far are EXACTLY what he was supposed to look into and find if it existed and yes, he is finding them and helping Trump with his campaign promise to Drain the Swamp.


Sorry. it is just hard to read such ignorance of the investigation and not have a reaction.

i suggest you read this actual transcript excepts below and understand them as the witches have been hunted anc captured exactly as per the mandate.


Department of Justice.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI

Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals


associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and



any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and


any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is

authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.
That’s great, just don’t get your hopes up for anything substantive to come of it.

That’s not how this works.
"Anything substantive"??
How many convictions, indictments, and plea agreements?
By "substantive", do you mean "what you hope the outcome is wrt Trump"? Because it's not what you think it is.

It's already been worth the time, Mueller is actually the guy who should have promised to drain the swamp.

No, not drain. Kill. He's killing the swamp one creature at a time.
"Anything substantive"??
How many convictions, indictments, and plea agreements?
By "substantive", do you mean "what you hope the outcome is wrt Trump"? Because it's not what you think it is.

It's already been worth the time, Mueller is actually the guy who should have promised to drain the swamp.

No, not drain. Kill. He's killing the swamp one creature at a time.


Wake me up when something exciting happens. 2 weeks sentences and nabbing one long time scumbag is far from substantive.

Politically speaking, anything short of removing trump from office is a disaster for the media and democrats. It could very well cost Dems in 20, ironically.
Heck Ken Starr pursuing Bill Clinton and White Water took 4 years to get nothing but a consensual sexual affair and no charges on anything related to why he was brought in. Talk about a witch hunt.

Mueller's witch hunt in contrast has landed so many witches they may end up getting protected species status and as long as one leads to the next we should all be happy he is enacting Trumps campaign promise to drain that swamp!
There were 15 or so convictions in the Whitewater investigation. Clinton pardoned a few of them, too, for those claiming that it would be unheard of for Trump to pardon Flynn, Manafort, etc.

It’s not as if Ken Starr uncovered the Lewinsky scandal himself while digging for dirt on Whitewater. It was literally handed over to him on a silver platter from tapes involving an entirely separate Clinton lawsuit.

He could have turned the case down, for sure, but he wasn’t conducting an unchecked investigation and came up with Lewinsky. He got Reno’s stamp of approval to expand.
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Because things like opposition research (trump tower meeting, Steele dossier, shirtless drunk Bernie, etc) are a bad look, when caught people lie in an attempt to preserve their public image.

It’s also wise to keep in mind, politicians are often shitty people, so them having a first instinct to lie, should come as no surprise.
It's also wise to keep in mind that sometimes people lie to cover up their crimes. There are so many possibilities it almost makes sense to have an investigation to find out the real reason.
More fake russian bullshit

All I see is a bunch of low lifes trying to spin Donald as the solution to Russia and China.

Wonder how Donald going to trade wars with China and winning, bringing manufacturing back to US fits with this weak sauce from OP.