White people aren't allowed to find anything offensive. They need to be submissive and weak. Like Forkfoot.
Good start I guess. White people's retarded reaction to Beyonce's song deserves to be mocked relentlessly for at least six months.
How is SNL on air?
They have 1 funny skit for every 1000 unfunny ones.
The only thing I got out of that video is how annoying is watching a fatass with a humongous second chin speak or change facial expression. That chin wobbles. Can't look away.
This was the funniest SNL skit in a very, very long time. This skit and Larry David'd first impersonation of Sanders are the only things I've laughed at from SNL in about a decade.
Have you seen this yet? One of the very very few SNL skits that are funny. And that was because of Larry David.
Have you seen this yet? One of the very very few SNL skits that are funny. And that was because of Larry David.
Is anything available in Canada?! If SNL wasn't already dead to me, it would now be dead to me.
SNL stopped being funny in the 90's.
I would gain a modicum of respect for them if they have skits ridiculing Hillary.