Opinion Should The Next James Bond Be A Woman? Daniel Craig Makes His Feelings Crystal Clear

Who gives a fuck.
James Bond........ Jaysus....... you lads have little to be worrying about.......
Such a dumb notion in general. Make a male character, who has a guy’s name, and a guy’s mentality, into a woman? It makes zero sense. Just start your OWN series. Stop acting like you need everything handed to you, and make your own shit. It’s a stupid thing to consider at all, and reeks of desperation and lack of self-esteem. Pretty damn sad, in all actuality.
Shouldn't this be in the Mayberry.
Gossiping over movies wtf
Anyone got the latest on Love Island.
I don't care what Hollywood does with the James Bond franchise. I have never watched a James Bond film and I do not care to watch one in the future. The N64 game is awesome.
I will only watch if its a trans chick who bangs hot chicks like straight white bond did
The thing is there are no plans to make Bond a woman. Somebody asked Craig what he thought and then some dipshit at the Daily Caller wrote a quick chud bait article on and now it’s here and the usual suspects are shrieking about it because they live to whine about this shit.

Albert Broccoli’s daughter is the producer and she’s said it isn’t happening.


But what makes a Bond? Broccoli says he's now a more mutable figure than he used to be. "It will have to be reimagined, in the way each actor has reimagined the role," she said. "That’s what is so exciting and fun about this franchise; the character evolves. Eventually, when we have to think about it, we’ll find the right person."

So yes: that means James Bond can be non-white. He can be non-British, Broccoli confirmed. But he can't – for now, at least – be a woman. "We should create roles for women, not just turn a man into a woman," Broccoli said, echoing sentiments she expressed in early 2020.
Idris Elba should be next Bond. He still checks a woke box ........ but regardless of cor Elba would be a perfect James Bond. Cant think of a better person to play next Bond actually. Maybe Loki or someone better known. But I like Elba the best for James Bond role
When James Bond isn't a clearly defined 'ladies man' and banging hot chicks, taking out the bad guys, and doing bad ass shit with cool gadgets, it isn't James Bond.

It's not my creation, but to get pressured by "woke" people to change the artwork just because they don't agree with it is horse shit logic. Go make your own story, creation, or piece of art. Shit, make something better.... he's RIGHT.

What's next, the life story of Johnny Cash portrayed by a gay female cuban refugee trans pre op who guys by steve and only wears a tutu with a pride flag tatoo's on their forehead and dildos for ear gauges? I mean shut the fuck up already...

Good on him for having an opinion, something which I guess is demonized these days because the fucking leftists can't tolerate that.
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They already got Indiana Jones, why not Bond next?
James Bond is not a woman, minority, or any other woke crap. He's a white british man that bangs sexy chicks. If you change any of that it isn't James Bond anymore so don't try to leetch off the name value by calling it Bond.

All they have to do is look at the Ghost busters reboot, or the Oceans all chick cast(which was not a bad movie and I always have had a thing for Sandra Bullock. Would give her the best 3 minutes of her life. ) and look at their box office and see how those films did when you force a woman in a part designed too be for a man.

Woke don't pay those gimmicks you get in the mail called bills.
I mean he does got a point. I still think Idris Elba would be a good Bond though if they insist on pandering.
This stupid idea reminds me of when Puff Daddy tried to pitch the idea of a black Bond, and Conan Obrien absolutely clowned it, albeit subtlety.

Dont think it ever got made after that.


"He's NOT a black Bond, he's a black Ground!"


Wow, that was from ‘05 and after googling it, it seems he’s still going after that role lol.
They should make a James Bond who uses the pronouns they, theirs and them and wears pantsuits like Hillary. Give them a .22 they carry around in a purse.

I have information that will lead to the prosecution of James Bond doesn't have the same ring to it.
I agree. I don’t understand what the problem would be with creating James Bond like movies but with a female lead. One that would never be played by a man.

How does this sound Hollywood. Come up with a new and original idea for a series of movies with a female lead? No? Would you rather regurgitate old ideas with tiny differences?

Movies in general are terrible nowadays.