Should kissing and talking to the opponent/his corner be illegal?

Taunting in the cage should be warnable, then point deduct.

Pressers and what not, I don't mind, as long as the guys don't get physical and jeopardize fights.

But in the cage, be a professional and just fight.
I'm down for shit talking and taunting. If a fighter doesn't like it, they have have an option to shut it down by physical force.
Merab shoulda spent less time smooching and made more of an effort finding a submission. His competitors are watching this and shaking their heads. He was excited and nervous but that’s not impressive or honourable behaviour.
No, it should not be illegal. They should also allow gay sex in the octagon.

Yeah I know that. The question was should it be illegal.

obviously lol. Herb should have taken a point.

You already mentioned the kiss on lips example and just imagine how compounded that situation would be if a guy like Jordan Levitt started kissing one of these Muslims.
I almost posted the video instead just for that but unfortunately most ppl here don't have the attention span for a 20 second video.

I loved the Japanese commentary cracking up at that. Only time Nakao has been "finished" as well!
Yes, kissing should be illegal and punishable by death.
Talking should be allowed but only in Chemehuevi
only in intergender fights
Talking, no. Kissing, yeah, probably. At that point (and I realize how soft this makes me sound), it's basically sexual harassment in what's supposed to an athletic competition.
DDP bright it back and now everyone is doing it (again)