should I try pain techniques in bjj

One more thing: you're a brown belt relying on "pain techniques" to open up an opponent..? That's a little unusual.

Brownbelt in Judo.

I know sherdog attention span is short guys, but damn, it's in the first sentence! :icon_chee
Brownbelt in Judo.

I know sherdog attention span is short guys, but damn, it's in the first sentence! :icon_chee

Yes I got a brown belt in Judo some sort of beginner level? I maybe wrong on this but seems like it'd at least be similar to high-level blue or purple in BJJ...

Attention span has got nothing to do with it
Kind of a shitty move to use against a training partner. Competition is another story though.

Just got back from Judo (and sore) so I think I'll retract this statement.

There are those on my team who I have developed a healthy trust with. We are both of the mindset that when we're told to go full bore Randori we pull all the stops. This means skewering the neck, hard shirks, and the occasional forearm. Those bunch of guys are the ones I've been training with for 3 years, and we've built up that trust that we can try to kill each other on the mat and hug afterward with no ill will.

Doing things like this to new guys coming in, or the more "casual, have fun" players is kind of a dick move.

What I'm trying to say is, depends on your partner and your relationship with him.
You a fan of the movie, or the swastika?

Regardless of what you say, I will probably think both. No-one would put that in their avatar unless they were racist pricks.

The movie was great, but too many people ignore the ACTUAL point of the movie, which wasn't to sensationalize the white power movement etc.

I am not a racist prick. I am a fan of good acting, which this movie bursted at the seams with.

Truth be told, the swastika was originally a sign of peace. So yes, I am a fan of the swastika.

Plus, Edward Norton is teh roxz0r.
uh but clearly in the context of the movie, that swastika was NOT a symbol of peace.
Yes I got a brown belt in Judo some sort of beginner level? I maybe wrong on this but seems like it'd at least be similar to high-level blue or purple in BJJ...

Attention span has got nothing to do with it

The significance of a Belt in Judo varies wildly with the school. Of course brown is not a beginner level.

My point was that while the path to a Brownbelt in BJJ involves technique over technique and counter over counter on the ground, doing the same thing in Judo can be a very different experience.
Most importantly the approach to the ground game can be very different, as the TS pointed out. "I do it because that is the way we do it at the school"

JUdo can sometimes encourage the use of strength to suceed with a technique more than BJJ.
The significance of a Belt in Judo varies wildly with the school. Of course brown is not a beginner level.

My point was that while the path to a Brownbelt in BJJ involves technique over technique and counter over counter on the ground, doing the same thing in Judo can be a very different experience.
Most importantly the approach to the ground game can be very different, as the TS pointed out. "I do it because that is the way we do it at the school"

JUdo can sometimes encourage the use of strength to suceed with a technique more than BJJ.

Just seems like a "dirty" move to me and not consistent with "higher" belt practitioners...that's why I asked...

Again, as i said, it may be legal but you may have to deal with your training partner getting rough or careless. I certainly wouldn't appreciate it.
Man. that must have been one tight baseball choke. I didn't think that cou ld happen

I say dont got for it. If you are tring to open up for the choke try to open them up different ways. Like try to guide the head with your forearm up on their forehead, etc.

The knuckles to the hinges of the jaw is a horrible thing to do to partners. In a big tournament, sure go for it. But to your "friend" and training "partners" I would never do it,.

When I first started Judo about four years ago we learned that right off the bat and then everyone was going for it. Worse few weeks until people started forgetting it while learning different techs.

I wonder if you could cause alot of damage that way to if you put enough pressure on the hinges. During a tournament (the third place match) the guy beat me with a baseball choke across the jaw line. I tried to fight through it but it ended up dislocating my jaw and causing me problems for nearly a year. It would clack all the time, get stuck all the time, and generally be kind of painful. I know the knuckles on the jaw aren't the same but I wonder if you could cause inflammation there and maybe knock it out of alignment.
Payback is hell. I have just the choke for someone who does that to me. His throat will be sore for 5 days. I dont know the name but i belive it is the ezekiel.. I know i spelled that wrong.