That line has been the dominant entry point to the mid-tier of discrete graphics power in gaming laptops for six years, now, starting with the release of NVIDIA's GTX 1060 Mobile graphics card. It has a strong reputation. Its primary competition these days is from Lenovo's Legion series. Generally speaking, these are a step above Acer's Nitro series, Lenovo's Ideapad Gaming series, and ASUS's TUF Gaming series.
There's only one RTX 3070 Mobile.
It is not as powerful as the desktop version. The best simple ranking comes from 3DMark to understand where it ranks against desktop GPUs, and other mobile GPUs:
Of greater significance is the CPU since currently there are still Helios units on Amazon, for example, with 10th gen Intels in them. I'd try to avoid those at this date. Preferably, you want a unit with Intel 12th gen processor (most liklely the i7-12700H). The Raptor Lake 13th gen will replace these, but they won't even be formally launched until the end of the year, and probably won't start appearing in actual laptops until next year.
If you're seeing a great clearout price on a Helios unit with an Intel 11th gen processor and that 3070, though, the
i7-11800H is still a very powerful CPU.