Shadow boxing with weights


White Belt
Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
I havent had any prevous striking experience. i train in bjj and japanese jutitsu. But i plan to start some boxing soon. i watched a few tutorials on the net and leart the basic punches and started practicing them and then eventually started pracicing with wights in my hands. i usually do it with 1-3kgs weights anything above that seems to cause to much strain when I do it too many times.
But the question im askin is, is it benificial to do this. I have a bag at home and have noticed some improvement in power and speed. however is it safe? Im not much of an expert when it comes to knowing about mucles in the body and how they react to certain excersises. Can any one help?
MMA_Bonez said:
I havent had any prevous striking experience. i train in bjj and japanese jutitsu. But i plan to start some boxing soon. i watched a few tutorials on the net and leart the basic punches and started practicing them and then eventually started pracicing with wights in my hands. i usually do it with 1-3kgs weights anything above that seems to cause to much strain when I do it too many times.
But the question im askin is, is it benificial to do this. I have a bag at home and have noticed some improvement in power and speed. however is it safe? Im not much of an expert when it comes to knowing about mucles in the body and how they react to certain excersises. Can any one help?

I used to do that all the time, Bonez, and I never once had any injuries from it over a period of about five or six years. As long as you're not punching with too much weight (I always used 5 lbs in each hand...nothing more) I don't see any reason why it would hurt you...Whether it helped with my speed a great amount or not, I definately felt like I could punch faster after doing that over a period of time.
Sharkey said:
I used to do that all the time, Bonez, and I never once had any injuries from it over a period of about five or six years. As long as you're not punching with too much weight (I always used 5 lbs in each hand...nothing more) I don't see any reason why it would hurt you...Whether it helped with my speed a great amount or not, I definately felt like I could punch faster after doing that over a period of time.
all injuries sharkey sustained from such activity resulted from the leotard and olivia newton john headband cutting off circulation to respective areas... :icon_chee
Absolut said:
all injuries sharkey sustained from such activity resulted from the leotard and olivia newton john headband cutting off circulation to respective areas... :icon_chee


Now that the funny is out of the take that back you fucker, because I know damn well you don't want me to 'get physical' with your sorry self.
I used to think free weights were great for training...until I realised that I was using too much weight. Seeing that I wasn't compensating with my stance, it put alot of stress on area's that didn't need them and eventually fucked my back up. That was six years ago and I swear its still buggered.
Sharkey said:

Now that the funny is out of the take that back you fucker, because I know damn well you don't want me to 'get physical' with your sorry self.
i was going to return fire with another from her catalogue of well known hits, but, um, that well came up dry.

i did a google on her and found this gem, that has nothing to do with anything, but its funny none the less...

From 1996, Newton-John lived together with gaffer/cameraman Patrick McDermott. However, in the summer of 2005, directly before her new album Stronger Than Before hit stores, McDermott went missing following a June 30 fishing trip off the California coast. The Coast Guard has not ruled out the possibility of foul play but concede they have few leads. Olivia Newton-John is not considered a suspect in the case.
If your just starting out then 16 ounce gloves would be plenty of weight on your arms.
Personally i would'nt shadow box with any more than 1-1.5 kg weight's in either hand,i use ones and they are about 1.6lbs/0.8kg and i think that is more than enough.
This is a great question and I think an oft neglected method of training. Shadowboxing with weights maximizes ones handspeed to it's fullest potential. Particularly if you do it in such a way that you are focussing on going all out with the weights. Makes my hands a blur and if you drill the combos you'll find you get them to the point where instead of big gaps between your landed punches, the rhythm of the punches is like a drum roll. That is something any good fighter would respect. Of course you should use caution, I used 1pound hand weights they worked as well as anything. I started using five pounders about 3 years ago and like tam, I screwed up my spine. Stick with the smaller weights and build gradually the amount of punching you do or you'll be sorry the next day. Definitely worth the gains.
This is a great training method. It increases speed and power and also endurance!!
I do 4 X 3 minute rounds with them about 4 times a week. I use 1.5 kg weights and i weigh 63kgs.
Light weights and don't overextend. Two kilos are plenty for even a big fighter.
I do it all the time..I just use a 3 pound weight in each need to go much heavier than 5 pounds..Killer shoulder workout as well as adding speed and power..Never had an injury from it
so u guys are implying is that the weights u should use should correlate to how heavy u are? :icon_conf

u guys are making me second guess my 3lbs dumbbell purchase as i'm pretty small and light.. :icon_cry2
1kg is more than enough imo,

1kg is almost double 16oz gloves and you will be fighting with 10oz gloves, or 4oz in MMA. You do the maths :icon_chee