Sex Robot Brothels - Weird double standard? A cure for incels?

Wet Blanket

Bipartisan GIF Machine
Nov 9, 2017
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Toronto is opening a sex robot brothel...

Seems odd that it is legal to pay for sex with creepy dolls but somehow illegal to pay for sex with a willing human....

Perhaps some good can come of this? Will incel types be able to chill out and let off some steam?

Personally, I think prostitution should be legal.

Oh, looks like it may not be as legal as people thought...
Dark day for Canada. Trudeau will fully endorse it though.
Can you imagine how bad the incels will get when even sex robots become self aware and reject them?
Can you imagine being the person with the job of cleaning up the robot sex holes?
Can you imagine how bad the incels will get when even sex robots become self aware and reject them?

I honestly think that legal prostitution would solve a lot of issues.

I'd hate to be the robot maintenance person or "cleaner"...
Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. So why isn't selling fucking legal?

ooooohhh can you imagine the walk of shame if one is caught (walking in or out of the establishment)??? lol
Some things are so gross, you just don't even want to think about.

Are STDs still going to be an issue to worry about with sex robots?
ooooohhh can you imagine the walk of shame if one is caught (walking in or out of the establishment)??? lol

I read there are separate entrances and exits just for that reason.
If you've played Detroit: Become Human, you already know how this is going to end.
Give us your yelp review after you've visited it okay?... thanks in advance!

I was in Amsterdam a few times and couldn't bring myself to pay for the super hot prostitutes. No way I would pay for a robot one. :eek:
I am normally out in left field on things like this, and typically would say, 'Knock yourself out if that's your thing'.

But I advise caution. I think this might open the door to normalizing behaviors 'with dolls' that would horrify society.

I noticed in this article that they specifically mentioned not making the dolls resemble children.

It can’t resemble a child,” she said. “We made sure that all their dolls fit the criteria and don’t resemble children."

I think this would be one of the first things that would fall by the wayside, and could lead to some unintended consequences.

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