Kicks- high and powerful, my leg is 3/4 size of cropcops. I always use the high kick. Though people tell me it never works.
"Lollipop"-keeping the left, stiff, and way out, to control the opponent's direction, load up with the right. I am tall and have good reach so it works well for me. Making sure to protect my chin when the opponent comes in, which they usaully try to lunge and have less power.
"Relaxing"-I try to go into each fight with the "Saku" look. Not afraid, or anxious, or any nervous energy. I try to engage the opponent into making a mistake in stead of rushing in like a bull.
"Leg check" I spar with no shit pads! You can hear the cracks during practice. Helps you to make sure to check any kicks, and makes your shins like wood.
Cardio- I always/usually feel I am more gassed than the opponent. I sweat like a stuck pig.
Boxing- I need to do much more stand up. I have taken some decent shots, and have been a bit rocked. I find it hard to recover right away after being dazed. If an opponent could throw 6 or 7 shots in a row while I was dazed. I would probably be a "crying in a fetal position' a la Sapp.
Tension- Still nervous before a fight.
Short term goal- move to advanced class in Judo. 1.5 hours of straigh rondori. For ridiculous cardio, and muscle memory, this is the only way to go.
Ask the gym owner to dstart a boxing class. It would bring more revenue, and a new clientele to the gym. All he needs to buy is really a heavy bag and spped bag. They alrady have a sperate yoga room which would be perfect.
Long term goals- More Judo competitions, a few grappling competitions too. Jsut to get the edge off of "fight day" Lose another 10 pounds. I am 5'11" and weight 194. I would like to be 180, but it is getting harder and harder to lose.
Action plan- More competition, they only way to get comfortable in the ring. Boxing class more often. Boxers bring a much diffrent light than an MMA instructor. Boxer are all about feet, and stance, which may have to be adjusted for MMA. However, it is like high school wrestling, the drills, and techniques will stay with you forever.