Elections Second Assassination Attempt of Trump at his Florida golf course

You are a liar. Right in this moment you are a liar. He is the most divisive president we have ever had and you know it.
we have never seen anyone less qualified than trump due precisely to his double speak lies and his trolling meant to divide and create chaos.

He does it on purpose.

What qualifications should a presidential candidate have? Be a career politician? A career often regarded with as much trust as a used car salesman?

I remember before Trump (BT) when people didn't want established political families or individuals running for president. They were sick of nothing changing and being treated as idiots. How quickly that changed. Now you idolise perhaps the most obvious puppet in US political history.

If you objectively look at the cause of the current divisiveness in your politics, as an overseas observer it appears to me the majority of it is caused by the rhetoric of democratic supporters and their politicians.

One thing I find interesting is the 'gotcha' videos both sides do.

When it's a left wing video exposing 'MAGAtards' the worst examples of Trump supporters are them being a bit slow. Basically they're dumb dumbs. Easily confused. Not sure what's going on. Truuuump!

Right wing videos exposing 'libtards' are filled with much the same. Picking the dumbest supporters. But holy shit there is a difference in attitude towards republicans that I just don't see going the other way.

Threats of violence are so incredibly common in the Libtard videos it amazed me. They scream and yell, shut down dissent, assault, threaten, they just come across mentally unhinged in many videos. Like it's impossible to regulate their emotions.

Why do you only see conservative pundits going into Liberal universities to debate students? Because those Liberal students provide endless content due to the way they act.

So many times I have seen an interviewer trying to get the 2 sides to discuss a topic to try and find common ground and early every time the republican is willing to sit down and discuss it and the democrat supporter refuses to, insults them, leaves.

I don't know how anyone in good faith can say republicans are the cause of the divisiveness when Trump has been shot at twice in 2 months. Trump isn't calling himself a fascist or Hitler making mentally ill people think he needs to be killed. They are.
What qualifications should a presidential candidate have? Be a career politician? A career often regarded with as much trust as a used car salesman?

I remember before Trump (BT) when people didn't want established political families or individuals running for president. They were sick of nothing changing and being treated as idiots. How quickly that changed. Now you idolise perhaps the most obvious puppet in US political history.

If you objectively look at the cause of the current divisiveness in your politics, as an overseas observer it appears to me the majority of it is caused by the rhetoric of democratic supporters and their politicians.

One thing I find interesting is the 'gotcha' videos both sides do.

When it's a left wing video exposing 'MAGAtards' the worst examples of Trump supporters are them being a bit slow. Basically they're dumb dumbs. Easily confused. Not sure what's going on. Truuuump!

Right wing videos exposing 'libtards' are filled with much the same. Picking the dumbest supporters. But holy shit there is a difference in attitude towards republicans that I just don't see going the other way.

Threats of violence are so incredibly common in the Libtard videos it amazed me. They scream and yell, shut down dissent, assault, threaten, they just come across mentally unhinged in many videos. Like it's impossible to regulate their emotions.

Why do you only see conservative pundits going into Liberal universities to debate students? Because those Liberal students provide endless content due to the way they act.

So many times I have seen an interviewer trying to get the 2 sides to discuss a topic to try and find common ground and early every time the republican is willing to sit down and discuss it and the democrat supporter refuses to, insults them, leaves.

I don't know how anyone in good faith can say republicans are the cause of the divisiveness when Trump has been shot at twice in 2 months. Trump isn't calling himself a fascist or Hitler making mentally ill people think he needs to be killed. They are.

Great post.
Police lied. Cats died.

Totally agree. But I posted it so it could be debunked with more propaganda. So really not spreading it, but because I'm such a nice guy I apologized, I owe Taco a 6 pack and you are invited
If you’re paying then I am partial to craft to beer after all. A good Porter as long as the Brewers haven’t fucked about an added coffee, chocolate, caramel, etc.
View of the arrest

Post of the year, Imo.
It's a little disturbing people are just brushing off two assassination attempts during the campaign trail as if it is nothing.
We’re numb to gun violence in general.
What qualifications should a presidential candidate have?
This is a great question and one that should be considered more by the voting public. Off the top of my head- a formal education based around the constitution and experience at a high enough level of politics that they understand how our 3 branch government operates.
Threats of violence are so incredibly common in the Libtard videos it amazed me
Buddy. I live in a city where alt right types drive around looking for fights, egging and paint balling people, wear armor and bring weapons to counter protests in order to pick fights.
Why do you only see conservative pundits going into Liberal universities to debate students? Because those Liberal students provide endless content due to the way they act.
don't know how anyone in good faith can say republicans are the cause of the divisiveness when Trump has been shot at twice in 2 months. Trump isn't calling himself a fascist or Hitler making mentally ill people think he needs to be killed. They are.
Trump is calling his opponent a fascist. Trump also has a History of actively calling for violence against his dissenters. No one has clean hands in the rhetoric department
What qualifications should a presidential candidate have? Be a career politician? A career often regarded with as much trust as a used car salesman?

I remember before Trump (BT) when people didn't want established political families or individuals running for president. They were sick of nothing changing and being treated as idiots. How quickly that changed. Now you idolise perhaps the most obvious puppet in US political history.

If you objectively look at the cause of the current divisiveness in your politics, as an overseas observer it appears to me the majority of it is caused by the rhetoric of democratic supporters and their politicians.

One thing I find interesting is the 'gotcha' videos both sides do.

When it's a left wing video exposing 'MAGAtards' the worst examples of Trump supporters are them being a bit slow. Basically they're dumb dumbs. Easily confused. Not sure what's going on. Truuuump!

Right wing videos exposing 'libtards' are filled with much the same. Picking the dumbest supporters. But holy shit there is a difference in attitude towards republicans that I just don't see going the other way.

Threats of violence are so incredibly common in the Libtard videos it amazed me. They scream and yell, shut down dissent, assault, threaten, they just come across mentally unhinged in many videos. Like it's impossible to regulate their emotions.

Why do you only see conservative pundits going into Liberal universities to debate students? Because those Liberal students provide endless content due to the way they act.

So many times I have seen an interviewer trying to get the 2 sides to discuss a topic to try and find common ground and early every time the republican is willing to sit down and discuss it and the democrat supporter refuses to, insults them, leaves.

I don't know how anyone in good faith can say republicans are the cause of the divisiveness when Trump has been shot at twice in 2 months. Trump isn't calling himself a fascist or Hitler making mentally ill people think he needs to be killed. They are.
Hahahaha holy shit what a dummy
What qualifications should a presidential candidate have? Be a career politician? A career often regarded with as much trust as a used car salesman?

I remember before Trump (BT) when people didn't want established political families or individuals running for president. They were sick of nothing changing and being treated as idiots. How quickly that changed. Now you idolise perhaps the most obvious puppet in US political history.

If you objectively look at the cause of the current divisiveness in your politics, as an overseas observer it appears to me the majority of it is caused by the rhetoric of democratic supporters and their politicians.

One thing I find interesting is the 'gotcha' videos both sides do.

When it's a left wing video exposing 'MAGAtards' the worst examples of Trump supporters are them being a bit slow. Basically they're dumb dumbs. Easily confused. Not sure what's going on. Truuuump!

Right wing videos exposing 'libtards' are filled with much the same. Picking the dumbest supporters. But holy shit there is a difference in attitude towards republicans that I just don't see going the other way.

Threats of violence are so incredibly common in the Libtard videos it amazed me. They scream and yell, shut down dissent, assault, threaten, they just come across mentally unhinged in many videos. Like it's impossible to regulate their emotions.

Why do you only see conservative pundits going into Liberal universities to debate students? Because those Liberal students provide endless content due to the way they act.

So many times I have seen an interviewer trying to get the 2 sides to discuss a topic to try and find common ground and early every time the republican is willing to sit down and discuss it and the democrat supporter refuses to, insults them, leaves.

I don't know how anyone in good faith can say republicans are the cause of the divisiveness when Trump has been shot at twice in 2 months. Trump isn't calling himself a fascist or Hitler making mentally ill people think he needs to be killed. They are.

I've seen some statistics that showed that 35% of all liberals were diagnosed with some kind of mental illness, and a decent sized chunk of the other 65% probably have some undiagnosed mental illnesses.

When you look at it with that information in mind it's no surprise they're having mental breakdowns over their TDS and we've had at least 2 assassination attempts and an attempted terror attack during another Trump rally. Who knows if there's been any attempted attacks the public hasn't even been made aware of?
What qualifications should a presidential candidate have? Be a career politician? A career often regarded with as much trust as a used car salesman?

Not foment rebellion on January 6th or push conspiracy theories of the election being stolen when he knew for a fact it was false.

One thing I find interesting is the 'gotcha' videos both sides do.

When it's a left wing video exposing 'MAGAtards' the worst examples of Trump supporters are them being a bit slow. Basically they're dumb dumbs. Easily confused. Not sure what's going on. Truuuump!

Right wing videos exposing 'libtards' are filled with much the same. Picking the dumbest supporters. But holy shit there is a difference in attitude towards republicans that I just don't see going the other way.

These gotcha videos are so fucking lame on both sides. Steven Crowder used to do it all the time.

Yea anyone can go to a redneck MAGA gathering and find some retards to say dumb shit.

Or go to a college campus and ask a bunch of 18 year olds questions to make them look dumb.

So many times I have seen an interviewer trying to get the 2 sides to discuss a topic to try and find common ground and early every time the republican is willing to sit down and discuss it and the democrat supporter refuses to, insults them, leaves.

Because that's what they want to show and they want to paint a narrative.

People who say reasonable shit are simply not shown. You interview 100 people, you're going to find people saying dumb shit.
People who say retarded shit is highlighted and then they paint everybody with that brush.

It's clickbait nonsense.
Multiple people have been arrested for plotting and making threats to kill Biden and Harris. Funny seeing Trump fans forget these type of details. Just like it's funny watching them cry about Trump getting called a fascist when Trump himself is running around calling Harris a Marxist communist fascist.
Inb4 "just threats, so no shooting then, so no big deal."
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Inb4 "just threats, so no shooting then, so no big deal."
Nah they will ignore it because it goes against "the left is using dangerous rhetoric" propaganda they are spreading. It's easier to bury their heads than acknowledge reality.
If you’re paying then I am partial to craft to beer after all. A good Porter as long as the Brewers haven’t fucked about an added coffee, chocolate, caramel, etc.

that "Police lied. Cats died." post you are quoting seems to be missing from this thread, and the tweet he is posting has since been deleted.

not sure what that tweet contained but it was obviously fake news propaganda.
What qualifications should a presidential candidate have? Be a career politician?

who needs experience in politics or qualifications to be the leader of the free world? being a reality tv show host with a whole lot of money that was gifted to you by your father seems to be the only qualifications needed to become president in this era.
So now we just had another chemical terror attack at a Trump rally?

Wtf is going on with all this terrorism against Trump and his supporters?
This is a great question and one that should be considered more by the voting public. Off the top of my head- a formal education based around the constitution and experience at a high enough level of politics that they understand how our 3 branch government operates.

I'm not American, how many people have a formal education focusing on the constitution?

Buddy. I live in a city where alt right types drive around looking for fights, egging and paint balling people, wear armor and bring weapons to counter protests in order to pick fights.

Hopefully they get locked up. Bringing weapons to protests is retarded. Still, it seems to be more common coming from one group.

I've seen some statistics that showed that 35% of all liberals were diagnosed with some kind of mental illness, and a decent sized chunk of the other 65% probably have some undiagnosed mental illnesses.

Watching those stupid videos I would not be surprised.

These gotcha videos are so fucking lame on both sides.


Yea anyone can go to a redneck MAGA gathering and find some retards to say dumb shit.

Or go to a college campus and ask a bunch of 18 year olds questions to make them look dumb.

Because that's what they want to show and they want to paint a narrative.

People who say reasonable shit are simply not shown. You interview 100 people, you're going to find people saying dumb shit.
People who say retarded shit is highlighted and then they paint everybody with that brush.

It's clickbait nonsense.

Obviously its edited to portray the opposing party in a negative light and reasonable people aren't shown, that's a given. So considering that, look at the different reactions the 2 groups have to opposing viewpoints.

They are very different. Unfortunately that behaviour is being tacitly supported and approved by their peers and learning institutions. It's only going to get worse. It's actually very scary that people can't seem to see that.